Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heat is on it's Way!

I awoke early and it was raining again, so I just went back to sleep and slept in till 9 a.m.  So strange for me, I had been getting up at 7:30 pretty regularly.  I'm pretty sure it is the weather and not the chemo.  They say the rain is gone for the day, but I still don't see the sun.  But Hot weather is on tap for the next seven days.....and I have to be in the city and not at the lake for a lot of that time.

Yesterday I came home around 2 p.m. and then went out for dinner and to the NKOTBBSB's concert.  OMG screaming girls everywhere....way out of my element....didn't recognize one song they sang.....had to hold my hands over my ears when they screamed, and the bass was so chest was vibrating most of the night.  Most of the women where dressed to the hilt, or in cut offs and tennis shoes.....a real contrast, and I'm sure Val and I where the oldest ones there.  But all and all it was a fun evening.  The best part of the evening was the dinner we had at a small Italian hole in the wall on 35th and East Lake Street.  The food was fantastic.

Don't have big plans for today, some cleaning of my house that I really haven't lived in for a couple of weeks and needs some tender loving care.  Then I may do some food here either.  But for sure I will stay in the air conditioning as much as possible.  And I'll be staying away from those flash flooded roads from the enormous amounts of rain we got. 

Keep those prayers coming, Love and prayers, m

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