Friday, August 12, 2011

Unplus Day!

I finally got caught up on my sleep...or my body is still on Portland time. The alarm went off at 8 a.m. and I turned it off and fell back asleep and didn't wake up till 10:23 OMG I haven't slept that late in years. Thank goodness I don't have to be unplugged till 12 noon. If I type fast I should make it....but I won't be ready to go directly to the cabin...will have to come home and get packed up. The sun's not shining right now, so I don't imagine it'll be shining there either, and the only one missing me there are the birds and critters. I know Jimbo's family is going to a family reunion in Iowa this weekend, and Annie, Doug and kids are camping in Orr this weekend. Don't know about the Bill Kieckers and pretty sure the Chicago Kieckers won't be there either, so if you are free this weekend, please come and join me. I always love company. I hear it may rain this evening, but supposed to be a great weekend.
Yesterday, I ran my errands in the morning, and just got the groceries put away when Phil arrived to help me with my computers. We were unable to get the oldest computer...that I rarely use, but had done my scanning on most often...turned ON. We fiddled with it for quite a while, and Phil ended up taking it home with him. Then we went to my old laptop, and couldn't get that turned on as the power pack was down to zero and I had loaned my cord to Jack, and couldn't find another that put in a call to Ann, and she ended up bringing it over a few hours later. We then went to this laptop and ran some program that cleaned off all the junk I've already captured on this computer that I've only had since April. But I do use it a lot each not too surprising. Then when the cord got here we went to work on the old lap top, by the time that Phil finished that it was working quit well, and I fixed dinner for both of us, and he went on his way. I haven't told him yet, but I tried to turn it on after he left and it said it was downloading some updates and not to turn it off, I went back much later around midnight, and it was still telling me the same thing, so I left it on and went to bed. This morning it is still stuck in the same place. So may just turn it off and try rebooting it again. Computer's are such a pain some days.
So that sums up my day yesterday, health wise I am doing fine...but Dr. Londer's office called and said that my blood work they took the day before showed my Potassium to be low, so they called a prescription to HP and I ran over while Phil was here and picked it up. So now I have a giant horse pill to take along with the other handful I take each day. Bananas are much easier way to get that Potassium.
Gotta get dressed and off to get unplugged, love and prayers, m

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