The heat wave is still with us, and will be for a couple more days. Lot's of records being broken with the humidity and heat index....but so far I've managed quite well.
Yesterday I had lunch with the ARCC group and then headed to HHH for my infusion of the Exturba a targeted drug which makes the chemo work better. It was actually cold in there, so I put a little jacket on while in the building. Then back to the oven blast as I walked out. My car was giving me temps of 103 for a while, but calmed down to 97 by the time I got home. Then I went to dinner at the Shorewood Inn in Fridley with my FF group, and had a nice evening eating, talking, and laughing in the cool air-conditioned restaurant.
This morning I'm waiting for the water heater to be installed. They said it would be between 8-12 noon, so I got up at 7 a.m. and got dressed so I'd be presentable....but I'm guessing it will happen later, rather than earlier this morning. But I'm ready whenever they get here.
This afternoon, I plan on heading to the cabin for the rest of the week. My cousin Judy is going to join me this evening. I see another cribbage tournament in my future. May take some scrap-booking stuff with me too....want to update the remodeling scrapbook I started back in 2006 when it all began.
Last night I was updated on the many deaths in the last month of members of St. Tim's, and was so shocked to here. I guess I haven't been doing a very good job of reading the obits. My prayers go out to all those families, and also to a few that have had resent diagnosis of cancer. It seems like there are so many people in the same boat, or worse, than me. Please pray to remove my spots, but don't forget all those others we know need the prayers too! Love and prayers, m
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