I hear that this is unusual weather for Portland, but I guess the Son has something to do with that. Going to be nice again today, and tomorrow for the wedding looks even nicer.
Yesterday Kathleen and I went to the house where the dinner will be this evening. It is the people that Blair babysits for, and has since the children were very little, and they have volunteered their house for the night. The two children are in the wedding, and they are so cute and so excited. This house is on top of a mountain, (near the Pittock Mansion...if any of you know Portland, you know where I'm talking about) You walk in and look straight through to the most gorgeous view.
We also met Justin's mother, the first time for Kathleen and me. They had spoken on the phone many times, but never in person. They discussed final arrangements for the party and wedding. Sounds like everything is set.
We did some grocery shopping, and then headed back to the house we are all staying at. Played games all afternoon....a variety of dice and card games...including a new one that Eric gave to Gary for his birthday. Don't think I won anything all day, but really had fun trying.
Justin, Blair and her friend Allie, all came for dinner, and after dinner we all helped Blair make decorations for the reception. We made paper pinwheels, and they needed to be accordion pleated and then glued together....so it took a variety of people the rest of the evening to complete a gazillion paper folds of beautiful paper and a lot of hot glue.
During the day Gary made two trips to the airport picking up his son and his mom. So the house if full now. Five bedrooms with someone in each!
Today we will prepare food for the party this evening and then we will be off to the mountain top to celebrate. Life is good....I'm feeling great...Love and prayers, m
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