A lot cooler at the cabin than in town, it hasn't even reached the 80 degree mark yet this morning.....but it is windy as hell (well if hell had wind along with it's heat). Actually their are white caps on the lake, and the flag is standing straight out.
I only slept till 8 a.m. this morning, sorta making up for the 7 a.m. of yesterday. I waited till around 2:30 or quarter to 3 before the installer came. Then he proceeded to tell me that the water heater I ordered wouldn't work as I needed all new plumbing and venting and with a different water heater that would now cost $400 instead of the $349 one I ordered, and the permit, and the installation it was now going to cost me $1202. I rescheduled for next Tuesday as he had to order all the right parts, but have since had reservations about the whole deal. I believe I am going to call and cancel the order this morning. I think after waiting all day for him to come (when I wanted to be at the cabin) and all the added costs I was kinda in shock. I realize that it was an old water heater (1988) but....$800 to install is a bit steep. I think I need another bid or two.
After that fiasco, I quickly packed the car and left the heat of the city...stopping twice to pick things up along the way. Got to the cabin around 5 p.m. and spend a relaxing evening waiting for Judy to arrive. It was a little after 9 before she came, and we visited till 10:30 but the early rise left me really tired and ready for bed shortly there after.
No big plans for the day....cept maybe some cribbage. Got to restock the bird feeders and change the hummingbird nectar, but that's about it. Restful except for the wind!! Love and prayers, m
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