Unfortunately it didn't bring the sun with it....well at least not this morning. It's only going to be in the 60's today which is normal October temperature, but the first 12 days of October were in the 80's. Along with the cooler weather it did bring rain. I know my lawn appreciated it, and the whole area loved it as well.
Yesterday the weather also brought me a dull sinus headache and with that clouds and rain took all my motivation to get anything done. I didn't even get dressed! After dinner I finally broke down and used Afrin nasal spray, which worked fine on taking away the headache, but I hate to use it, as it causes me to have the munchies....I usually can't stop eating for a couple of days after using it...crazy I know!
So even though today is a similiar day....cloudy.....damp.....cool...I have a few plans on moving. I want to get the house in order, and the food shopped for that I will need for the card club, as they will be at my house the night after I get home from Georgia. I can't buy perishables, but getting pop and crackers etc. I can plan and purchase now, and then make a list of those I need to buy the day of the party.
Also want to do some deep cleaning, so that running the vacuum and dusting is all I have to do when I get back home. I don't have very much time left....I plan on going to the cabin for the weekend.....so that leaves today and next Monday - Wednesday to clean and pack.
I did start putting stuff aside yesterday that I think I will take with me....but I know I'll change my mind a couple of times before next Thursday. Wow, I really don't have much time left do I.
Doesn't sound like it's going to be lake weather this weekend, but I'm going to the cabin anyway, and I think the boys will be up to take the pontoon, dock and lifts out of the water. Seems right....they always procrastinate and end up taking it out when its cold and rainy. Who would want to take the boat out when it's warm and sunny....you might want to use it!!! I think I'll make them some sloppy joes for lunch. Already thinking about food!
Nothing else exciting to report. Love and prayers, m
We can still play cards and home our skills.
We better!