Saturday, June 30, 2012
Sunny, Calm and Beautiful
Can't ask for more! This would have been my 50th Anniversary wedded to Gene.
I got a late start coming to the cabin yesterday....didn't get out of the house till 12:30 or so, then went to HP to pick up prescriptions and they weren't ready....then got a call from Karen needing pictures of Emily, so went back home and got them and then back to HP and finally the prescriptions were ready. Then I went to Michael's and picked up stuff to paint rocks at the cabin etc....then to Costco, and also got gas there....22 cents cheaper than it was when I got to Annandale. It's usually cheaper up here, so I'm glad I didn't wait. It was about 3:45 or so before I actually got to the cabin...only about 4 hours off my plan for the day.
Then it took me about an hour to unload and put away all the stuff I had packed into the can hold a lot. I also had to unload the cabin of the plants and grill, they had put in here when they were doing the sealing of the really looks nice....but empty. So now the guys will have to refill it with all the furniture.
I guess Annie and Doug will be up this morning sometime, and I plan on hitting the farmers market this morning too! Other than that, I don't have any plans for the day. I'm sure it will get filled easily with plenty to do. But other than the deck it looks pretty good. I've even got my bed made already.
Prayers needed for Judy's sister-in-law's husband Roger, who fell and broke his hip, just as they were going to move him into memory care unit and had his room all ready to go. He now will have surgery to put in a pin, and will be about 8 weeks recovery. Those poor people have had so many bad things happen to them...they could use a lot of prayers. I'm off to get dressed and shop! Love and Prayers, m
Friday, June 29, 2012
Sunshine Taking Me to the Cabin
Kiecker Kabin here I come!
Yesterday was a busy crazy day...nothing well almost nothing...happened like it was planned. It started out great...I had breakfast with Bonnie at Baker's Square at 9 a.m. just like planned and left there just in time to get to HHH in Robinsdale by 11 a.m. That's where the problems started....they had changed my appointment to get unplugged to 1 p.m. cause they were too busy at 11 a.m.....but needless to say they didn't tell me that. So they had to squeeze me in. Well at about 11:15 is when they explained to me about being scheduled and that Wayne (the nurse) was with another patient, and I would be next. Then at 11:35 I asked if he had forgotten me, and Debbie (the scheduler) walked back to see what was up, and shortly she poked her head out and and said to come in and Wayne would be right with this time I was really upset, as I had before I left in the morning told Chris that he could pick me up at 11:30, then called and told him 11:45. There was no way I could be home and decided to wait till I was actually unplugged before I called him. Finally about 11:45 Wayne unplugged me. So I called Chris and moved the meeting time to 12:15 and that finally worked.
Chris picked me up at 12;20 and we got the form notarized for him, and I was back home by 1 p.m. But not for long....I then went shopping to get those birthday presents I still needed to get. I called HP to see if the 3 prescription I ordered refills were ready to be picked up, and of course only 2 of the 3 were ready as one needed a doctors approval to be refilled. One less stop for the day, but now will have to pick up before I leave in the morning, so I hope it is ready then. The trip was successful, but took in a couple of different stores. Got home about 4 p.m. and ate dinner and watched the news before leaving again for the "Family Promise" program to host from 6:30 to 8 p.m. They didn't get the 4th family like they thought so it was again a pretty easy job. Just 2 teenage boys who entertained themselves, and 2 babies 9 months and 16 months who sat and played on the floor or their mom's fed them.
I decided to shop at Cub on my way home, so that meant I wasn't home till a little after 9 p.m. I was really beat by this time, and as soon as the news was over I went to bed.
I slept well, got up twice to go to the bathroom and got out of bed by even though it wasn't 7 a.m. I was awake then, just refused to get up. Today I have several errands to run before I get out of town, I'm guessing it will be noon before I get to the cabin, but as long as I'm headed in that direction I'll be fine. Right now I need to shower and pack clothes for 2 weeks, and 2 parties, and a trip to Mayo. So that should be a task that might take a little thought.
Must get busy, keeping positive thoughts for a good report on the 11th, Love and Prayers, m
P.S. special prayers for a friend of Janet's (Bonnie) who is having brain surgery at Mayo today.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Not Sunny Yet
It's supposed to be in the 90's again today....but right now it looks to me like it's going to rain. Even the local weather on the Today Show doesn't say anything about rain.
I've got plans for breakfast this morning with Bonnie, then I have to get my pump unplugged, and then go get a form notarized so that Chris can get his tent trailer titled changed. I originally planned on doing that with Chris at 11 a.m., but forgot that that is when I need to get unplugged so now I need to tell him that 11:45 will have to do. (Yeah he just called and it's all set for 11:45.)
Last night I went to Host at "Family Promise" from 6:30 to 8 p.m at St. Tim's.....really didn't do much, mostly sat and watched. The time went by pretty fast, and on my way out I saw Tina Bedzinski who was taking the overnight shift...don't think I could do that. I go back again for the same shift, and hopefully it will go as smooth as last night. They only had 3 families with 4 children last night and tonight another family is moving in with 2 more children so it should be a little more interesting.
Tomorrow I go back to the cabin and can't wait for the fun to start there. Tom and Karen will come in about 1:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon. Don't know about the rest! But they are the ones that have two celebrations to host next week. Kennedy's birthday and Emily's Graduation Party.
Not much else to report....still need lots of prayers for those people living in Colorada Springs area. Also me and all those on my list. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day 2, Series 5 (but really 20)
Yesterday Doctor Londer related that this was my 20th round of chemo at HHH. Hopefully this is my last for a long long time. I am thinking positively in that matter. I also asked not to get Erbitux for this session as I noticed a rash developing under the seal of my colonostomy bag (Constance). He agreed, and left it off the order for the day....he also forgot to put the Zemoda (bone healing drug given once a month) on the order for the luckily my nurse noticed it was missing and got the order much later in the day, actually after I had finished with the chemo I waited another 15 minutes to get it started and then another 15 minutes to get it infused. Still got home by 2 p.m.
Sharyl doesn't play cribbage, but we had no problem filling the time with conversation. As I had no food in the house for breakfast I was starving by noon, and feeling kinda Sharyl went to Broadway pizza and brought back a small Eddy's Special (basically garbage with shrimp included) really good, but after about 4 pieces I was stuffed and wooziness gone.
When I got home I went to the couch and slept till 5:45 missing my 4 p.m. meds, so taking them late. I ate and continued to watch TV and slept off and on, till 9:45 when I realized I missed taking my 7 p.m. pain med and so got up and took that along with my night pills and went back to the couch. I slept on and off during the Jay Leno show and finally awoke at 2:20 still on the couch. So went to bed and slept till about 5 a.m. and then laid awake for about an hour and then back to sleep till exactly 7 a.m. My internal clock is back to working.
I searched the refridge for something to eat, and came up with a bowl of blackberries and some nondairy creamer on it. Now I'm picking the seeds out of my teeth.
today I don't have anything planned till 3:30 when I have Qigong at Sheila's house and then this evening from 6:30 to 8, I will be a church hosting a homeless family. This is a program that 10 churches in Anoka County are involved in, and I began volunteering about a month ago with food. That was easy I just went to Costco and got a couple of chickens and a bag of buns and brought it to the church. Never saw the families we were tonight will be a new experience, and I am looking forward to it. I will be back there again tomorrow night as well.
Prayers are really needed for the Colorado Springs people evacuated and watching homes going up in flames. Also for me and all those I have asked for prayers in the past. Lottie Virnig fell the other day and broke her arm and is in a sling. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Up With the Sun
Years ago when Gene died I sold the tent trailer to a friend of Jimbo's. Jimbo had borrowed it and taken it to his cabin for a weekend with the guys so they could use it for sleeping. They liked it so much they asked if they could buy it and keep it at their cabin for overflow. So I sold it to them, but when they went to get the title changed and buy license plates for it they didn't have a death certificate for Gene. So they just left it parked and didn't take it on any highways. This year they decided they want to take it on a trip, and they needed the title changed and a death certificate of Genes and my signature as his Spouse or Widow. So this morning, Chris came at 7 a.m., as he is on his way to the cabin and Alexandria, to get the death certificate.
I also have to go for what I hope is the last chemo for a long time. Day 1 of Series 5. I have to be there at 9 a.m. and Sharyl will pick me up at 8:30, so I needed to be up and at-tum early anyway. So This will be short.
Yesterday I left the cabin at about noon, and then stopped and did some shopping and picked up lunch and got home about 2 p.m. I did manage to find 2 birthday presents for Karen and Kennedy....but still need to do some shopping for Kennedy.
The guys were there staining the deck when I left, actually I had to leave or get stuck in the cabin for at least 24 hours. So I packed up before they got to the back steps. They were almost done with the front deck. With three working it doesn't take too long.
Must get into that shower....keep up the prayers, Love and Prayers, m
Monday, June 25, 2012
Another Beautiful Day
I go up at 7:20 this morning, so I'm getting closer to the 7 a.m. time I am shooting for, but I took my med late yesterday....not till 8:30 I guess it all works out in the end. Didn't wake up in pain at least. Feeling quite good...if I do say so for myself.
I got a call from Jason, the Painter, this morning, and he should be here by 10 a.m. or so. I have already feed the birds, and took in all the pillows, need to water the plants, as it's going to be hot this week, and I won't be back till Friday morning. I hate thinking about not being here when the weather man says it's going to be in the 90's and sunny all week. Oh well, when I come back I get to stay for 2 weeks.
Jason said he was bringing helpers along, so it won't take all day. But I need to be packed so that I can get out of here before he does the back steps (or front....which ever you call them). I don't want to get trapped in the cabin and unable to leave.
Yesterday was so gorgeous, and I spent a lot of time outside painting that little picnic table red.
Kathleen suggested that mom is telling me to paint things red to bring her into it. I'm pretty sure she is here anyway, but the red is a good reminder.
Last night Judy emailed that she wouldn't beable to spend the day with me at chemo tomorrow, she had double booked with me and Annie her sister-in-law, and she really needs to be with Annie. So I emailed a few friends, including Sharyl who had already volunteered to drive me in the morning. Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Sharyl that she could do I had to quick email everyone I asked that I already had Sharyl spending the day with me.
I also got a call from Kathleen....but Gary grabbed the phone and whined that Kathleen had been beating him in cribbage for two days straight, and for the last two games he never even got one natural 5 dealt to him. What are the odds? He was so upset the day before that he had told Kathleen that he wasn't going to play cribbage with her anymore...but of course he did, but continued to loose. Laughing Kathleen got back on the phone and said he was also mad because she kept saying that Theresa and the Ambroses were helping her. (Gary's dad was a Ambrose too.) I told her that I hoped his loosing streak continued or came back when he got here, cause Judy and I would just like to beat him once!!! That's all we ask!! It's less than two weeks and they will be here....I'm so excited.
Other than that it was a pretty quiet neighbors here either. I guess I better get packing....oh I just saw two red-bellied woodpeckers here at once....I've never seen that must be the is that exciting.
Please pray for me that this will be my last chemo for a long time. I'm feeling really good, and would love a vacation from this cancer stuff. Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, June 24, 2012
It's a Lovely Morning
For the third day in a row, I didn't get up till 7:30...I don't know what's wrong with my internal clock. What a morning to wake up to. The lake is like glass, and the sun is shinning in an almost cloudless blue sky. It's so peaceful here....I think it is heaven sent! It's quiet on the lake and the birds and critters are going wild for the food I just put out. I have one squirrel who can hang by his hind legs for what seems like an hour....He's already been there for more than 20 minutes and he won't leave till he's emptied the feeder. The orioles are again going back and forth to the jelly and to the nest. I assume they are feeding babies.
Annie, Doug and Matthew came up yesterday about 11 a.m.....actually I don't know exactly when they came....I was on the deck reading, and Annie opened the sliding door and scared the bejebbers out of me....she said they had been here a while, and knew I didn't know they were here....I was so engrossed in the book.
Mathew only stayed for a little while before being invited to play with the neighbor's granddaughter. He spent almost the whole day with her...even went for a boat ride with her and her parents. That was nice, cause Annie and Doug had lots of work to do. They first painted their bedroom...a pretty grey (Silver Fox) and then Doug proceeded to lay my sod, build a step off the side of the paver platform they built a few weeks ago, mowed the back lot, spread mulch and a few other odd jobs. Annie cleaned the entire boat house, and washed some bedding. Collected sheets and pillow cases for all the beds in it, and vacuumed and scrubbed the place up.
I didn't do much to help, except cleaned out my closet of linens for the boathouse and watered the new sod and fix them dinner. Oh yah, Doug also set up a sprinkling system for the new sod, so it will go off at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. everyday, and when I was up this morning going to the bathroom at 6:20 it was working. For some reason by the time they left at 7 p.m. I was worn out. Must of been watching them work! I think this place is going to be ready for all the celebrations the week of the 4th. I would never have guessed it when we started talking about having Em's grad party here back in May.
Today I will paint the little kids picnic table red to match my bench, and maybe wash the white plastic chairs and try to spray them red too! I don't know if I have enough spray paint for all three of them, so I'll do one at a time. With no wind it should be a good day for that. Other than that, I'll try and finish my book...I ran out of power on my Nook and had to recharge it last night.
Louie asked for prayers for Nancy (his wife) who has a sinus infection which has really wiped her out...and for all the people in Colorado Springs where they used to live and their oldest son still lives. The wild fires have forced almost the whole town to evacuate their homes, and the house he used to live in, is one that has been asked to evacuate. So please pray for all of them....and me too!
I now have 5 squirrels and a chipmunk along with the birds outside my window...I think I must be too good to them. Time for me to get dressed...Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Grey Skies...No Sun Shining on Me
Overslept this morning, and didn't get up till 7:30....I know that's not late, but my pill regiment has me taking my Oxycontin every 12 hours and 7 a.m. and p.m. is what I've made as my by the time I got out of bed the med had really warn off, and I was stiff and sore. I'm starting to feel like the 7:30 med is finally taking hold and back to feeling my normal....whatever that is.
The birds and critters have been thick this morning, and the orioles keep coming back and forth to the jelly and now I just saw one at the hummingbird feeder....jelly isn't enough for him. I wonder if they are feeding babies, as they have really been here a lot.
Yesterday I drove to Albany, a little less than an hour's drive, and got sod from my cousin Dale's Sod Farm. All my conversations with him were through his daughter Brittany, who is home from college and working with her dad for the summer. She is the one who appeared with a pickup and 8 rolls of sod for me. When I asked how much I owed, she replied "Dad said, don't let her give you a dime"....I realized there wasn't any use arguing with her or her dad, and told her to give him a kiss for me....or maybe a hug....she chuckled and said it would have to be a hug not a kiss....they are not very demonstrative in that area. So in leaving I thanked her and gave Brittany a hug to give to her dad.
When I told her I had planned to leave it in the back of the van and that my son-in-law Doug was coming today to lay it for me, she suggested I take it out of the van and roll it out on the ground even though it wouldn't necessarily be properly laid, it would be better for the sod. She said in the van rolled up, the shelf life was about 8 hours. So I laid sod when I got home and watered it. Doug will still have to really lay the sod in place when he gets here, but he won't have to take it out of my van. He can take out the 2 bags of mulch he said we needed and pour that in the flower beds down by the lake.
After all that exercise, I was worn out, so I took about a 30 minute nap....and went into town to run some errands, like the post office to mail a couple of letters; looked for a free ATM but couldn't find one; and then the Country Market for a bunch of stuff like: conditioner for both showers; fabric softener for the laundry; bleach to get the smell out of the garbage can; Mustard and relish for hot dogs; mulch for the garden; and a 8-piece grilled chicken for dinner. Then spent the rest of the day reading on the deck and eating dinner out there as it was such a beautiful day...warm and no wind.
Today Doug will come and do some work for me. I don't know if he's bringing the family or not. I hope it clears up and we have another beautiful day like yesterday.
I downloaded a new book that my sister recommended onto my ipod, and look forward to listening to that in the car. Also got a call from my neighbor Sharyl Boes who will drive me to chemo on Tuesday morning. So, I'm all set for that. Judy will come and maybe play cribbage with me....maybe by then her luck will have changed. Gary found it hilarious that we were practicing criss-cross in an attempt to win against he and Kathleen when they come in a couple of weeks. I think it will at least give us help in playing defensively against them.
No other news, but do ask that you pray for my cousin Terri's husband Dwayne who is in late stages of Emphysema and was in Hospice...but just was moved to Palliative Care, which is similiar to Hospice but can get more aid with it. Also prayers for Terri and their whole family. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, June 22, 2012
Good Morning Sunshine
What a beautiful morning, the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky, and just a light breeze on the lake....about 60 degrees on the thermometer outside my window. The birds are gathering for their breakfast, but I have had to chase a cat away twice....and this time it's a different cat than was here before. The other cat pounced on a bird (I originally thought it was a chipmunk) and ran off with it in his mouth last night. I was so upset...and now having another cat here this morning twice....I'm really worried...and feel bad that I'm the one making them come here in the first place....but I think the good out weights the bad.
Yesterday was a great day. I got up at my normal time, then ran the vacuum, and started preparing stuff for a salad, and put the chicken in the oven to bake. I had everything in order and was just playing on the computer when Mary arrived from Breezy Point about 11:25. Then about 20 minutes later her sister Terri arrived. I think from that point on, the chatter never stopped. I can't remember when the three of us were together to talk!!! I gave them a tour of the place, and we looked at my remodeling scrapbook, and ate lunch, took pictures and talked some more. Terri and Mary remember being here when they were little, sleeping in the one room boathouse....laughing and telling ghost stories...and giggling some more. We also remember our parents playing cards at the dining room table and making popcorn for them....both in the city and at the cabin.
This all continued till about 2:30, when the two of them figured they better get going as it was going to be a two-hour drive back home.
I loved having them here, but I hated saying goodbye. We are now planning a visit with cousin Louie the end of July, and hope we can get a few more Schoenecker cousins to join us.
I have to leave in a few minutes to go to Albany to my Scheiber cousin's sod farm to pick up those 6 rolls we need for the entry way. I'm not dressed yet, so I better start moving fast. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Return of the Sun...but Cooler
Yesterday the weather couldn't make up it's mind....we had a torrential 1/2 in. of rain in about a 15 minute span, and the wind blew but nothing more than a few twigs and leaves flew off the trees. Then it was nice (relatively) for an hour or so, and then it would look like it was going to storm again, and then it would just blow over, etc. etc. The crew took cover a few times, but mostly just kept working. They went from rain gear to shirtsleeves by the end of the day.
This morning, it's still cloudy and windy, but it doesn't look like rain....dry and cool. I was hoping to have lunch on the deck this afternoon, but it looks like we'll be eating in the cabin instead.
You wouldn't believe all the work the crew (Bill, Doug, Rick and Jimbo) got done. I can't thank them enough. We now have the deck and cabana replaced with table and chairs inside. Where we can sit, away from sun, rain, and mosquito's. They also did some pulling of weeds, on the bank and in the garden, and placed mulch throughout the plantings around the deck.
In the back yard (where the entry and road is) Jimbo mowed, pulled weeds, and then Jimbo and Doug proceeded to bring large rocks to line the new pavers they put into place a few weeks ago for the entry. Then they poured in a lot of black dirt and we went looking for sod. (Or I did) I called garden centers and sod farms (my cousins in Albany and all points between here and Buffalo and St. Cloud and Cokato. Because of the wet weather no one was cutting sod, and the garden centers don't seem to have any already cut....not a big call for 5 or 6 rolls of sod. So now, my cousin Dale (Albsny Sod) told me he will cut on Friday morning, and I could come and pick it up sometime after 10 that's the plan, I will have him put it in the back of my van, and Saturday, Doug will come back and lay it for me. All and all it was a very productive day. I had them do some other little tasks that I couldn't, and I planted a few more Hosta's. I also did three loads of wash, and did some cleaning or tidying of the place so it would be presentable for company today.
My back and hips were in super shape, I felt strong and can't tell you how many times I went from the main level to the basement and back again....I'm guessing 10 times. I went shopping for the guys and got the mulch and a few items at the grocery store and I planted and did laundry....all without taking any extra breakout pain meds. So your prayers are working and I hope you keep them up, cause it feels good to be able to do normal things that a few weeks ago I couldn't, without a lot of pain.
Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Storms Galore
Woke this morning to over cast skies....but at nine (now) the rain hasn't hit can see it blowing and coming across the lake but so far the deck is dry. The sad thing is that I have a full crew of workers here to rebuild our lower patio that we had to take down in the process of getting a permit for the construction of the cabin. So they put on their rain gear, and are working as fast as they can. OMG it's really blowing now...we're going to get hit hard.
Yesterday I got out of the cabin by 8:03 a.m. and got to HHH for my infusion at 9:03 a.m.. Great drive time. It took a extra long time for my infusion to they are in the process of remodeling, and have moved everything into temporary quarters, and it's a mess. So I didn't get out of there till almost noon, and had several little errands I had to picking something up at church, the grocery store and then clothes from the house...along with my mail. Then I headed to Menards to get some treads for the cabin stairs down to the boathouse that just got power-washed. From Menards I got gas at Costco ($3.52 a gallon compared to $3.79 at Holiday) I didn't need a lot, but I figured I'd fill up before it went any higher. As I was driving back, I got a call from Jimbo, and he told me that he and Ann and niece Anna would be up after dinner, and that in the morning Rick Zwack, Doug, and Bill would be up to work. What a great surprise. I didn't get back to the cabin till 2:40 p.m.
Judy was waiting to try and change her luck and beat in some form of cards, but it was to no avail...she came close a couple of times only loosing by 1 point, but my luck was still in full force and she left last night a looser. I'm worried she won't come back and play with me anymore...but she claims she still has hope her luck will change and I'll be the looser again!!
Around 7 p.m. Jimbo, Ann and Anna come in, and Judy decided she had enough of loosing and packed up and left for home. (She was planning on leaving anyway, as she has a funeral to attend this morning) So we spent the rest of the evening watching the Twins get beat and mostly vegging.
Well the worst of the storm has past and I can see light on the horizon...hopefully the crew will get a chance to finish their job today. It's supposed to be quiet and sunny tomorrow, and I have company (cousins on the Schoenecker side) coming for lunch. One is driving down from Brainerd, and the other from North Branch....about a two hour drive for each. I haven't seen them in ages, and I'm so looking forward to that.
My body was in great shape yesterday, and I'm feeling pretty good this morning as well. The prayers, Quick Pulse, Qigong, and chemo drugs are doing their jobs. I feel the blessings and am getting stronger and in less pain each day. Please keep the prayers up for me, and also pray for Judy's sister-in-law Annie and her husband Roger. Roger is going to be moved to a Memory Care unit next Monday, and that means Annie has to move to a smaller unit in the complex they are living in, in Belle Plaine. This is very difficult and stressful on Annie, as well as Roger....but in the end a good thing. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Rain, Thunder and Lightening
All night there was thunder, ligtening and rain. It sounded like a lot, but the rain gauge only had 1/2 in. in it. It's still overcast and looks like more rain is coming, but I hope it holds off till I get out of here.
This morning I have to drive into town for my infusion of Erbitux. Then I'll run by the house and pick up my mail and a few more clothes etc, but I hope to be back here by noon or 1 p.m. Judy will stay till this evening, and then she has to go back home as she has a funeral to attend tomorrow. (A dutch friend of Frank's family)
Yesterday was glorious. The sun shined and it was warm and no wind all day!
The deck got cleaned, and they look so nice....however they are wet again after the nights rain. I planted some more flowers, and we played cards. Unfortuneately for Judy no matter what we played, I ended up winning. We played criss-cross again last night, and I won 2 out of 3, and in cribbage I'm ahead with 2 sets of 7 wins.
We tried a new recipe for some Santa Fe turkey meatloaf, but really had to doctor it up to make it taste descent. We won't make that again, and unfortunately I have half of it left.
Hopeing for another good day! Love and Prayers, m

Monday, June 18, 2012
The Sun Can't Make Up It's Mind
Sun and Rain, Sun and Rain!! This morning the sun was shining brightly at 7 a.m., and now it looks like it could have a light shower.... at least there is a cloud cover. I think it will clear up and be a nice day, but who knows....yesterday was supposed to be clear and sunny all day, and that didn't happen. We ended up with an inch of rain in the rain gauge this morning. We did have some sitting outside time, and their were people out boating, tubing and fishing most of the day...but the sky really clouded up in the morning and we thought it was going to be a big storm, and it pretty much missed us totally....then in the evening or after dinner it really started to lightening and thunder and I thought it was really going to hit us according to the radar on my computer....but it just rained and didn't even blow much. Funny weather day!
Judy and I played some cribbage and I won the first set of 7 (really 13 games) but I got to seven first. Then I started winning the next two, so we switched and started practicing criss-cross. That is really more challenging than cribbage. But anyway, I won the first, Judy the second, and we tied the third....but the forth she beat me by a landslide....probably would have been a double skunk if we were playing cribbage. By then we went back to cribbage and my winning streak seems to be continuing. I think I am winning 4 to 2 now.
I also worked on my scrapbook of the remodeling of the cabin, and I finished it. I had six pages to do, and managed to do it, even though the tape I was using ran out, and the only tape I had was a refill for a dispenser I didn't have along with me at the it was a job to stick the pictures in. But it's done and I'm happy with it.
Other than that, I didn't do any planting, but might do that today...I just got a call from Jason (the Painter) who is coming out to powerwash the deck and happy that that is finally going to be done. The sun is back out, and it looks like it might be a great day after all.
Nothing else to report....Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Windy but Nice!
Happy Father's Day to any of you fathers that happen to be reading this.
I guess, I already told you about most of yesterday, Judy arrived around 3 p.m. and I was planting some of my flowers I got from Jan....I still have about 8 more to go, and hopefully will get that done in the next couple of days. They are in 6 in. pots, so I'm not worried about how fast I get them planted.
We proceeded to play cribbage for the afternoon, and then I fried up a huge pan of fish that my brother Phil had given us last week when Judy was here. They were scrumptious!...Just fish and a salad.
We then played more cribbage ending the evening around 10:30 with me willing 6 to 4....first one to 7 wins, so I have a good chance at that. The cards were really falling my way except for one game that Judy skunked me.
This morning we both got up at 7 a.m., Judy thinking she heard company...and that Phil was here....but she must have been dreaming, cause it was just me quietly checking my email.
We're busy watching the birds, and have had quite an array so far. Orioles, Red bellied Woodpecker, nuthatch, blue jay, sparrow, chickadee, red squirrel, grey squirrels, chipmunks but no cat!!
We don't have any special plans for the day....I think it will be pretty lazy and some more cards. Judy and I want to practice playing criss-cross before Kathleen and Gary get here. It takes 4 people, but we make dummy hands for our partners. We might work on that today. But Bird watching will make up the biggest part of the day.
Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Back at the Cabin
This morning early when I awoke, the sun was shining, and my sprinklers were going off...they were not aware of the oncoming rain....or was I. I made coffee, ate some toast and watched some early morning news etc....along with the weather, which pronounced it was going to be a stormy day.
I showered and packed and was able to be on my way by 9:30. As I drove I met some mist, and a light shower then sun, then a light shower, then dry roads, and finally as entering Annandale a heavy deluge of rain....but as I was only driving 30 miles an hour through town it didn't seem to stop me....while others were pulling over for a minute to let it pass. I kept going and soon on the other side of town it stopped and some of Hwy 55 was still dry. Cty Rd 3 was damp, but didn't look like it got the deluge I just drove through. I checked the rain gauge and it only read 1/4th of an inch. As I got the computer up and running and unpacked etc. I realized it was brightening up. I see the birds and critters who had done a good number on the food I left yesterday afternoon, I see a glint of sun and some blue sky. But I know the weather may bring me some storms this afternoon again.
Last night I spent the afternoon and evening at Bill and Kim's for a going away party for their exchange student Ani. She leaves next week to go back home to Germany. She has made many friends here, and the house was packed with teenagers who ran track, cross country and the nordic ski team with her. Also the parents of several of the teens and the mother of her boyfriend Matt. I think it's going to be hard for her to leave. We'll be sad too, cause she has been such a great addition to the family this Winter and Spring.
Got home about 9:30 p.m., watched the news and headed to bed. Slept pretty well, but went to bed with lots of restless leg syndrome....twitching and rubbing my legs a lot before falling to sleep. All seems well this morning, I am feeling pretty good. My back isn't aching much, and my legs aren't twitching either. The sun is shining right now and I think it is going to be a good day. Cousin Judy is on her way, and the birds are feeding on the new food I just put out.
Yesterday I even had a pair of cardinals come to the front of the lot...this is rare site here. Also saw a pretty yellow finch and my red bellied woodpecker was back eating the jelly. Hope that cat stays away. Love and prayers, m
Sunny Day
On the nook so this will be updated when I get back to the cabin and my computer. Love and prayer m
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sorta Foggy
My head as well as the day!! The lake is calm and the sky is enveloped in clouds, so I can't see the sun! I had a strange night last night, went down to watch TV around 8 p.m. and at some point fell asleep on the couch, woke up and watched some more DIY, and fell asleep before the reveal of the backyard they were landscaping and woke up after midnight....checked my email etc. and went to bed.
I was awake almost every hour, and ached through out my hips. Must have done too much yesterday, or they didn't like sleeping on the cold leather couch. So this morning, I'm not feeling bad, but I don't feel like I got much rest. Sorta foggy!!
Yesterday it rained on and off all morning, and I don't move very fast when the sun isn't shining (like this morning) so I didn't get anything done till I went to HHH and got unplugged at 11:30. From there I went to Cub and got a few groceries, and then I got home just in time for Sheila to call and do Quick Pulse with me. That only took about 20 minutes or so, and I was off packing and loading the car (which was packed full). I had new pillows and cushions for the deck furniture, flowers from Jan that need planting, groceries, computer equipment etc. Then I made a stop at Menards and bought some more potting soil for those flowers, and some new gloves and a flag pole for a flag to hang in the Garden, welcoming you!! It's a upside down L shape and the flag hangs down from the top of the L. I'm sure you've seen them before. I got the flag last year from Bill and Kim, but looked all over this spring for a holder for it, and finally found it yesterday at Menards (which was the second or third time I had looked there). From there I filled up with gas at Costco, some 27 cents less than the cheapest Holiday I found. Whoo Hoo! with all the trips back and forth to the cabin I need cheap gas.
I arrived at the cabin around 3:30, and started then I was exhausted and layed down to listen to a book on my ipod that I had been listening to on the way up in the car. I think I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, but didn't miss much in the book I don't think. For some reason the ipod isn't playing it in complete has jumped around, and I'm having a hard time following it at times. I'm going to try and listen to it again today and see how it goes. I fed all the birds and squirrels and chipmunks and then myself. I noticed that no chipmunks or squirrels were eating and then I noticed an orange cat sitting up the hill in the bushes waiting to pounce on anything that went near the food. So I chased him or her away, but am sure it will be back.
This morning, the animals and birds have been having a great time at the feeders. Hummingbirds are liking nectar, and I even had to chase a squirrel away from it as well. The squirrels have also been leaping over to the orioles jelly feeder and swinging back and forth till it slows down and then eating some of the jelly...but the orioles have also been there eating. I've seen a woodpecker, hummingbird, nuthatch and chickadee's this morning along with the chipmunks, 3 squirrels and a red squirrel all chasing each other back and forth around the food. It's been a lively morning of feeding for them.
Well that's all for today, I'm going to do my planting and then head home this evening for Ani's party, and then come back in the morning. I don't think I'll take my computer with me, so I won't write till later tomorrow.
Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Storms Abound
According to radar, it's over Lake Sylvia right now, and it's coming our way. Questioning my timing for going to the lake today. I have to be unplugged from my chemo pump at 11:30 and had planned on being packed and going directly from there to the cabin, and that may still happen, but before I go I have to do some grocery shopping at Cub and either Home Depot or Menards, and decide what to pack. I have to come home tomorrow afternoon for a going away party for Bill and Kim's exchange student Ani, who will be returning to her home in Germany next week. Then will return to the cabin either after the party or early Saturday morning, and then will stay till maybe Monday night and back after my Exturba infusion on Tuesday morning. So it sounds like a lot of back and fourth.
I talked to the painter who is going to powerwash and seal our deck and stairs which should hold them for a few years before we replace them with a composite decking. He thought when I talked to him last week that it would be Wed., Thursday or Friday this week, but he's not finished with his other job, and thinks he will work on ours Monday or Tuesday next week. Tuesday is the only day I can't be there before we'll see how my week at the cabin will go. I have cousins, Teri and Mary (Kay) the other Mary Schoenecker coming to the cabin on Thursday. So I'm really looking forward to that, as I haven't seen them since the Herb Schoenecker family reunion they have every August.
Speaking of family reunions, next year 2013 is five years since the last and The Kiecker's have decided to host this one. I believe it will be held at Bunker Hills County Park in Coon Rapids. The golf tournament and Softball tourament will be on the schedule, and it will be a Pot luck picnic. With burgers, hot dogs and brats supplied by the Kieckers. The date is yet to be decided, so if anyone wants to throw out some dates I'm open for suggestion. I'm thinking the Saturday before the 4th or the Saturday after. William is looking forward to being the MVP, he's been practicing. Our whole team (Team Theresa) will be back to defend our title as three-time champs.
This round of chemo, has gone really well, I felt so strong yesterday, finishing lots of laundry as I had brought home sheets and towels from the cabin along with my clothes, so that meant running lots of stairs, and it seemed those muscles are becoming stronger. And far less pain in my back and butt! Hope that drug they are giving me to help the bone heal is seems to be....that along with the Qigong and Quick Pulse I'be been doing. Speaking of the Quick Pulse, I was supposed to have that yesterday afternoon, but Sheila had to postpone that till today at 1 p.m....another reason I'm thinking of not going to the cabin till later this afternoon.
Thunder is starting to boom here now too! and it's really getting dark. I guess I better start moving. Lots to do. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Woke to Sun, but Now it's Gone!
I got up at 7:30, and the sun was so bright and beautiful as I lifted my blinds. But as I've been working away at answering emails etc. the clouds have rolled in and I guess they are predicting showers early today, and then again this evening and over night, so my thoughts about going to the cabin are wobbling. I need to call the painter and see if he plans on doing the power-wash tomorrow or not. If he does, I will for sure go up later this afternoon, and then drive back to HHH to get unplugged at 11:30 a.m.. If he doesn't, I think I might just stay home. I will call Jason this morning and see what my plans will be.
Yesterday's Chemo went well, Dr. Londer decided to hold the Erbitux for this week, and slow down the progression of the rash on my face. It really isn't that bad, but has gotten worse each week. Last summer my face was raw, this summer I can easily cover the rash with my tinted moisturizer. That made my chemo day an hour shorter, and Judy and I were just finishing our lunch when I was finished with my infusions and they were hooking me up to the pump to take home with me for the next 46 hours. Since the mistake 2 weeks ago with the pump not being on when I left, that they have changed their procedure and have a second nurse check to see the pump is running before I can leave the building.
I was feeling pretty good when I got home, and did some work on the computer before I felt like I needed to nap. But I did nap on and off for the next couple of hours. I did see Jeopardy and they had a whole column of questions about Ambrose!! Pretty funny, and I learned that their is an Ambrose whose feast day is celebrated the same as St. Patrick on March 17, as well as the Ambrose celebrated on Dec. 7. Learn something new every day. Later I was awake during the 6:00 news on Ch. 11 where they had a story about Pathways, and a fundraiser for them, that keeps all their offerings free to people like me with cancer or other chronic illnesses.
I also typed up my "Do Over" paper I wrote on Monday at Pathways Creative Writing class. I sent it out earlier in the afternoon, but then after several napping sessions I reread and proofed it, and then resent it out to my family and a few friends that I though might be interested in reading it. I have gotten a few comments on it, which were all positive. If you'd like to read it, email me, and I'll forward it to you.
Also, I heard from Swissy cousin Karen that she has booked her flight and room at the Flamingo for herself and her mom. So please keep up those prayers for Loretta that she makes the trip and enjoys seeing all of us, as much as we are looking forward to seeing her. Also Elaine's brother-in-law in Oregon has a rare kind of Leukemia, and her husband Jeff is donating Bone Marrow to him. So lots of prayers there too!
Prayers are also needed this morning for Judy's sister-in-law Annie, as she is making a big decision to move her husband Roger into a nursing home and then a Memory Care unit. She is becoming unable to take care of him, as her health isn't good either. They, Judy's son Mike and Annie are meeting with the Memory Care people today. It is a very hard decision for Annie to make, but Roger is getting progressively worse and needs more care than she can give him.
So large number of pleas for prayers, but I know you all are such strong prayers that you will get the job done. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day 1, Round 4
I don't have a lot of time, but I'll try to be quick. Ann Haugen Kiecker will pick me up at 8:45, and I'll be off to HHH. Judy will meet me there later...about 10:00 a.m., cause I don't see Dr. Londer till 9:30 and chemo doesn't start till 10:30.
Plenty of sunshine this morning but cool for a change and not as windy as it has been. My eyes are finally clearing up. I'm pretty sure it was the allergies that caused all the problem with them. But to be safe I'm throwing away all the old eye liner.
Yesterday started out with a class at Pathways, that was supposed to be "Writing for the Body", but the instructor forgot to look at her schedule and thought it was a "Creative Writing Class" and the topic to write about was if you had a Do Over what would it be? It took me about two seconds to come up with my "Do Over" It was that my mom would be alive to see the cabin. I won't bore you with the pages I wrote here, but I do plan on typing it up and sharing it with some of you at some point.
From there I rushed over to the Tavern Grille in Blaine to join the retiree's group for lunch....they were all finished, but many stayed around and visited with me till about 2 p.m. I'm glad they did, and got to see a few I hadn't seen for a long time.
I went to Jan's to get my hair cut and colored and after she was done, she took me out and gave me at least 5 hosta's, a bee-balm, lots of daisies, some buttercups, and some sedums. So when I go to the cabin later this week, I will have lots more planting to do.
Well I better get moving, Love and Prayers, m
Monday, June 11, 2012
Quiet After the Storm
What a beautiful morning! The sun is shining and the grass is so green (just watered by last nights rain. Some places had really strong winds and hail and heavy rain, but not here. It rained, but it was mild compared to west of me. I wonder how bad the cabin was hit? By looks of the radar, Annandale got it a lot worse than Coon Rapids. God was watching over us and Mary Brue...who is deathly afraid of storms. I promised her that God would carry her through it....and I'm guessing he did.
Yesterday, I did get to Tyler Zwacks graduation party. It was so fun to visit with more of Jimbo's gang. I call it that, as they were a large group of kids that started as friends in grade school, added more in Junior High, and then it got even larger in High School. They continued their friendships through weddings and babies and then Jack started the graduation parties last year, Alex and Tyler this year, and the others will follow year after year for a long time.
I came home....with my eyes itching and red and watering....I put some drops in (not the brand I used in the morning) and that seemed to make it worse. Now they were burning too! I didn't accomplish much all day, read the paper, went through some of the mail I got while I was at the cabin, and napped here and there all afternoon. I called Kathleen but had to leave a message and wait for her to call me back. We had a great conversation, her telling me the taies of their weekend camping trip....including Gary setting the faucet on fire in their camper sink. It's a long story, but he really did!! I still can't believe that Kathleen is 65. She's my little sister, but then again I am 68. I guess it's all relevant.
Today I have a class at 11 a.m. called "Writing for the Body" at Pathways, and then I hope to catch a few of the retiree's still talking at the Tavern Grill in Blaine. I also hope to get my hair cut and colored later today, so I'll have to call Jan and see if she has any openings. I still have some paper work to do from the mail I was going through yesterday. Some is very a medicare bill that wasn't paid and I need to defend. Not hard, as they said I didn't have Plan B when the test took place, and I've not been without Part B since I turned 65. Just a matter of filling out the paper work.
I guess I better get moving here....Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Kathleen is "65"
Happy happy birthday Kathleen, the sun is shining brightly and I hope it's shining on you too!
That would be Kathleen in front looking sexy!! That must be where Presley (youngest granddaughter) gets it! It's also Blair's birthday (her daughter). What a birthday present was she!!
I woke up this morning at 7:45 starts at 8:30, and my eyes were matted shut! Decided to take my meds and go back to bed. I just woke up about 15 minutes ago, and my eyes aren't much better, but I'm hoping some drops and they will clear up a bit. I don't know if it was because I sat outside all afternoon at the grad party in a shaded cool (relatively) area of their heavily wooded yard. Or if it's the fact that I put on eyeliner for the first time in over a year.....or maybe a combination of the two. Anyway, I didn't make church, and will have to get dressed and go to the other grad party this morning. It is from I think I'll make it by 11 or so.
Yesterday, I left the cabin about 12:30, and then stopped at Costco to pick up pictures I took at the cabin before I left, and a chicken for meals this week. Then went to Target and got a grad card for today, pillows and cushions for the cabin (luckily they were on sale for 30% of, and some filters for my water pictures at the cabin. I can never walk out of Target or Costco with just one thing!!
When I got home and was unloading the car, my neighbor Sharyl Boes, came over to see how I was doing, and ended up coming in and visiting for about an hour. I got to share pictures of Emily's graduation, and the cabin with her, and she showed me some pictures of her grandson that she had on her phone. She left and I jumped in the shower and got dressed to go to Alex Aase's grad party.
Marilyn and Rob have moved into a new house this last year, and it is gorgeous. Not only is the house gorgeous, but the yard is as well. It is fully landscaped with flowers and a water fall and pond with gold fish! When I arrived, only Jim and Ann were there from my family, but I got to say hello to Kristin, Marilyn's sister who had been my student worker at the college for about 6 years. I even went to her wedding. She became a great photographer and has taken all the pictures I have hanging on my living room wall of the family. Anyway it was fun to actually see her in person and not on Facebook. I then made my way to the backyard where Jim and Ann were, but they had just gone up to the garage to get food, and so I ended up sitting with a couple of girls who we soon figured out were friends of Nicole and Katie. As the time went on, Jim and Ann came back, Chris Boes and Chris Nestin and his wife joined me....soon Jack and Nick, then Bill and Kim, Katie and Tommy, then Annie, Doug and the girls....don't know where Matthew was, but he was the only one missing.
Annie had been at the State Track meet with her Blaine HS girls, and was really pleased that all 6 of the girls ended up placing in State.
I'm starting to feel like I'm awake, and think it will be a good day! How could it not be when it's both Kathleen and Blair's birthday. Double love to both of them.
Oh Happy Day! Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Sunny but Still Windy!
I don't think the wind has stopped blowing since I got here on Thursday. But already in the 70's so I'm not complaining. I slept really well both of the last two nights, not even getting up once. I feel great when I get up, and have had a couple of really good days. I was complaining I hadn't seen many birds since I got here on Thursday, and then the oriole and the woodpecker both were at the jelly feeder, and the squirrels and chipmunks have been working cleaning up the food on the ground.
Yesterday, I did accomplish my goal of washing the 4 big windows in the dining area, inside and out! These fold out windows make cleaning them really easy. I called Mary Scheiber and told her I was coming over to visit, and got there about 12:30, I took along my photo album of the cabin remodeling project from the start in 2006, and also pictures from Em's graduation. So it was fun to share them with her, and get a chance to see how she was doing. She looks great...thin, but really good energy. She promised that in a few weeks she would come and visit me at the cabin, so she can see first hand what it looks like.
From there I went to Little Jim's and picked up the ladder for the floating raft, so the kids can get up on it when it's anchored out. That will have to be one of the next projects for the kids to do. Someone will have to dive down and connect it to the cement anchor we have already there. Karen usually is the one who does this for us, but we'll have to find someone to do that before she gets here....or maybe we'll have to wait for Karen.
I did a little shopping at the county market, and then came back to the cabin. I then got a call from Aunt Loretta, and my reception wasn't very good, so I had to go out on the deck to talk to her. While I'm talking I realize the squirrels had dumped over one of the pots I had just planted the day before, so had to fix that, and then decided to water it and the other plants while talking to Loretta. Must always be multi-tasking!!! lol
Anyway, to get back to Loretta, she is trying to recover from bronchitis and has been coughing her head off for two weeks or more. She had a couple of coughing fits while we were talking. So say some big prayers for her. She also said she had decided not to go to Vegas! I then started begging and pleading (well not really like that) and think I've convinced her to come after all. She was worried she would spoil all of our fun, and I said if she didn't come it would spoil all our fun. We all want to see her, and besides she's my role model of living to 93....Loretta, and Gary's mom Ginny are both my role models. I assured her that I would stay with her if the rest of the group was going someplace she couldn't. Like getting on the bus....she doesn't think she could do that. So maybe we can figure out a way that would work....maybe the bus is handicap accessible. Anyway I believe she is coming, and I'm looking forward to spending time with her as well as all of you.
Today, I will pack up and leave around noon, and then this evening I will go to Alex Aase's grad party, and tomorrow Tyler Zwack's party.
So please keep Mary and Loretta in your prayers, my friend Don Fournier who has Parkinson's and always my cuz Louie. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, June 8, 2012
Happy Birthday Bill!
My much older brother Bill is turning 73 today. Hope both of us make it to 93....with your help we can do it.
This morning I got up at 7:15 a.m. and the sun was shining, but soon thereafter, it clouded up, and the wind is blowing the flag almost straight out! Don't know where the birds are hiding, but have only seen one sparrow and a squirrel or two. The lake is rough and looks so cold out there, although the thermometer says 70 degrees.
Yesterday I came up bright and early, and got here by 10:10 a.m. Then proceeded to unpack the car and plant all the flowers and herbs I had bought the day before at Green Valley Garden Center. The herbs just fit in the area I've designated for them, and the new trailing impatients and verbena plants filled 3 more pots on the deck. I think I am finally done planting for the season. When I got here yesterday, I noticed that two yellow buttercups that were planted near the house are blooming. So I have red poppies and yellow buttercups already blooming! I love it. The Hydrangea looks like it is almost ready as well.
Soon after noon, Nicole and five of her friends arrived. She introduced me to the girls, and they went down to the lake, and I rarely saw them for the next five hours. They made a couple appearances for the bathroom, but that's about it. They laid in the sun, swam, and sunned some more. They brought their own food and drink, and listened to their own music, so I barely knew they were here. I had to go out and look every now and then to make sure they were still here. They left about 5:30, and only Nicole was a little sun burnt, so I gave her some after sun lotion from Mary Kay, and she said it felt better right away.
I made dinner for myself, and went downstairs and watched several hours of HGTV...only falling asleep a couple of times and not finding out which house the house hunters had picked. Oh well, I'm sure I'll catch a repeat of them soon. I also finished listening to "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" in the car on my way to the cabin, and then started listening and think I finished "Bossy Pants" by Tina Fay, and she is the one reading it, so it was fun to listen to. Now I have only one audible book left, and I'm not sure I want to listen to it.
Today I have some shopping to do. Have to go and pick up the ladder for the swim raft, and a few groceries and then I may stop in and see Country Cousin Mary Scheiber (Jerry's wife). Need to see how she is doing since her pacemaker was put in. Also I need to wash windows....did the patio door inside and out yesterday. My goal today is the four big ones in the front of the dining room...they need it bad!
Owwww! I see a glimps of the sun! Will it shine today? Hope so! Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Heading back to the Cabin!!! Hurrah!
I'm going back to the cabin this morning, and won't come back till Saturday afternoon. I think the sun will be shining most of the time, with a chance of showers in the evening or night time. I need to wash the hope it's something I can get done to let that sun shine in.
I got a call from granddaughter Nicole last night to ask if I was going to be at the cabin, an I said yes, so she asked if she and some friends could come for the day? Hurrah! That has been my goal for years, to make the cabin someplace the grand-kids would want to come to....I think it's working.
Yesterday, I went for my infusion in the morning, and then headed to Bill's to pick up a Green Valley Garden Center Gift card I had bought from Tommy's scout troop. Then to Green Valley to use it. Of course I spent more than the $25 gift card, but the flowers and herbs were so beautiful, I couldn't resist. I have two pots yet to fill at the cabin and I needed to replace the Rosemary plant which hadn't made I ended up buying 5 herbs as they were 5 fot $15....of course I couldn't pass up that deal. So now I have parsley, thyme, rosemary, lemon basil and arugula. Don't know what I'll do with all that, but I'm sure when my brother-in-law Gary comes in July, he'll figure something out.
Later in the afternoon, I went to Sammy's restaurant to meet Bonnie Sass an Lois Bjerke for dinner and then onto ShowPlace 16 across the parking lot to see "Hunger Games". Bonnie liked it better than Lois an me, but we all agreed it was not our kind of movie and we wouldn't be seeing the sequels. Bonnie on the other hand thought she might read the next two books in the series. My granddaughter Allie, later told me the book was much better than the movie...but I still don't think I'll read any of the books. Two weird for me. I like to read things that either really happened, or could happen.
I got a call yesterday from "Little Jim's" and they can get me the ladder for the raft that got torn off during the storm last year. So I can pick it up on Friday....and Jason, the painter will come later next week to power-wash the deck and steps. So excited about that too....they really needs it.
Again, anyone who wants to come and visit me at the cabin is welcome. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Sunny Day
The sun is shining....but I can't see the lake this morning. Hopefully I'll be back at the cabin tomorrow.
Yesterday, I got up at 7 a.m., but Judy didn't get up till 9, not sleeping well getting up during the night, and reading magazines...she needed to stay in bed that long. We were sitting watching the birds, and had just finished breakfast when a boat came across the lake headed toward are dock. Surprise surprise, it was Phil and his friend who had already caught a stringer full of bass and crappies. They cleaned them and gave them to us for lunch. There were so many, that I divided them into two bags and knew we could have two good meals out of them. They then headed back to the lake, doing a little fishing along the way back to the boat launch.
Judy, then decided that she couldn't wait till after lunch to leave, and I ended up putting the fish in the freezer with the other bag, so I didn't get to eat any yet. Judy left before noon, but I messed around till about 1:30 and then headed home too. I had to be back to get Qigong at 3:30, so I got home in plenty of time to shower and drive to Sheila's house.
Sheila and I talked a little about how I felt after the Quick Pulse session we did on the phone last week, and it was all positive on my part, so we've decided, to do it again next week. The Qigong session yesterday was very powerful as well. The meditation and prayer went very deep, and I'm feeling so much better.
While Judy and I were at the cabin this week we played a lot of cribbage in-between all my little chores. But the cards always seemed to be in her favor. We play series where the first to reach seven wins wins!! She won the first series 7-2 I think. Then when we started the second series, I finally started to atleast keep up with her, and when we left yesterday we were tied 5-5. One time during the first series, she actually got 24 points in her crib. How lucky is that?
I finally bought my airline ticket to Vegas, and June and I will travel together to and from. I'm getting even more excited about seeing all you cousins then.
I also talked to Kathleen last night....she had gotten her present I sent....she was pleased and it all fit. I had sent her a jacket that I bought for myself in Vegas a few years back when Kathleen, cousin Karen and I were shopping. I can't wear it anymore, so I thought it would be something that Kathleen could and have memories of me purchasing it. I also added some pants and a shirt that were it wasn't all hand me downs.
Well I better get going here. I have to go have my infusion of Erbitux this morning, and this evening, Bonnie, Lois and I are going to dinner and a movie. We're going to see Hunger Games. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Another Gorgeous Day
Wow, I didn't think you could beat yesterday morning, but it's even nicer this morning. I've been up since 7 a.m. watching the birds, and even saw a red bellied Woodpecker at my oriole feeder....and a morning dove walking around in the grass below my feeders.
I got a lot accomplished yesterday. Judy and I went to town to pick up a few things, and while we were gone the plumber called and said he was I told him to go in and fix the faucet and that we had one more stop at the hardware store and we'd be back. By the time we got back he was done and gone. The new nozzle looks great and works as well.
I got my bench painted red, after about 3 coats, and it looks so cute setting on the deck. I also did some cleaning of bathrooms and 2 loads of wash. I also figured out how to get the pot hanger attached to the deck railing and put a pot of geraniums in it. Slowly but surely I'll get this place all spiffed up!! I have a couple more herb plants I bought yesterday to put in the garden, but still need to find a good Rosemary plant, as mine didn't make it...and the ones at the store up here didn't look very healthy either. So I'll check in town for another one of those.
Judy and I will be leaving around 2 p.m. this afternoon, and then I'm planning on coming back for Thursday and Friday and then going home for the weekend of grad parties. Don't know if I'll get much accomplished today other than the planting and packing to go home, but Judy and I will have some relaxing time to watch the birds.
Haven't heard anything from the painter, so will give him another call this morning. So it's time to start moving, Love and Prayers, m
Monday, June 4, 2012
Lake is like Glass!
The sun is shining and Judy and I slept in...but feeling great. I had a wonderful day yesterday too!
The kids (mem and women actually) worked their butts off all weekend, and then yesterday morning they finished up mowing and cleaning up the yard, then started packing as Annie and Doug had to be back in town for a birthday party at 1 p.m. So Annie made a huge eggbake for breakfast, and Jim and Ann went for a walk to the railroad tracks and back and pretty soon 2 families left and it was just Jim and Ann and myself here. We putz around till the twins game came on, and by then they had the TV set up in the boat house and could sit outside in the sun and watch the Twins game like they were there in person. So the yard looks great, the boathouse is all set, Jimbo trimmed all the high brush off the front (lake side) hill and I planted a few more flowers that were left over from the big red pots, and pretty soon it was time for them to leave.
I watched an hour of HGTV and then Judy arrived. So didn't have to be alone very long. Judy and I played cribbage the rest of the evening, but I wasn't doing well at all. I won the first and the last game....she won everything else and skunked me once but almost twice. Not good cards for me!!!
I called the plumber, and the nozel we've been waiting for came in on Friday, and he is coming this afternoon to fix that, and I put in a call to my painter, to see if he will come and powerwash the deck and put a coat of sealer on it. I haven't heard from him yet...had to leave a message.
Judy and I have a little shopping to do this morning, and then I will paint my bench this afternoon, and both of us have to leave by 2 p.m. tomorrow. The weather is perfect and I am loving watching the birds attack my feeders. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Partly Cloudy, but I can See the Sun
Good night of sleep, but got up at 7 and took my pills and thought I put the coffee on, and went back to bed for an hour, then when I got up I realized I had never put the water in the tank, it was still in the pot in the sink. So dumb!!! So now I'm waiting for it to get done.
Yesterday the men arrived just as I was getting out of the shower, and they started work immediately! They got the dock and lifts both in, as well as the floating raft. From there they went to work building the landing off the front steps with patio blocks. That was a much bigger job than they thought it was going to be....but with much supervision, and the women and children arriving, they got it done. It looks so nice. I also got to work and planted my two pots setting on top of the sectic system. They look really nice....I'll add a couple of pictures for you.
This morning most everyone is having egg bake that Annie started last night and they just put in the oven. Then they will all start packing up and leaving, but cousin Judy is coming this evening...and staying till Tuesday with I may be alone for a few hours, but not much.
Thank you all who helped get this place set up for the summer....we've almost there.
My daughter in law Karen is on day two of a 40-mile walk for cance...say a few prayers for all her blisters! All is well here....Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Oh Happy Day!
I woke up this morning at the cabin....can't get much better than that....cept the sun is shining and only a slight breeze making ripples on the water!! The temp is about 58 but heading for the mid 70's. Got company coming....I'm in my glory!!
Yesterday was a good day too! I asked Doug to come over and dig out an old bench out of the rafters and put it in my van so I can paint it red and set it on the deck for extra seating. This bench was built by Gene's grandpa, and we got it back in the 70's when he was in his 90's. So it's really an antique!!! and now goes back 5 generations from my grandkids!
I then got dressed and headed for lunch with Bonnie and had a great lunch sharing my last two weekends in pictures and stories. From there I headed for Cub and got some groceries for the weekend, and headed home to pack the coolers and then pack my van, which Doug had helped me with earlier. I am bringing a lot of stuff up for the summer, and so by the time I left the van was getting pretty stuffed. But I then headed for HP to pick up prescriptions, then Menards to pick what I thought was just a couple of things, but by the time I got out of there (an hour later) I had spent $100. Paint, paint supplies, flowers and dirt and mulch, hoses a new rain gauge and a few packs of bird suet for good measure. By then I had used up all my shopping time and had to skip Costco and JCPenney, but I can also do that next time.
I then headed for HHH in Robinsdale and got there right before 5 p.m., and my nurse apologized profusely for sending me home on Wednesday without turning on the pump, and I reminded her that I had interrupted the process, by asking her to put the lines under my shirt....I know we are all human, and told her not to worry about long as I got unhooked on Friday, and was going to the cabin, I was happy!
I headed out at 5:15 p.m. after stopping at Walgreen's for some cash for the week. But traffic was heavy and even though I was leaving from Robinsdale, it took me longer to get here than if I had left from home. By 6:30 I was unloading the van, and got all the small stuff out that I could handle but left the big stuff for Doug and other stronger help. I feed the birds and watched the Twins game...then switched to HGTV for the next two hours...then came up and played on the computer till almost midnight. Woke at my normal time of 3:30 to go to the bathroom and then again at 7 a.m. to rise and shine for this beautiful day.
Judy will be here on Sunday evening or Monday morning, the Stalboergers and Kish's are coming I won't be alone much. But I have to leave and go home on Tuesday afternoon by 2 p.m. as I have gigong at 3:30....might go straight there before going home. But I'm looking forward to my time here. Got to feed to hummingbirds and orioles today, and put out some of that suet I bought yesterday. Well, that's all for now, Love and Prayers, m
Friday, June 1, 2012
Day 2 3/4th of 3, series 6---Get Unplugged
The Son is Shining and I'm feeling so good! He doesn't let me down! I just finished reading my cousin Louie's CaringBridge blog, and am copying a couple of paragraphs of his that ring pretty true to me as well....and he writes so well...and has such a strong faith. He inspires me each morning.
"Tonight at dinner, Julie asked me if I ever get discouraged with my physical condition. I did stop to think about it. I didn't want to flip off a glib answer that wasn't really true. The fact is, though, while I have been very discouraged in past years, it has been a very long time since I've gone down that road. My greatest times of discouragement came when I was running between 22 different doctors in Colorado and hardly any of them were paying any attention to what the others were saying of seeing.
But that's over three years ago now and especially for the last year and a half, despite many moments when it would have been easy to slide into a sense of discouragement, there has been little or none of that. Life is too good, too rich, too full of great people and too full of God to let some limitations or obstacles get in the way of it all. I don't know how I will respond to new challenges, but where I used to have fear about facing new challenges, that kind of fear is gone, and I'll deal with what tomorrow brings when it arrives. The best preparation I can make for that is to deal with what I have to deal with today, and I am not doing that by myself.
My morning has started out well, and last night was a really good night of sleep. It seems all the things on my list for Quick Pulse the other day with Sheila have all improved or are completely gone. It just shows how powerful the mind is, and strong all of your blessings are in my life too. My usual morning pain seems to have lessened each morning, and walking has improved as well as just standing.
This noon Bonnie and I are having lunch at Baker's Square. She had more basil cell cancer removed from her forehead on Wednesday while I was having chemo. Yesterday she was still so swollen she was having problem getting her eye open, so she didn't want to to anything yesterday, and Lois wasn't able to take any lunch or a movie till next week, we ended up with lunch today for the two of us. She has had lots of problems at the cabin up in Emily this spring, she lost several tree's one of them landing on her garage, but last week lightening struck the cabin and knocked out her furnace, so she's happy to be in Blaine for a couple of weeks.
They finally called late yesterday afternoon, and Dr. Londer decided that I would just miss 9 hours of chemo this time, and get unplugged at 5 p.m. right when they close for the weekend. So I will have 37 hours of the 46 normal. So glad, cause I will be packed and on my way to the cabin at that time. I also found the invitation to the Alex Aase graduation party, and it isn't until next Saturday the 9th, so I have one party on Saturday the 9th and another for Tyler Zwack's on the 10th. I also looked at my calendar for the week, and don't have anything on Monday, so I think I won't be back in town till then. Anyone who wants to come and visit is welcome! I'm going to be planting my two new big pots, and I have a little painting project to do. When the painting was there painting last month, I noticed a few trim ends that were never painted. Spots I missed last year!!
So between that and some reading I'll be looking for company. I guess you know what I'll be doing the rest of the day....packing! I will need to shower and get a little shopping done as well. Plus Dr. Londer has re-added potassium to my list of pills, so I'll have to stop at HP and pick that up as well.
Ann Haugen Kiecker's stepfather Alan Vokaty had a spot on his tongue removed yesterday and they are waiting for the biopsy to some back on please say some prayers for him as well as their family. Also always keep my cousin Louis and myself in those prayers. Thank you for all the prayers. Love and Prayers, m
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