Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up With the Sun

Years ago when Gene died I sold the tent trailer to a friend of Jimbo's. Jimbo had borrowed it and taken it to his cabin for a weekend with the guys so they could use it for sleeping. They liked it so much they asked if they could buy it and keep it at their cabin for overflow. So I sold it to them, but when they went to get the title changed and buy license plates for it they didn't have a death certificate for Gene. So they just left it parked and didn't take it on any highways. This year they decided they want to take it on a trip, and they needed the title changed and a death certificate of Genes and my signature as his Spouse or Widow. So this morning, Chris came at 7 a.m., as he is on his way to the cabin and Alexandria, to get the death certificate. I also have to go for what I hope is the last chemo for a long time. Day 1 of Series 5. I have to be there at 9 a.m. and Sharyl will pick me up at 8:30, so I needed to be up and at-tum early anyway. So This will be short. Yesterday I left the cabin at about noon, and then stopped and did some shopping and picked up lunch and got home about 2 p.m. I did manage to find 2 birthday presents for Karen and Kennedy....but still need to do some shopping for Kennedy. The guys were there staining the deck when I left, actually I had to leave or get stuck in the cabin for at least 24 hours. So I packed up before they got to the back steps. They were almost done with the front deck. With three working it doesn't take too long. Must get into that shower....keep up the prayers, Love and Prayers, m

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