Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 2, Round 7 of 8

Can you tell I'm getting anxious to get this over. So far I'm doing okay, although they changed the dosage of the atropine trying to avoid the constipation, but before they were even done giving me the chemo at HHH I already had diarrhea so I had to come home and take a couple Imodium. I also had to take a quick nap for about 20 minutes and then felt fine. Although I then stayed up till midnight and then couldn't fall a sleep till about 3:30 a.m. or so. I seem to have problems that first night sleeping every round. So nothing new there....and I feel fine this morning.
I have a few errands to run this of which is to the grocery store....I went to the cupboard and fridge and they were bare.
My brother Phil is coming out to help with my old computers and try to figure out why my new one doesn't work right when using the explore browser. I need it to work soon, so he is going to check that out too.
Other than that no plans for the evening....maybe get organized to go back to the cabin. I plan on doing that after I get unplugged tomorrow. Till then love and prayers, m

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