Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Correction: Day 2, Round 6

Good Morning, the Sun is Shining Bright again today, but boding for a HOT week, and storm tonight. Got lots to do in the house today, and the air is working fine.

Met with Dr. Londer yesterday before the chemo, and he is amazed at how well I am tolerating the chemo. He had another doctor following him yesterday, so he told her my whole story, (he must have just read it, cause he did a great job) and says I am spunky and a fighter and doing really well on this form of chemo that is really a very aggressive combination of drugs (FULFERON ?sp) So that made me feel really good. He asked if I had made a date to see the oncologist at Mayo yet, and I haven't but think I will do that in Sept. when I have completed the 8th round.

Judy met me there and we played GIN rather than cribbage. I even won, and now Judy owes me .10 cents. We finished really close, so it keeps us playing. Towards the end of the afternoon, a women came into the cubicle and asked if I'd like a foot massage....the answer was a resounding YES. She was volunteering and a student that was nearing the end of her program to be a massage therapist. We had so much fun talking with her as she massaged my feet, and she did it for almost an hour....how great is that!

Judy and I then went out for dinner, and then she left for a wake for Julie Bandemer's dad (June's daughter-in-law). I came home and pretty much did nothing.

Latest word on Emily's grandma, is that the plan is to bring Grandma Irene's body temp down to freezing and keep it there for 72 hours after which they'll warm her back to standard body temp. They will make assessments on how to proceed at that time. So please keep the prayers coming.

Uncle Johns surgery is today, and say some prayers for him too. I hear that Aunt Loretta is doing well, and is sharp as always. Love and prayers, m

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