Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Gonna Be a Son Shinny Day!

The sun is shining and the sky is clear...and a slight breeze is coming across the lake, I'm sure it's gonna be a great day.
Sadly, grandma Irene died this morning early. They took her off life support yesterday, and she fought till 2 a.m. this morning. Emily could use some prayers in handling this, so please say a few extra for her.
I just read my cousin Louie's blog on careingbridge, and he talked about how joy and pain go hand in hand...and when things get rough, you should have a party...and all of a sudden things don't seem so bad. To appreciate all the joy that God gives us, so we can withstand the pain. He said it much more eloquently...but that kinda sums it up. It was a good thought for the day.
Annie and Doug and family are bringing up a group of girls for the weekend to celebrate Allie's birthday, this afternoon, so the cabin will be full of joy and laughter...I'm looking forward to that.
Talked to Aunt Loretta last nite and she sounded good and reported that Uncle John was doing good too! Thank you for all the prayers for them and me. Love and prayers, m

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