The sun is shining for the second day in a row....but beating yesterday will be really hard. Phil reported this morning that the lake was gorgeous too! He hated leaving....oh and the "no wake rule" has been lifted. Hurrah!!
I did do some shopping yesterday and finished folding the last load of laundry from the day before. Doug came and mowed my lawn. I didn't do much around the house but it felt like I was busy all day.
Today I'm going to Tommy's cross country meet. Haven't been able to see any of my four cross country runner's meets yet this fall, and Tommy is the only one I can see this week, as the girls are running in Duluth on Saturday. It's really windy, but with the nice sunshine it should be perfect for watchers....not sure how the runners will like the wind.
It's Judy's birthday today, and June and I are taking her out to lunch tomorrow...she is celebrating with family this afternoon. Happy Birthday Judy!!
Nothing else to report, Love and prayers, m
Thanks Mary it was a nice day. I am going to the cemetary in the morning and will see you guys about 11. JV