Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Karen!

The sun is shining in Coon Rapids, I sure hope it's shining in Naperville too! Last night was a different story. I was driving home from the golf dinner a little after 9 p.m. and saw a few flashes in the sky....then it started to flash constantly, an then a wide area of jagged lines covered the sky. The lightening was wild....and the closer I got to home the worse it was. I expected to be driving in rain any second, but made it all the way home, and the rain didn't hit us till about 10:45 pm. But I guess the worst of it stayed North an East of me. My yard looks fine! branches down at least. Going to be hot again today.
Allie and her friends had to do with slow tubing again yesterday, but the kids didn't seem to complain. I headed out around 2 p.m. and got home with plenty time to get some things done besides my shower before heading to the golf dinner. It was supposed to start at 6 p.m. so I got there about 15 minutes early, and their were only about 6 people there. Evidently the golfers were a little slow!!! Really slow, Judy and family were some of the last to arrive, and that wasn't till about 7:30 p.m. So the dinner started shortly after that....I got a bottle of wine, but the Vermuellen group went home with about 8. They won 4 in a drawing, and the other 4 were bought like I pay $10 and draw a number out of a hat and the bottle that matches you get. So really just buying a bottle! Jessie also won a golf umbrella that she was so excited about....she carried it around the rest of the evening. I guess the event was a good fundraiser and a good time was had by all.
Nothing much planned for, then packing, and tying up some other things. Love and prayers, m

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