Thursday, July 7, 2011

Waiting for the Sun

It hasn't burnt it's way through yet this morning, but I do see some blue patches out there.  Was a wonderful, sunny, perfect day yesterday.  The lake is calm again this morning, and the squirrels and chipmunks have gathered under my feeders, that they totally cleaned out yesterday, waiting for me to fill them up again.

The family that was left yesterday,  had a lunch with zero calorie noodles that Gary made, and then Karen, Emily, William and Presley headed back to Chicago.  The Culley's arrived at 12:30 and the Culley's, Kiecker's and Stalboerger's took the pontoon and speed boat out for the afternoon of listening to the Twims game and tubing on the lake, while Kathleen, Gary and I sat on the deck visiting and playing some was a relaxing afternoon. 

When the gang came back they quickly packed up and were on their way back to life in the city.  We didn't sit on the deck long, and my brother Phil came out carrying a bucket of frozen fish he had caught a few weeks ago and had at home in his freezer.....I think we'll eat them this evening.  We played spades with Phil, changing partners every game., but Gary managed to win, no matter who his partner was.  But a fun evening.....I got to be his partner once!

Today, Kathleen will accompany me in to see Dr. Londer and find out the plan for the rest of my summer.  I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I will be doing more chemo....but I want to do it on my schedule. 

Later Judy is coming to spend the night and play some cards, and we'll see if we can muster a win from Gary.

Got a call last night from Rita that her brother Bucky had a massive heart attack and died about an hour before.  I will let everyone know the details of the funeral as soon as I get them. 

The shower is calling, and I need to get moving to head to the city.  Love and prayers, m

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