Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Beautiful Day to Run

not me....I'll be watching....but Bill and Kim will be running in the Twin Cities marathon. I'm going to church and then joining Annie and Nicole at the finish line. Tommy and Katie will be with a friend and her dad following them at many stops along the way. It's supposed to be 75 today, so not too hot for the runners.
I'm thinking about heading to the cabin for a couple of days....need to be back Tuesday evening for card club. Thats what I think right now, but we'll see how I feel when I get back from the marathon.
Yesterday I went to the Schoenecker Cousins Picnic sort of a family reunion they have yearly and each year a different family or a couple of families make all the arrangements and make the main meal, and other attendees bring the desserts. This year Bud and Lorraine Schoenecker's family was in charge, and they took a German theme and had brats and hot dogs on the grill, and then put the brats in a big roaster of sauerkraut, and along with that they had German potato salad and sauerkraut soup that was made with a beef broth and lots of beef, carrots and onions to go with the was delicious...I need to get that recipe. Seeing and visiting with all the first cousins was great, and then meeting some of their children and grandchildren was fun too. I'll never remember all the names, (I consider myself good to be able to name all of Herb's kids and their spouses a big deal) Mary Kay, is the family genealogist (like me) and she was handing out family tree copies...but only to her brother and sisters. One per she figures Herb and Lou now have 386 thats not counting spouses of any of them. I am guessing they had about 150 there yesterday....only 2 of the living first cousins were missing...but they still had kids representing their families. This is the third year I've attended and it's been really delightful.
Well, I better get dressed and get going. Feeling good, but don't stop the prayers, I'd love those spots to be gone in December, or at least stable!!! Love and prayers, m