Yesterday was a very good day, inspite of leaving the cabin. The chemo treatment went well except that Kathleen continued to beat me in the cribbage tournament we started on Sunday afternoon, and then we started a new tournament and she beat me there too!
The wake and prayer service was very nice, got to see lots of cousins and friends that I rarely get to see....and after a bunch of us went to David Fongs to eat. It was Bucky's favorite Bar and Aunt Millies favorite restaurant. Uncle John and Florence, Annie and Mike, (J&F's children) Judy and I, and Dar Muellner (Ed's daughter) all ate at one table and Mike and Ed's boys sat at another table. Thank you Uncle John for treating our table.
Today Kathleen and Gary and I are going to tour Mpls and St. Paul....maybe having lunch at W.A. Frost and visiting the International Market in the old Sears building on Lake Street.
Tomorrow they will be on their way to Wisconsin with me left behind to get unplugged at 1:30....but I may head back to the cabin for a few more days...not sure yet. I'm feeling great again today....even though I have this pump hanging from my shoulder. It isn't weighing me down. Those "Spot Remover's" are working....I can feel the love. Love and prayers for all of you, m
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