Saturday, July 2, 2011

OMG Double Trouble

As if the excitement earlier in the week wasn't enough, yesterday afternoon's storm was enough to last a long time.  We have dock, floating dock, jet skiis, life cover ripped off and a cedar tree trashed, a branch laying across the deck, no power for over seven hours, and a cabin full of teenagers who don't know how to exist without electricity....and the cellphone service....and then when it power to recharge the dying phones. Living in an all electric cabin....couldn't even flush the toilet after a few flushes as the pump wouldn't work to refill the tank.  It actually became quite a fun night as we had a pool to guess what time the lights would come back on, and they sat around the kitchen table with only one candle and (pretending it was a campfire) sang songs from Grease and asking trivia questions about the movie and giggling and singing "nah, nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, goodbye" as each person's time expired without light.  By 12:20 a.m. we were all ready for bed, and only had three people left with a chance to win, we all decided to go to bed.  But at 12:34 a.m. almost every light came on in the cabin and Annie and I got up and closed the windows and turned out lights etc. pronounced Jimbo the winner and went back to bed.
Then to add to the excitement.....we got a call from the neighbor (Sharyl Boes) that my boulevard tree was half across the street, and the rest laying across my driveway.  Thus the double trouble!  I'm hoping the city will take care of that.  We have enough to take care of up here.

I'm adding a couple of pictures....Doug, between storms, ran out and moved his Yukon from under that tree, literally minutes before it went down this far.  We all watched as it went in slow motion to this position.  I think it is caught in the top of another tree at the end of the driveway.  We have since moved my van so we can get the tree the rest of the way down.  The other picture is of the dock and jet skiis as the guys tried to put it back in some sort of working order, and rescue the jet skiis, by driving them across the lake to the boat launch and towing them back to the cabin.  At least they still run, and most of the damage was cosmetic I think. 
This morning, we are cleaning up the mess, and things are looking pretty good at least on this level.  All the neighbors have similar damage to their docks and lots of trees down around the lake.  We are just happy we were all fine, and no damage was done to the cabin or boathouse structures.  Now awaiting for the rest of the family to arrive and get this weekend going in a better direction.  Love and prayers, m

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