It's just starting to peek might be a warmer and more humid day than yesterday, but yesterday will be hard to beat. It was so gorgeous all day. Today we have clouds but no I have hope for a nice day where we can sit out side most of the day.
Yesterday was perfect in every way cept for cribbage!!! Had good company, good food...tried a new recipe and made chicken and veggies on the grill. (Fresh green beans, zucchinni, green onion, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and fresh rosemary....heavenly) I pounded out two chicken breasts and put mozella cheese and cut up cherry tomatoes coated in basil and garlic seasoning and rolled them up, and poured vinegar and oil and a little more basil and garlic over the top and put them on the grill on a piece of foil so the cheese wouldn't muck up the grill. It was really good! I'll try that again.
Judy and I sat outside and played cards most of the afternoon, but the cards and the cribs just seemed to go from bad to worse for me. After falling behind at least 6 games, and getting almost double skunked and a couple of zero cribs, I cried UNNCLE, and refused to play anymore cribbage. Much later I taught her how to play Gin, and I held my own, but managed to get beat there too! Don't know if I'm ready to play cribbage yet today either! I know it's just a game....but it's no fun if you don't win once in a while!
Don't know if we'll be sitting outside today....or closing the windows and turning the air back on. It's a little humid already. Wish me luck, love and prayers, m
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