I think we are stuck in this crummy weather system for a few more days. Actually these clouds may bring us rain this evening. Would be great, as today I'm having the sprinkling system flushed out and turned off for the winter. The lawn looks great right now, so hopefully mother nature will take over from here.
Yesterday's birthday party was really fun in-spite of the Viking loss. Matthew loved the balloon bouquet and opening all his presents. Thomas the Train and Cars2 were both hits. Colie and Allie got mostly gift cards which I'm sure were loved and will be well spent, but are not as fun to watch as they open them. A large crowd attended, and lots of good food was devoured. When I left Matthew had all his new toys in his room, and had erected his new glow in the dark train track, and was waiting for it to get dark so he could test it out!
Today I have a lunch date with some retiree's from the college, but several of those still working. Then this evening our First Friday group will be gathering for dinner. Won't have to worry about what to do. Looking forward to both opportunities to be with friends. You all are my Sunshine!!! Love and prayers, m
Gee Mary, a little late today. I was at the Community Center selling Dining Cards at 7:00 am. A lot of Buy on and Get one free only problem is you are going to have to come south as they are all south of the River. JV