Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Heat is On!

All of my windows are fogged up, but the sun is hopefully that means the Son will be helping to keep me cool too! Have big plans for the afternoon, and it requires being outside.  A umbrella, sunscreen, and lots of water will be at hand.

Yesterday started out a little lazy, but I did get both bathrooms cleaned, shopped for several things I needed like groceries, and even ordered a new waterheater to replace the leaking one I have in my basement.  It will be delivered and installed on Tuesday morning, so that means I can't go back to the cabin till later that day.

This morning, I need to go to church and then this afternoon I'm going to Mike Vermuellen's for a Martin Zellar concert.  It should really be a fun day, if the heat allows!  I'm going out to Judy's first and riding over with her so not so many cars to park.  Her son Bob will be with us too.  She was picking him up at the airport this morning.

Tomorrow I have lunch and dinner dates.  First a group from ARCC at Pizza Hut, and later dinner at W..A. Frost with my FF group.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.  So lots of social events for the next couple of days.  Love and prayers, m

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