Friday, July 15, 2011

Rain Again!

Slept in this morning, as the rain gave me no reason to get up.  Doesn't look like it will stop any time soon either.  But Jimbo and Ann came last night, so I'm not alone.  They are sleeping in as well....they had hoped to get up early and walk....but the rain changed that plan.

Even though yesterday started out raining, it never got sunny, but it was dry.  I got a lot of cleaning, laundry, and shopping done. Felt good all day, found a great recipe for Key lime Grilled Chicken and Key Lime Salsa at the grocery store and prepared that for supper last night....I think I'll have the remainders for lunch today.

Leaving shortly after lunch to go to town, and then Val Knight and I are going to the BackStreet Boys and New Kids On the Block concert at the Target Center.....Twins game starts almost at the same time, so we are going down early and eating downtown before the concert....hope it's not still raining...but I do have an umbrella handy.

Talked to Aunt Loretta last night....and she is finally home....she had just walked in the door when I called. She said it was great to be home.  She sounded good....thanks for all the prayers you sent her way....Elaine says Hi too.  She is still in California helping out her mom.

No reports on any of the other family, but sometimes no news is good news!!!  Love and prayers, m

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