Monday, April 30, 2012

Cloudy Again! Uuuuggghhhh!

The weather channel said it was going to be sunny and 71 degrees in Annandale today....but I don't see it yet. Been waiting since 7 a.m. for the sun, along with the plumber and the painter and none of them have appeared yet. The painter did call last night and said he would be here around 8:30 or 9, so I guess he's not late....but the temp is only 49 right I'm thinking the sun is late....the plumber didn't give me a time, so just as I typed this, the painter and his brother arrived. So he's on time. Now it's just he sun and the plumber I'm waiting on! Yesterday I went to the late Mass (10:30) and luckily the choir was singing so Carolyn Buhr was there cause Gary sings in the choir. She came and sat next to me otherwise I didn't know very many people there....and it was First Communion for about 15 or so kids, they got to sit where I normally sit, so that was strange too. I may try it again, but really miss seeing all my friends...that's really church for me....the community I've built over the years. After church I came home and took a nap, and then started packing for the cabin....or maybe that was vise-versa....anyway I headed to the cabin about 3 in the afternoon, stopping at the local grocery store and then got to the cabin around 4:30 or so. I picked up some dinner, so when I finished unpacking the car and putting all the food away, I sat down and had dinner. I went out and feed the birds and critters too! I watched some TV and played on the computer till about 10 p.m. and then headed to bed....bored with the TV and tired of the hard chair I have to sit on for the computer. I didn't sleep very well, back to the old routine of waking every hour or so. Not resting well...I got up and took a Vicodin but that didn't seem to make much difference....I slept maybe 2 hours then between looking at the clock. At 5:30 a.m. I got up and took a couple Tylenol and managed to stay in bed till almost 7 a.m. Then I figured I better get up and get dressed before the workers came. I just plan on staying out of the way of everyone today. Play on the some and just relax. If the sun comes out I may go out and put up some new feeders and try to find the suet feeder the critters carried down the hill. I think I saw it a few weeks ago when I was here, but we'll see if it's still there. Yesterday in my blog I made a typo, and said I was going to "bed" the painter...instead of "beg" him to get the 40 lb bag of bird food out of the van for me. My sister called me within minutes of me posting it, and she and Gary were in hysterics laughing, and I said I would go in and correct it, but she told me not see how many responses I'd get from it....then right after hanging up the phone, Mary Brue emailed also laughing and suggesting that a cup of coffee and a cookie might do. Kathleen thought I should get a discount on the paint job. lol Other than that, they were the only two that noticed it. Where are all you proof readers? You might want to go back and get your laugh for the day!! I forgot to mention that Bill finally got a hold of Phyllis last night, and it's the RR ties in the back lot that she was complaining about, but she said if we were going to use them for a retaining wall, which Bill said we were, she'd tell the township that we were in compliance. I really don't know why she doesn't like us. But hopefully if we remove them or use them....whatever...she will be happy...and that's what my goal in life is. Not!! Well the painters are well on their way to filling all the holes and dents in the walls and preparing them for paint! I can't wait to see how nice it looks when they are done. They think it may be a two day job...even with both of them here...but I don't mind, cause I planned on being here anyway. Talk to you tomorrow! Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Waiting for the Sun to Shine

I just finished reading my cousins blog on Caringbridge, and he used most of the blog poetically talking about how wonderful the rain was yesterday and how much he loved it. Unfortunately I don't like days like yesterday....but he did make me think twice about how I feel about it. I was complaining on my phone call from Kathleen about how I thought the drugs were making me tired and listless....not interested in doing anything but taking a nap. But I then got an email from Mary Brue saying she felt the same way I did on rainy days, and I realized it probably wasn't the drugs....but the druery day instead. I did accomplish getting 3 load of wash done and folded and mostly put away....some only made it to the bedroom....cause I may need it for packing today. I plan on going to the cabin and getting ready for the painter. First I need to get dressed and go to church. I may try something new and go to the later service. This 8:30 a.m. stuff is brutal. I need to pick up a few items...not many. Then I'll pack up and head for the cabin. i think I'll take the computer with me, as I'll be there for a couple of days. I'll take my Nook as well, so I can see how well it works at the cabin. There is lots I can do while I'm there. New bedding to put in my room, new cushions and pillows to put on the long as the sun is shining....and ornamental grass to plant. I may not actually plant it....we'll see how I feel. Also got a 40 lb bag of food for the birds, but I don't think I can get that out of the car. I may bed the painter to help me with that. I got a new feeder for the squirrels and some corn cobs for that should be fun watching them go after that. Hoping those wrens and orioles are back and building nests too! I'm sure I won't be bored....of course I can watch the painter and the plumber too! I think I feel the same way about watching the birds and squirrels as Louie feels about watching the rain. I wish I could write as beautifully as he does. Please keep Louie and all my family and friends in your prayers....and thank you for all those that have felt them and are healing. Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, April 28, 2012

No Snow Yet!

Not even rain yet! So we'll see! I'm not worried cause I don't have anything planned. I hear that Matthew has a T-ball game at 10 a.m., but it's a little too cold and damp for me....and my back. Slept pretty well last night, did wake to go to the bathroom once, and then again at 5:30 when I took a couple of Tylenol so that it would kick in by the time I got out of bed at 7 a.m. It did, but I'm still pretty stiff and sore when I get out of bed. Taking the Vicodin only in the late evening seems to be okay. It didn't seem to effect me the way I thought it did the night before. I did get out of the house yesterday and went to Menards and did a lot of damage there. The birds and squirrels will be happy at the cabin and I bought some new hoses and nozzles for the cabin's new faucet and also some ornamental grasses they had on sale. I bought a few new pillows and cushions for the outdoor furniture hoping to make it a little more comfortable when Judy and I sit out on the deck this summer. Speaking of Judy, June is picking her up and bringing her home on Wednesday....and June also volunteered to sit with me at cheno on May 29th, so I also have all my chemo days covered. June has also invited me to come out and spend a day with her and Judy this week and I think I can do that on Thursday. So that will fill out my weeks schedule. Still asking for prayers for me and my friends and relatives! Thanks for getting Judy out of the rehab center in good time, and all the other good news we got this week for those we are praying for. Love and Prayers, m

Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh No....Snow?

That's what they are saying for tomorrow....but just a few flakes at our end of the State. I'm sure we won't see any, but they love to scare people at the end of April. I do remember having 6 inches of snow on my birthday in May. They are also predicting rain west of us today, but the sun has peeked out now and then this morning. For some reason my blog site has updated the site, and when I put in a return at the end of a paragraph, it isn't showing up when I post it. So please know, I do have paragraphs noted when I write it. Yesterday, I ended up writing late in the afternoon, as I left home at 7:50 to pick up Judy and take her to the doctor back at Methodist Hospital to have her stitches removed. She is doing well, and looking forward to returning to her house, and being able to do things on her own again. This is the first time she has ever had to be the patient and not the caregiver. It was also my first time being her caregiver and driving a wheelchair....which I didn't do well....but I got her back to the rehab center without any new bumps or bruises. We both's so nice to have each other! I picked up my new drug yesterday before I came home and took one last night early in the evening, and felt it made me really grogy so I will continue to only take it later in the evening from now on, and Tylenol during the day so I can function normally. Taking the Oxycotin as directed seems not to effect me at all....or atleast I don't think it is. It may take off the edge or add to the Tylenol's strength. But anyway, I'll continue to follow orders and take it every 12 hours. The mailman rang the door bell and gave me a package from my sister Kathleen and her husband Gary. I know my birthday isn't till next week, but I opened it immediately...couldn't wait to see what was inside. She sent a great sweater that I can't wait to wear....and along with that was a yellow pitcher which is part of the Fiesta line of dishes that I have, and she had in her kitchen and I always told her I wanted it! So she sweetly shared it with me. I love it!...and will display it prominently in my kitchen. Thanks Kathleen and Gary, love you! I put out a plea to a few (3) friends to take me to chemo next week, and Rita couldn't but will do it on the 14th when I have my second session. Then LaVonne volunteered for the first round next week. So I have two of the three sessions in May covered. Now just need someone for the 29th. Judy hopes to be back taking care of me in hopefully that will happen as planned. I hope to do some shopping today, and get some things to take to the cabin when I go on Sunday. So as long as the rain holds off till I'm done, I'll be fine. I heard that Sonja is hoping to be home in a couple of weeks and is doing well. Please continue praying for all those I have on my list and those I've forgotten to put on the list. Oh, and pray for me....I'd love to have all those stubborn spots gone for good...and this new med to make by tailbone heal, work too! Actually my tailbone needs the most prayers, cause I don't have any problems with my lungs as far as pain goes. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Busy Morning

Sorry I am just getting around to writing....I just got home. I had to leave at 7:50 a.m. this morning, and didn't get up till 7:10 and didn't have time to write. I drove to Shakopee and picked cousin Judy up from the rehab center and took her to the doctors office where she had her stitches removed. Then on the way back we stoped at her house and picked up a few things she needed, and got a chance to measure her shower stoll so she can order a chair to fit in it. Then we went back to the rehab center and got her back to bed and just in time for her lunch to come. We had hoped to play some cards, but after lunch the OT came to work on her cooking skills! So it was time for me to leave. On the way home I had to stop at HP and pick up the latest drug for my collection. I hope to go to the track meet this afternoon at Centenial, and called Bill to see if I could ride with him, but got no answer. So I may have to go by myself. Yesterday I did little till it was time to go to Matt's Bar in South Mpls for dinner with my brother Phil, his daughter Theresa and her family and boyfriend CJ, and my son Jimbo and Ann and Ann's neice Emma. The Juicy Lucy's were great as usual, and it was a fun evening. Drove by the old house on 15th Ave. on my way home, and see there are putting on a new roof and windows. But they really need to replace the front makes the place look really junky. Well, that's all I have to report. Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here Comes More Rain!

I know our trees, flowers and grass all need the rain, but I much prefer the sun! Besides, I function much faster if the sun is shining. I got up a little before 7:30, and am just now feeling like I'm awake! Yesterday was so beautiful weather wise, and it was also a good day health wise. I saw my oncologist, Dr. Londer, and he had already gotten the report from Mayo, and was very optimistic about continuing with the chemo regiment, but he thinks the reason I am having so much back pain is because my tailbone hasn't completely healed from the intra-operative radiation I had during surgery, almost 18 months ago. Because of that, he is going to add a drug to my chemo regiment once a month called Zomeda which will help the bone to grow or heal and hopefully take away the pain. Also he gave me instructions to take that Oxycontin every 12 hours like it says on the bottle, and then take extra strength Tylenol along with it as needed. I had been only been taking the Oxycontin at night, and not every night and never along with the Tylenol. So I guess I will try that. Along with that....I just got a call from his nurse and said he forgot to give me a prescription for Vicodin that I can take if the Tylenol doesn't work. I guess I'm becoming a druggie! My medicine cabinet is getting full! So the Chemo starts next Wednesday....but as they are adding that Zomeda, that will be another hour to the day, once a month. Luckily they have me starting at 8:30 in the morning, I should still be done by 3 p.m. The only unlucky part is that it is my birthday, and I have dinner plans, so I had to email my birthday group and ask them if we could do dinner at 6:30 rather than 5:30, so that I could get a nap in before dinner. The other problem I have, is finding someone to take me on Wednesday morning, and hopefully spend the day with my cousin Judy is still in rehab for her knee, and won't be able to drive till the end of May. So I'll be looking for volunteers. I will need someone for next Wed., then again on Monday the 14th of May, and then on Tuesday May 29th. Note I am not sticking with Wednesdays, as I am going to Boston on the 17th so have to do Monday that week, and then I am changing to Tuesday on the 29 as Monday is Memorial day, so I have to do Tuesday....but Tuesday's I hope will continue to be the regiment for June. Call or email if you wish to volunteer. Ability to play cribbage or gin not necessary but appreciated! I also registered my wish list of classes at Pathways last night, but had to give up the acupuncture for May, as the three sessions were Mondays, and I couldn't do May 14 as that will be a chemo day, so I asked to be put on the list for June, but have to wait till May to do that. I also emailed Sheila Judd to see if she would be willing to do more Qigong on me, and she now I have to give her dates that I am available and see what we can work out. Today I am going to Matt's bar for dinner along with my brother's family and other friends who love Matt's that Theresa has planned. All are invited so hope to see you there. For now, Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wow! A Bright Sunshiny Day!

I love waking up to sunshine, and today is no exception....but unfortunately I got up at 6:30 and took 2 Tylenol and went back to sleep for 2 hours and didn't get up till 8:30 a.m. I have a doctors appointment at 11:30, so I won't have much time to schlep around. That is almost all I have planned for the day....I do have to pick up a drug I got refilled at HealthPartners....but I think that is it. I hope to go outside and just enjoy the sun. Jim the neighbor man has cleaned all the leaves and sticks out of my gardens and it's starting to look really nice. I even called and left a message for Nicole that she could start mowing anytime now. Yesterday I went to lunch with the ARCC gang, and a bunch of us retiree's that attend stayed after the others went back to work, and we visited for at least another half hour. Then I went to the bank and stopped at home to pick up my Nook and headed for Pathways for my last Acupuncture session. He worked on my tailbone a lot, and several other spots on my legs and feet. It is amazing how much better I feel pain wise when they are done. I signed up for another round of 3 sessions, but won't know if I get it till later in the week. I guess this afternoon, I will have to register for all the things I'd like to do in the next two months, but I want to know what my chemo schedule is before I do that. I talked to Lois yesterday about her daughter Sharon, and she is hanging in there....has had 2 of 10 radiation treatments on the spots in her brain, and was kinda wiped out over the weekend. After the last radiation treatment she will have her last chemo treatment, and be on her way back to Minnesota. She is hoping to see a doctor at the Women's Health Center at the U, and living with Lois and Ken for a while. Well that's all for the day, Love and Prayers, m

Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine!

Yesterday didn't go as I planned! Well it was a lot of nothing like I wrote early yesterday morning...but I didn't make it to church. I got dressed and ready to go, and I went to the couch and slept another two hours and missed church. But the couch didn't end there....I got up and made a great spinach and mushroom omelet and then returned to it. I did get up and check my email, read the paper and played spider a few times through out the day, but mostly laid on the couch. I made myself dinner, and went back to the couch...taking Tylenol about every 4 hours or so....and just couldn't get motivated to do any of the things I wrote about doing.
I went to bed thinking I couldn't wait to call the Dr. this morning, and see what was wrong with my back...and realized that my sciatic nerve wasn't bothering me today, and was surprised. This morning, I feel pretty good. My back is a little sore, but nothing like I felt yesterday. I wonder if all the shopping I did on Saturday had aggravated it, and I just needed to rest it. I will call the Dr. this morning, and get the chemo set up, and definitely will talk to him about my back.
I have a lunch date with the ARCC gang at Pizza Hut, and then this afternoon I will go to the last acupuncture session....hoping that will make my back better too! Only wish is wasn't the last, and hope I can do it again at Pathways. This week I get to put in my list of classes that I'd like to do in May and June, and I will definitely have acupuncture on the list.
Got good news from Lottie, the biopsy on her liver was negative, and she is so waiting for her hair to grow. Sonja wrote on her site that she is now allowed to sit 15 minutes a day....which is a first in 5 weeks of rehab. She hopes to be home in a few weeks.
I am going to enjoy the sun know that always makes me happy. Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Gloomy Morning!

But they say we'll have sun this afternoon. Church will bring lots of friendly faces and will make up for the sun not being out...I will still see the Son.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day, but I did do a lot of shopping. First I went to Kohls and got the two free pillows I was supposed to get on Friday, only I needed to bring in the add to get them. The I stopped at Costco, and then Target for sheets to match the comforter I bought at Kohls, and then on to Cub to finish picking up a bag of groceries....yes "a" bag of groceries. Thirty some dollars and only one bag.
Other than the shopping, I didn't accomplish anything. I don't have much more than church planned for today either. I may wash a load of clothes or empty the dishwasher or something like that. Eciting huh?
No health updates either. My back is still bothering me, and can't wait to talk to Dr. Londer about that. Oh, I did get my schedule for my next CTscan at Mayo....July 11, 2012. So I better hurry up and get those chemo sessions started. Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grey Day for Prom!

Katie and Ani are going to Prom tonight...I hope they don't get washed out!! Did I tell you Tommy broke his Thumb this week plus has poison ivy...double trouble!
It's not raining yet, but they say it will happen soon. I got up and took some Tylenol at 6:30 and went back to bed and slept till 8:30 or so. I guess I needed it. I've been getting up early most of the week.
Yesterday was a busy day. I picked Bonnie up at 11:10 and headed for Acapulco in New Brighton for lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Carole. Sandi and Carole were celebrating their birthdays. Lunch was great and we had a great time doing very little shop talk...but a little did slide in here and there.
From there Bonnie and I did a little shopping at Kohls with her 30% off coupon, and I then went to Shakopee to visit my cousin Judy who is at a rehab center with her new knee. I must say we did play cribbage, and I won both games, but at the end of the day we realized we weren't playing with a full deck!! Not that we ever are, but we really weren't, cause we found 2 cards on the floor under her chair. A 10 and a Jack, and I still won without them!....or Judy lost without them. lol
Today I need to do some shopping and get some food in the house. May stop at Costco to get one of their chickens and a few other things. Other than that no plans for the day.
Judy is doing well, her sister had a colonoscopy yesterday and that came out great, and cousin Louie is up at Bay Lake for a retreat and enjoying it, so God has blessed us all this week. Love and Prayers, m

Friday, April 20, 2012

Bright Sun Shinny Day!

Love sunny days, helps me to remember that the Son is with me....even on cloudy days I know he's here with me, but sunny days I really feel the warmth of his love and blessings...Specially this week. Getting the good news on a sunny day is so much better than a rainy cold and windy day!
Yesterday Bonnie and I drove to the cabin in Sun...and had sun there for a few hours before it became cloudy....but when it did, we still didn't get any rain.
We met with the painter first, and he gave me a quote that I was pleased with, and he will be there on Monday April 30th to start. He thinks it will only be a 2-day job. I'm so excited to have that will pretty much finish all the construction projects.
Before the painter left the plumber arrived, and he worked on the kitchen sink first, had to replace one drain, fixed the faucet, but has to order me a new sprayer, as it is what was causing all the problems. Then he went to install the outside faucet, and realized he didn't have a faucet with him in the truck, so he will come back on the 30th as well, and hopefully will have the sprayer and the faucet to finish his job.
Bonnie and I played some cribbage, and although they were both close games....I was lucky enough to win both. We had a great salad for lunch, and then washed dishes and left for home. I wasn't home for long before I left again for dinner with the FF group, which was only half there. We did have a great conversation about a wide range of things. I guess when the group is smaller it's much easier to do this.
Today, I'm off to lunch again. Bonnie and I will be joining Rosie to celebrate Sandi Hitch and Carole Fuller's birthdays today. Then Bonnie and I are going shopping....she has a 30% off coupon for Kohls, so we hope to take advantage of that.
Later this afternoon, I will head for Shakopee to visit with cousin Judy. She is in rehab for her knee replacement. So I hope to play some cribbage with her, and not pity her anymore than she pity'd me when I was sick. But we'll have fun no matter who wins. That's it for today, Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good News....Spots are Shrinking

Sorry about yesterdays posting or you see I did start writing it, and then got interrupted by my CT scan, and forgot that I hadn't finished and posted it. But the day went well, except for the wait for the CT scan, I got there 1/2 hour early, and they called me almost immediately (thus the interruption of my blogging) and then proceeded to drink the contrast, move to the room where they hook you up to get the contrast injection during the scan...where they never believe I have a power port, even with my two forms of identification and the fact that the lab where I got my port accessed took twenty minutes to explore my two forms of ID of the port and charted it in the computer. This happens every time I have a CT scan, and even though they can see that they used my port every-time I have a scan which has been no less than 10 times at Mayo. This was my 40th CT scan. Anyway, after they finally approved my port for the scan, I went to another waiting room, absolutely filled with others waiting for their tests....with only one chair left to wait in. An hour later I finally got called to have the scan, and finally got out of there at 11:00 a.m. 3 hours after I got there.
From there the day went great. Janet and I went to lunch with Jim Arnott at Micheal's one of the best places to eat in Rochester and only a block away from the clinic. Then came back and checked in at the floor where the oncologist is, and barely sat down, when they called me in to see Dr. Rubin. He also came in the room almost immediately and I really liked him a lot....not as young and good looking as Dr. Sideros (my oncologist that moved to Holland) but has been at Mayo since his residency some 40+ years ago. Anyway he gave me the good news that my spots were shrinking. He said as I am tolerating the chemo regiment well, he would recommend I go back and have another 12 weeks of the same chemo, and then come back for another scan.
I thank all of you for your prayers, support and love...I know I couldn't get through all of this without you. Thank God for all of you!
Today I am going to the cabin with Bonnie Sass, and I will meet with a painter who hopefully will take on the job of painting all the yellow wall with a second coat, and make all the yellows match. Then this afternoon the plummer will come and he will fix my kitchen faucet and install a faucet on the outside of the cabin on the lake side. Bonnie and I will maybe play some cards or something. The weather isn't supposed to be good, and we may not see the sun, but we'll have fun anyway. Bonnie is re-cooperating from skin cancer surgery she had yesterday, and is hiding from the public eye....speaking of eyes the surgeon said she may end up with two black eyes as the surgery was on her forehead.
She will be here at 8:30, so I guess I better get in the shower quickly. Love you all, and again thank you for your prayers. m

Early Morning at Mayo

Hsad to report in at 6:45 a.m. Janet and I are already sitting in the waiting room to give blood. Then over to the CT scan. I hoping that won't rake all morning
Janet and I got here about 4:15 yesterday. After checking in we went to dinner and then we went to visit my friend Cecelia Self who is rehabing her new knee. She was so happy to have company as she hadn't had any for a week. We had a great visit and then went bzck to the room for some

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Warming Back Up!

Sixty's predicted for the day, but right now it is 35 degrees. I'm hoping it's even warmer in Rochester as that is where I'll be heading this afternoon.
Yesterday I did a lot of organizing for the week. I set up a painter to come to the cabin on Thursday to give me a bid, and I also called the plumber to come on Thursday as well, and install a faucet on the lake side of the cabin and also look at the kitchen sink that had some damage from the cold last December, when the heat was off. (My mistake for not changing the thermostat from cool to heat) Then I called my friend Bonnie and asked her if she wanted to come with me to the cabin on Thursday morning. So all is set. Maybe get some cards played as well. I also have made plans to have lunch with a few birthday women on Friday. Bonnie and I will join Rosie to celebrate Carole Fuller and Sandi Hitch's birthdays. Along with all of that I also made plans to go to Chicago Memorial Day Weekend for Emily's graduation ceremony.
I got to talk to Aunt Loretta for a few minutes before I had to leave for my appointment. She told me that Pandora has agreed to come to Vegas with her in July. Hurrah! I have been encouraging her to come with us, but she didn't know if she'd be up to it....but finally has decided to come! I think that puts the number over 20 so far.
Later in the afternoon I went into town for my second acupuncture session at Pathways. They worked on my sciatic nerve that has been bothering me for a while now. It felt so much better when I left there, so we'll see how long it lasts. I do get to go back for one more treatment next Monday. Plus this morning I am going back to Pathways for Tui Na Massage. It is supposed to use a lot of acupressure and other deep muscle massage techniques. I'm really interested to see how it works. This morning, my back is aching like it does most mornings, and I really need the massage.
I also talked to Judy last night. She has been moved to rehab at St. Gertrude's Nursing Home in Shakopee and she said she is in a lot less pain that she thought she would be in....but also that the happy pills they give her have made her really happy!
Tonight I'll be in Rochester with cousin Janet by my side. I hope to visit a friend from the NSWC who also had knee surgery and is in rehab in Rochester. Tomorrow I have to be at Mayo bright and early for blood work and then my CT scan at 9 a.m. I have set up a lunch with Jim Arnott a good friend who works at Mayo (but used to teach for us at ARCC). Then at 1:45 p.m. I get to meet the new oncologist and get the results of the scan. Please pray it's good news! Love and prayers, m

Monday, April 16, 2012

74 Yesterday, Snow today?

I can't believe this weather this year! It really was 74 yesterday, and we did get some heavy rain, but when I looked out the window this morning, I actually saw some snow flakes!! They didn't hit the ground and none accumulated on the ground....thank goodness!
The reveal yesterday was really fun. Joe Redmann was my confirmation student that I prayed and gifted throughout the year, and he is a friend of Nicole and also of Nick Kiecker. I traveled to Disney with the Stalboerger's and Redmann's years ago when Nicole and Joe were about six or seven. Nicole and Joe also made their first communion together, so it was fun for them also to know other's in their group. Anyway Joe was so surprised when I came in and sat next to him and told him I was his angel. His mom was equally surprised. When I wrote him notes during the year, I was always careful not to be too personal so that he would figure out who I was. Nicole had figured her's out immediately.
Yesterday afternoon, Bonnie came over and brought a couple of movies to watch. We picked Conviction, which was a true story, and we had an enjoyable afternoon visiting and relaxing.
Talked to Kathleen last night, and then proceeded to make a big batch of her granola recipe. A healthy version. I already had a cup this morning....I think it's as good as her's was.
Today, I don't have a lot planned, but I do get to go into town and have another acupuncture treatment. Looking forward to that. Keep all the friends and relatives on my prayer list in your thoughts and prayers, and I will keep all of you in mine. Love and prayers, m
P.S. OMG It's snowing again!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Angel Reveal Day!

All year while the confirmation students were preparing for their big day, members of the parish have been praying and sending encouraging notes and gifts to the students. Each guardian angel has a student that they personally pray for. Today we get to meet that student and they get to find out who was their angel. Nicole figured her's out early in the year....almost right away, but most of the students never figure it out, and so today is a lot of fun. I have been in charge of one of Nicole's friends and a boy I've known since he as about six. He and his family sat right behind Nicole during the ceremony yesterday, and he and Nicole also made their First Communion together years ago. So I'm excited for him to find out it was me.
This all happens after the 8:30 Mass this morning, and then they have a little reception in the old gym for all of their families too! After that, I'm not sure what the day will bring....Bonnie and I may go to a movie....or we may watch a couple she picked up at the library.
Yesterday the service was very nice, and in spite of all four or five parishes confirming students, everything went smoothly and fairly fast. Jimbo and I arrived early (like some of the first 15 or 20 in the church)....but it filled in fairly quickly after that. After the ceremony we hung around and took a ton of pictures was a beautiful day. Then we went to Olive Garden for lunch, and Nicole's neighbor Jackie and Nick joined us (grandparents and godfather and family). After that we all said we were going home to take a nap....I'm not sure anyone else did, but I sure did. For some reason or other, I just couldn't get motivated to do anything the rest of the day.
I did get a call from Sharyl Boes last night. They just arrived home from Arizona and wanted to get caught up on how I was doing etc. We talked for quite a while.
Also read a note from Lottie, that her CTscan looked good for the area they were treating with the chemo, but she has a few spots on her liver that they are going to she is worried about that. Say some prayers for her. Which reminds me, I said Sharon had cancer in her liver and kidney...and that was is liver and lungs. Either way it is shrinking in those areas. Sonja also reported yesterday that she is doing well, and hopes to go home soon....but so far don't have a timeline for that. Didn't get a report on Judy yesterday, but hope you keep praying for all on my list. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Confirmation Day!

Another early morning and I'll have to be quick....I need to be ready to leave in 1 hour, and I have to shower and do my hair etc.
Judy's surgery went well yesterday. I only got to stay till 11:30 and she had just gone into surgery at that point. At about 10:30 her sister June, husband Len and neice Brenda showed up to help in the waiting process. We all got to visit with Judy till they wheeled her away a little after 11 a.m.
Then I headed home and ate a quick final egg salad sandwich for lunch. I packed up my grass and headed to the Schwanns Center to decorate for today's NSWC Brunch. The place was a buzz with help, and by 2 p.m. the tables were all set. Each table had a center vase with three tulips, surrounded by three pots of grass with cute little signs with a sticker of a cute bug in each.
Then each place at the table has a cupcake liner filled with chocolates and a pile of coupons from the stores we are modeling clothes for, a program and a copy of the club collect. The stage and run way were lined with lavender and pink mums donated by a local florist. It looked so nice when we left.
Today, I am getting picked up by Jimbo (Nicole's godfather) and heading for the Cathedral of St. Paul, for the Confirmation of Nicole (Annie's oldest daughter). I'm not sure how the rest of the day will go, but at some point we will all celebrate at the Olive Garden. I know it will be a fun day.
Well, I better get moving here or I won't be ready when Jimbo get's here.
Love and Prayers, m

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hospital Waiting

Early morning.Got Judy to the hospital and they wisked her away, gave mea pager and told me to have a seat.They say she will be ready in about an hour, and then I can see her before she goes into surgery....then they will give me another pager which will go off when the doctor comes to talk to me....then they will give me a third pager which will tell me when I can see hder again. It is strange being on this end of the process....I'm much better at being the patient...I've had a lot of practice.
I'll write later znd let you know how it went. Till then, love and prayers, m

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Zippity Doo Dah Zippity ayyy!!

My oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine coming my way.....Love waking to a sunny day!....and to my surprise while I was sitting here this morning I saw a bluebird in my yard. I don't think I've ever seen a bluebird in Coon Rapids before...actually I'm sure I've never seen one here before. Must be a sign of something good!!
I had a great day yesterday too! Made my trip to the cabin, and stopped and picked up Twylla Prather in Elk River along the way. We had lunch (more egg salad) and played some cribbage. Unfortunately I was unable to win any of the three games, but I was close in all of them. It was fun. By 3 p.m. we were on our way back home. I did feed the birds and squirrels, but only saw one squirrel, and no birds at all.
Not much to see with the landscaping, it was all covered with a straw mat. Hoping the rain and warmer weather will start it growing.
Today, I will pot all the grass I've been growing, and get it ready for the Brunch on Saturday. Tomorrow afternoon, I will go and set them out on all the tables. I think they turned out well, and it was a fun project....even if I did have to mow it three times.
Later this afternoon I am going to Judy's to stay overnite and take her to the hospital in the morning. Her sister June will come to the hospital and take over being with her when I have to leave at noon.
I got an email from Lois Bjerke who is in Connecticut with her daughter Sharon. Sharon has been treated with chemo for her cervical cancer that was also in her liver, kidneys and brain, and the latest scan showed that all is shrinking cept the spots in the brain which have multiplied. So they will now do some radiation in that area, and then a few more chemo treatments before she moves back to MN. They have found a oncologist in MN at the U who will take on her care once she gets here. So please keep the prayers coming for Sharon and her family as they make this big move.
Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cabin Fever

Ever since the landscaper brought in 42 yards of black dirt and graded and seeded the yard at the cabin last week, I have wanted to go to see what the yard looks like. I know the grass won't have sprouted yet, but want to see if the grading made a difference or not. I have most of the day free, I am going to head to the cabin. Will have my camera along with me, so I can post some pictures.
Yesterday was the coldest day we've had in months....well at-least a month! It managed to drop below freezing again this morning, and my bleeding heart looks like it took a bit of a hit by it as well. Nothing else seems to be bothered by it. Luckily it will warm up today, and stay that way for the 10-day forecast.
I did go and have my final infusion of Erbitux. Felt really free when I walked out of there not having another appointment scheduled. Being there 2 days one week and 1 the next really ties you down. I've been there so often in the last 4 years, they all know me by my first name, and I know all their first names as well. More than first names, have connected one to Maple Lake and my country cousins, another that grew up by Powderhorn Park, one who went to school with my son Tom, and we know all kinds of Coon Rapidins' in common, followed one through her pregnancy and then her return to work. We've become like family.
After my infusion I rushed home made an egg salad sandwich, and went to Jan Ranum's to have my hair cut and colored. While there, I got to visit with her daughter Sheila, who I hadn't seen in ages, and met Lloyd's cousin and her husband from Red Lake Falls, MN. I knew Jimbo's wife Ann's mom was from there, and mentioned that, and they had gone to school with Susie and Steve, (the husband of Lloyd's cousin) claimed that he even dated Susie. So funny!! Of course Lloyd who was from Theif River Falls also knew Ann's dad and his brothers, and Steve knew them too!
Last evening, I went to the NSWC meeting, and we were able to assemble all the little signs to stick in the grass pots I've been growing. They will serve as centerpieces for the Brunch on Saturday. Many hands made short work of that.
Last night, when I woke up just an hour after going to bed, and my back was killing me, I started praying for God to take the pain away, and then all of a sudden he answered by telling me to get up and take some meds. So dumb....he gives us the medications to take the pain away, so why am I not taking it? I immediately got out of bed and did so, and slept all the way till morning. So I've learned my lesson! Thank you God!
So, today I'm off to the cabin and then this afternoon I am delivering food to the Homeless families that St. Tim's are sheltering this week. Other than that I don't have any plans for the evening.
Louie is requesting prayers, and Sonja is progressing well too! Cecelia Self is in Rochester rehabing from a knee replacement, and I will see her next week when I am there. Please keep them and all those on my list in your prayers, Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Walking in Sunshine!

I love waking up to sunshine!!! It's gonna be a great day!! Got lots to do, places to go and people to see!!
First I have to go and get that last dose of Exturba, that targeted drug that is supposed to make the chemo work better for my lung spots!! That will take a couple of Judy won't be there playing cribbage with me. I will take my Nook and do some reading.
From there, I get to have my hair cut and colored. After having it cut so short, I've really come to like it short, and today it feels long, and I can't wait for it to be short again. It's so easy to take care of. Luckily with the lower doses of Exturba that I'm getting this series, I haven't thinned my hair like last Summer and Fall.
Then this evening I have the NSWC meeting, which is a work meeting, where the grass I've been growing will be the attention of the evening. We will finish making the little signs that will be stuck in the grass pots, and I'm thinking of making everyone help move the grass into individual pots. Right now it's still in the seeding trays. We'll see!!
Yesterday went well, the acupuncture has seemed to ease the pain in my hips and legs and I slept really well. Actually after I got home and ate dinner, I went straight to the couch and slept for an hour or so. I don't know if it was Easter Sunday activities, or the acupuncture that made me so tired. But I didn't do much for the whole evening. I did get a call from Karen (my daughter-in-law) and we talked for about an hour. It was so good to get caught up on all their family doings, and get Karen caught up on all the Coon Rapids family doings. It seems if I don't right it in my blog, no one knows about what is going on in the family....problem is someone has to tell me about their happenings before I can blog it! So a lot of the time it's a one way street. We need to try and fix that!
Well, if I don't get dressed and going, I'm going to be late for my first appointment for the day! Love and prayers, m

Monday, April 9, 2012

Twin's Home Opener!

The sun is shining, but there is a cold strong wind out there to go with it. Don't let the sun fool you and bundle up if you're going to the game.
I won't be!!....but I do have plans for the day. I will be going to lunch with the retiree's and wannabees, and then this afternoon, I am going into town to experience my first acupuncture session...I'm really excited to see how and if it works. I have 3 sessions scheduled and hope to do it again if Pathways will allow.
After all the activities yesterday, my back was really aching by the time I went to bed last night. I ended up getting up at about 12:30 and took some pain meds....and slept pretty well, cept I woke with a night sweat this morning...damp all over! It seems like the side effects of the chemo are getting stronger and last longer each time. So glad that tomorrow will be the last Erbitux infusion, and then I will be done for a least I don't have any more chemo scheduled for now. I am getting anxious about the CT scan....prayers please!!
Yesterday's activities really made for a great day. Nicole picked me up for church on schedule, we got a seat right where I always sit without a problem, and then returned to Annie's for a great brunch. Matthew had already had two Easter egg hunts and also hide eggs for his dad to find....but after breakfast he encouraged Doug to once again hide 55 eggs out in the yard so that he could find them again. I even promised to hide a few eggs in my yard so that Matthew could find them when they came for dinner. He had no problem finding the dozen I hide either.
The dinner turned out a hit!! even though we had no chairs to sit on. Bill had borrowed all my folding chairs earlier this winter, and I didn't realize they hadn't been when Doug set up the folding table for me, and went looking for chairs we had none. Luckily it didn't change the taste of the dinner, and we all had plenty to eat!
The best part for me is being with everyone and getting caught up on their poor Allie who tore a ligament and part of the bone it was attached to on her hip during a track race last Tuesday. She is on crutches for long distances, and won't be running for awhile.
Track season has started and all the girls (including Ani the exchange student) and Tommy are all running. Annie is busy coaching. Matthew is playing T ball, Jack and Nick baseball...and trips and events are all being planned.
To end the evening, I got a call from Tom and Karen, and got to visit with both of them. All and all it was a wonderful Blessed Easter!! Jesus Christ has Risen Today, was the icing on the cake! Love and prayers, m

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Looks like it's going to be a bright shinny day!! I've already showered and had my coffee. When I'm done with this I'll get dressed and wait for granddaughter Nicole to pick me up and take me to church with her. After church, she'll bring me back to her house for breakfast. Didn't have these plans before last night, but they just kinda evolved. The family will still all be here for dinner this evening at 5 p.m., and you won't believe this, but I'm pretty much ready for that too!
I made 2 beef roasts in my pressure cooker and they turned out perfect. Thank goodness for the lessons my brother-in-law Gary gave me when I was in Salt Lake this spring.
Yesterday I got my shopping done early, and then made the beef roasts and then got company. My cousin Jeannie came to visit. Actually it was planned last weekend, but I had forgotten till she pulled in the driveway. We had a great visit, and she brought me lots of ideas of natural healing remedies. I shared with her all the things I've been doing as well.
Later in the afternoon, I went to Jim and Ann's for their annual Twin's home opener party. I spent the evening watching (sorta) the game and mostly visiting with family and friends. I can't tell you how much I love that!! I hadn't seen the family in a couple of weeks....and got lots of hugs and well wishes from all their friends, who are really like family. Their was quite a crowd. They served traditional ball park food, and even had popcorn and cracker jacks. Of course what would a game be with out beer. They had some of that too! I stuck to diet Dr. Pepper myself!!
After getting home around 10 p.m. I colored a dozen eggs, and got ready for bed. Got a note on caringbridge from Sonja Drieste again last night, she stood up twice yesterday...getting a little stronger each day. Other than that, I better get moving....Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Grey Day Insight!

I don't know why, but for some reason I forgot to write this morning like usual....I got up at the usual time, but in my concerns for getting to Costco to get my items I still needed to pick up for tomorrow's dinner, I just forgot!!!
I did get to Costco, and got my buns and asparagus I needed, and came home and started my pressure cooker going with the beef in it...hoping it works well, cause I have another pot to do when this one is done. I also need to color eggs, but other than that everything else has to wait for tomorrow. I'll have to wait till tomorrow and someone comes to help me set up the extra table, but I'll have the first one set and everything out for the other when they get here.
I slept pretty well last night, but woke up I must have slept crocked. I took some extra strength Tylenol at 5:30 a.m. and went back to sleep for another almost 2 hours. So I was ready to start moving right away, only I forgot the blog in that process.
Got messages on Caringbridge from Lottie and Sonja last night and both are doing well. So thank you God for that.
Yesterday I went to the 3 p.m. Living Stations that the youth of the church put on, and again it was very moving and emotional for me....but I guess so much of Jesus's suffering rings close to me and all those I'm praying for...and the words "Not my will but thine" have crossed my lips, and also the cry to the Lord as to "Why has tho forsaken me?" But I know that His love and your's keeps carrying me through. Thank you all for that!
Hope you rise to a Blessed Easter tomorrow, and that the Son Shines all day!! Love and prayers, m

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Morning, Good Friday!

Well, I had the most fabulous night of sleep last night. I slept six hours without interruption, not even a turn....I woke up at 5:15 without having moved from the spot I laid down on...and then after going to the bathroom and fell back to sleep in no time at all. It was a hard day yesterday, so it was so welcome.
Yesterday was a busy day, did a lot of cleaning, visiting, errands and church. All the activities during the day caused my back to ache a lot. During church I had to sit down during almost all the long standing for readings etc. and then I made the stupid mistake of standing in to distribute Communion, and I thought I would collapse....but rocked from side to side putting pressure in different positions and praying to make it through. When I got back to sitting down, I thanked God for getting me through this and asked for strength to go on....I guess I kinda talked a lot to my mom and thought about my upcoming CTscan and how I was feeling so weak. I came home and somehow finished the laundry and finally took a couple of extra strength Tylenol and crawled into bed about 11:45....did a few more prayers and fell asleep only to wake at 5:15 in no pain what so ever. I can't say that it is completely gone today, but I feel so much better.
I did have some great visits yesterday as well, and comments on my Facebook status. Bonnie Sass came over for a short visit, and brought me a gift back from Sedona. A beautiful friendship statue, of three people (she dubbed as me, her and Lois Bjerke) standing in a circle holding a bowl. Then at Cub while shopping I ran into LaVonnew Kulseth, and visited with her and talked about miracle's being possible, and that I've already experienced a few of them. Then at church I sat next to Alice Johnson and her husband Richard, and also talked to Kathie Fritz, Caroline Buhr, Lorraine and Donna Utech (who I had just received a beautiful Easter card in the mail from) getting hugs and love, and also got a beautiful message on my phone from daughter-in-law Karen. All of this must have added to all the feelings of love and prayers coming my way and overwhelming me at church.
Today, I have some more cleaning to do, another trip to HP to pick up the prescriptions I dropped off yesterday, and then I will pick up Carol Kline and take her with me to the Living Stations that the teens at our church will be presenting at 3 p.m.
The cabin landscaping is now complete (well except for the new grass seeds to grow), and I can't wait to go to the cabin and see the results.
Lottie Virnig sent a very positive Caringbridge message yesterday, so I think she is well on the mend. Louie and his wife celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and they are busy celebrating this Holy Week as well. So that's all the news for now. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Sunny Day!

Better night than the one before, and that was pretty good. I only got up once during the night to go to the bathroom and went right back to sleep. Did wake up at 6 and don't think I actually went back to sleep before getting up at 7 a.m. But I was resting.
Yesterday was a big day, I first went to see the Urologist, and she did several tests, and confirmed that the muscle (spinkter) is shot because of the radiation and that causes me to have leakage when I stand up....they could do surgery, but not recommended....why am I getting the UTI's?.....not quite sure, could be the Erbitux that is causing very dry skin and may be irritating the she is giving me estrogen cream to use externally, and a low grade antibiotic to take regularly to see if that works....also recommended cranberry pills, which I had already ordered and have. She said my bladder looked fine and wants to see me again in 3 months to see if things are better. Also she wants to see the results of my CTscan I have in 2 weeks at Mayo.
From there I went to get unplugged but had 1 1/2 hours in between, I first got some lunch and then shopped for Easter candy at Target. Unplugging only takes a few minutes but I managed to draw it out to about 30 minutes in visiting with the staff.
At 3:30 I arrived at Sheila Judd's for my Qigong session. It went very well, only at the beginning she asked if I had had some sadness in my day, and first responded no, but as I meditated and started talking to mom...I remembered that I had been thinking about Holy Week, and that mom died on Holy Saturday, and that I had been at the hospital on Holy Thursday before I went to church and again on Good Friday, and how she was so worried we weren't going to be able to do Easter dinner with out her...and I assured her we were all capable....but I was wrong....I tried making scalloped potatoes without turning on the oven....and at the last minute, had to microwave smaller portions. But we all laughed that mom was right we couldn't do it without her. Every Easter after that, something always goes wrong...or forgotten in the fridge etc....and we know we are missing mom!! As I was meditating and remembering all this I started to cry and the tears were running down my face...after explaining the sadness to Sheila, she said that we get healed in different ways and at different levels, so this was good!
The rest of my evening went well, talking to Kathleen and Judy on the phone, and working on the computer getting some things organized and filed.
Today I need to go get those prescriptions filled and get some groceries and try to get some tidying done before Sunday!!
Please keep those prayers coming! Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 3, Round 6 --- Unplugged!

Good Morning Sunshine!! I slept pretty well last night....pretty much 2-3 hour increments. I had my doubts when I went to bed getting up twice the first half hour. First the neuropathy in my feet was bothering me, so I sat up and massaged my feet for a while, and then about 10 minutes later I decided to rub some Ben Gay like muscle rub, and two extra strength Tylenol really helped me to sleep better. I still woke in night sweats when I did wake....but I felt rested when I got up this morning.
Yesterday I got showered and dressed later in the afternoon, and headed out for some errands. Then came home ate some dinner and headed out to card club. We were one person short, so we ended up playing "Cut Throat" for the evening, which turned out a lot of fun....some even thought it was more fun than playing "500".
Today I have a busy one....I have an appointment with a urologist at 10:30, across the street from North Memorial, then get unplugged (Hurrah) at 1:00 also about 2 blocks from the hospital, so I guess I'll find something to do in the area like eat lunch and do some shopping. Then at 3:30 I get to go have Qigong at Shiela's in Maple Grove. So I may get to go home in between then.
Got lots of updates on people's health and that of their children....some have prayers of thanksgiving, and other's are still in need for prayers for healing and health! Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2, Round 6

Well, yesterday came and went as expected....I first had to see Dr. Londer, which I wasn't scheduled for....but glad I did, he checked on my kidney functions again this week, and they were back to normal....which was good, and okay-ed the chemo. I then got to play cribbage with Judy, and this week the cards were not sick either!! I won 3 out of 4 games. So I was happy!
I got tired like expected as well, Judy drove me home and just dropped me off without coming in, as she new I was going directly to the couch to take a nap. I slept till about 5:45 and woke up and decided I better find some dinner....not that the cupboard was bare, but nothing looked like it would be instantly ready to eat....I opened the freezer and saw a pizza that had been in there for months, and decided it was time to eat it. I put it in the oven, and when it was done proceeded to cut it, and wondered why the thin crust was so hard to cut through before realizing I didn't take it off the cardboard before putting it on the pizza pan. Oh well, it tasted okay!
After dinner (if you call it that) I went back to the couch and watched TV from there till about 8:30 and then got up and went to the computer and voted for some of "The Voice" singers....and then watched "Smash" my favorite show this year.
About 10:45 I headed to bed only to lay there for hours on end looking at the clock sometimes in 10 minute intravals...which is also expected the first night of chemo, and then when I do fall asleep for a few minutes I wake in a night sweat. So glad this is over for at least six weeks.
I do have to go back next week for an infusion of Erbitux, but that doesn't effect me in the same way as the chemo does....and tomorrow to get unplugged.
I get to play cards tonight with card club, and have to run a few errands later this, and pick up a prescription refill. Other than that, no big plans for the middle of the day. Keep those prayers coming, love and prayers, m

Monday, April 2, 2012

Again....the Last Chemo for this Round!

The sun was shining when I opened my blinds this morning, and that made me happy. This morning, I will hopefully have my last chemo for a while. I hate to say it may or not be. I will go to Mayo the 18th of April only 2 weeks away, and have my 40th CTscan. If the chemo has worked....I may get another reprieve for 3 more months, or if it didn't, they will try to find a drug trial to put me in. So we will see what happens....but my prayers are for the least a reprieve.
Yesterday, I did go back to bed and slept till 11 a.m. and then got ready for the brunch at 12:30 with my Lenten Group. It was a very good potluck of sorts, only each of us had declared what we would bring in advance. We then had a great discussion and headed out for the Cantata at church. I picked up Carol Kline and brought her the last 2 pieces of strudel. She was so she has had it before....and read my blog saying I had baked it on Saturday.
The Cantata was so fantastic. Over 100 choir members and a 23 piece orchestra. The church was packed, and it was absolutely the perfect way to start out Holy Week.
My back continues to bother me...sitting at the concert didn't help....but it was worth it. I ended up taking 2 oxycodone before the night was over...but after the second one at 3 a.m. I slept all the way till 7 a.m.....4 hours straight is really good for me. I usually sleep in 2 hour segments.
Well I better get ready for chemo and some great cribbage with Judy. LaVonne Burrington will drive me over, so I don't have to worry about driving home, Judy will bring me back. I'm sure I'll sleep well after I get home. Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What happened to the Sun?

I guess it was just like my wifi. All winter when I had it turned really worked for all who brought their computers....however, I brought my computer with me on Friday, and low and behold, they finally have turned it off, and neither my computer or my Nook would work without wifi. Thus, I did not do a blog yesterday.
The sun was turned off yesterday too! All week they promised us a beautiful Saturday, so I got my cabin fever revved up and I was raring to go on Friday morning. I did see the sun later in the afternoon on Friday and posted a picture on Facebook to prove it....but yesterday it was nowhere to be fact my new thermometer on the tree didn't make it out of the 40's.
Judy and I made the most of it though. After a leisurely breakfast we wondered into town to get more bird food, and a few other things. Then while waiting for some frozen bread dough to raise, we started a marathon cribbage tournament. I got double skunked and I skunked Judy once, but I still ended up winning 7 games first. I think Judy won 6, and I know once she was in the sink hole when I it was close!
In the middle of that I made 3 large pans of Poppy Strudel. The cabin smelled wonderful. I shared one pan with Judy, one is for the potluck today, and then I took some to my cousin Mary in Maple Lake on my way home, and then when I got home I divided the last pan with Burrington's, Salisbary's and me. I'm sure the sugar high was worth was good, and Judy and Cheri Salisbary both reported that!
Judy and I did a lot of bird watching, as well as squirrel and chipmunk, and even spotted a bunny. But the birds were of most interest, cause we saw a new bird we had to look up in the bird book to name. It was a Fox Sparrow, and very unsparrow like. 7", fat, and very unusual coloring. We also saw cardinals, chick-a-dee, nuthatch, woodpeckers, and junco's. So not having sun didn't bother us much.
My back has been bothering me a lot the last couple of days, and I had a bad night on last night I ended up getting up and taking an Oxycontin....and then slept well...but when the alarm went off at 7 a.m....I just couldn't make myself get out of bed.... in fact I fell back to sleep till 8 a.m. My back is better this morning, but still not great, and I know I couldn't have made it through the long Palm Sunday service. Hopefully going to the Lenten Group this afternoon, and then the Cantata will make up for me missing Mass. I'm sure God will forgive me.
Tomorrow, hopefully I will finally get my last chemo for this series. I've arranged for LaVonne to drive me over in the morning, and Judy will come and see if she can beat me at cribbage....she creamed me last Tuesday at HHH, so I'm pretty sure it's her turn again.
Thank you for all the prayers for me and my list of those in need. Love and prayers, m