We didn't have a boat parade this year for the kids to wave and yell out Happy 4th of July....it was cancelled a couple of weeks ago because of the high water and fears of errosion....but after the storm on Friday.....people didn't seem concerned about that anymore, and the lake was like a bees nest of activity. Our boats were both moving most of the day....only taking short breaks for eating. The kids encouraged the tubing and Jimbo even took William and Jason out fishing for a couple of hours in the morning.
It was a perfect day weather wise, and I think otherwise as well. Rob and Cindy and the boys were back, and she even brought another huge bowl of her famous dessert. Carrie and Jason brought baby MacKenzie, and we all got a chance to hold and play with her.....what a beautiful doll she is. The evening drew to an end quite late, and their were fireworks well into the night....I still watched some at midnight when I was awake to go to the bathroom.
Tom arrived around 4 a.m., and is still sleeping, Annie and Karen have gone for a walk to the tracks, and Bill and Kim went for a run. Doug beat them all and was done with his before they even got out of bed. We are all moving cept the kids....only one awake is Kennedy. I think they slept till 9 a.m yesterday too....so it's not a surprise. Kennedy and William were having so much fun that they both ended up taking a nap yesterday and for a 9 and 11 year old they were playing pretty hard to do that.
Today I will put my turkey on the grill and I think Rob and Cindy will be back, but I don't know who else will show. Jim and Ann and the boys went home last night to spend the day at Elm Creek with her family as that has been the tradition for them for the last 18 years. They will be back this evening, so we can celebrate Kennedy's 11th birthday tomorrow.
The kids continually remind me to drink water, and I'm feeling great, I always do when the family is here. I got a call from Elaine yesterday and Aunt Loretta has been moved to the Danville Rehab Center, and is doing well. Her phone number if you'd like to call her is 925-678-1808. I also heard that Bucky Huber is now out of the rehab center and home. So we all keep getting better. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming. Love and prayers, m
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