Sunday, July 3, 2011

Labor Day?

I guess it is July, but the guys sure did a lot of work!  As the day progressed, we got lots of help to clean things up.  Rob Kish brought a chain saw, and the real fun began....I can't believe how easy it had fallen into a right angle, and how hard it was to get it actually on the ground.  The top was caught in a couple of other trees, and the bottom ate the saw and wasn't going to give it they had to use another saw to free it....and that took some work too.  But finally with some rope and 3 or 4 men pulling it was a tug-of-war between them and the tree....but the men won.  They then spent the rest of the afternoon, cutting and dragging the branches to a large bombfire they made.  Finally ending with a log about 12 feet long that they rolled out of the way.  We now have room to park our cars again.A plunge in the lake was the reward for a bumch of sweaty dirty guys.  Then some relaxing.  The kids were then treated to they had to wait for the guys to drive the boat, and the rest of us got a pontoon boat ride around the lake.
Rob's wife supplied dinner....taco's (chicken and beef) (hard and soft shells), all he fixings, spanish rice, corn, chips, salsa and her fantastic strawberry truffel dessert.  I think their were 23 of us eating, and I think we had leftovers of everything cept that huge bowl of dessert.  Thanks Cindy!
This morning, a group of harty souls left for a walk to the railroad tracks and back before breakfast, and this afternoon, Rob and Cindy and the boys will be back, and I think Jason and Carrie are bringing little MacKenzie for us to play with.  Then Later this evening, Tom will drive up from Chicago to join the rest of his family who came yesterday. (He stayed to run the store two more days)
You can hardly tell we had a storm on Friday....but all over the lake chain saws were buzzing yesterday.    This morning, the lake is calm and clear quiet and it's going to be a beautiful day.  Oh Happy Day!  Love and prayers, m

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