Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good Day to Say Goodbye to my Chemo Pump

....but sad day to say goodbye to Kathleen and Gary.  The only good thing is that I get to see them in a couple of weeks in Portland at Blair's Wedding.

I plan on going to the cabin again this afternoon after getting unplugged, but before that I'm having lunch with a good friend.  So my day will be busy.

Yesterday was busy too....we started out on a tour of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but got into a quest for Yam Root Noodles.  So stopped at a few stores just off  94 in North Minneapolis and got to see some of the tornado damage....found two Asian Markets not far apart, but neither had what we wanted, then we proceeded to the River Road and drove to the Gutherie and walked through to the observation deck peering over the old arch bridge and the locks and the new 35W bridge.  They loved the area and the condo's built along the Parkway.  Then we went to the International Market in the old Sears building where Kathleen and I used to play on hot summer days when we weren't at the lake.  We ate there at a asian place, but found no noodles there either.  As we were walking toward the parking garage I realized I had left my purse back where we ate hanging on the chair....having a chemo pump hanging from my shoulder....I hadn't missed it...till I needed my keys.  So we all three rushed back in and low and behold it was right where I left it....and nothing was missing....Thank you God!!!  From there we drove down lake street and over the bridge into St. Paul.  We then found WA Frost and stopped for beverages, but had to try a trio of desserts....which were delicious.  Then proceeded down Summit avenue and around St. Paul.  By then it was rush hour and we crawled across 94 all the way to another Asian store in Brooklyn Center....this one was huge and had many things...but not the Yam Root noodles we were looking for....they went us to another smaller market down a block....but no Noodles there we started back home and Gary found a Korean Market in Fridley off Central and Moore Lake Rd. and Hurrah....he came out with a bag excited.  Quest Achieved.
So it just goes to show if at first you don't succeed try try again....that's how I'm living my life too!

As is well on the health front....get unplugged soon and will be on my merry way.  Love and prayers, m
P.S. Miss you Kathleen and Gary, loved having you here, thanks for all you do for me, and letting me win one of the six games of Cut Throat last night....especially thanks to Gary for losing 5 of them also....I know it was hard for him to let Kathleen and I beat him badly....I'm sure he was trying hard to beat us!

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