Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grey Skies...No Sun Shining on Me

Overslept this morning, and didn't get up till 7:30....I know that's not late, but my pill regiment has me taking my Oxycontin every 12 hours and 7 a.m. and p.m. is what I've made as my by the time I got out of bed the med had really warn off, and I was stiff and sore. I'm starting to feel like the 7:30 med is finally taking hold and back to feeling my normal....whatever that is. The birds and critters have been thick this morning, and the orioles keep coming back and forth to the jelly and now I just saw one at the hummingbird feeder....jelly isn't enough for him. I wonder if they are feeding babies, as they have really been here a lot. Yesterday I drove to Albany, a little less than an hour's drive, and got sod from my cousin Dale's Sod Farm. All my conversations with him were through his daughter Brittany, who is home from college and working with her dad for the summer. She is the one who appeared with a pickup and 8 rolls of sod for me. When I asked how much I owed, she replied "Dad said, don't let her give you a dime"....I realized there wasn't any use arguing with her or her dad, and told her to give him a kiss for me....or maybe a hug....she chuckled and said it would have to be a hug not a kiss....they are not very demonstrative in that area. So in leaving I thanked her and gave Brittany a hug to give to her dad. When I told her I had planned to leave it in the back of the van and that my son-in-law Doug was coming today to lay it for me, she suggested I take it out of the van and roll it out on the ground even though it wouldn't necessarily be properly laid, it would be better for the sod. She said in the van rolled up, the shelf life was about 8 hours. So I laid sod when I got home and watered it. Doug will still have to really lay the sod in place when he gets here, but he won't have to take it out of my van. He can take out the 2 bags of mulch he said we needed and pour that in the flower beds down by the lake. After all that exercise, I was worn out, so I took about a 30 minute nap....and went into town to run some errands, like the post office to mail a couple of letters; looked for a free ATM but couldn't find one; and then the Country Market for a bunch of stuff like: conditioner for both showers; fabric softener for the laundry; bleach to get the smell out of the garbage can; Mustard and relish for hot dogs; mulch for the garden; and a 8-piece grilled chicken for dinner. Then spent the rest of the day reading on the deck and eating dinner out there as it was such a beautiful day...warm and no wind. Today Doug will come and do some work for me. I don't know if he's bringing the family or not. I hope it clears up and we have another beautiful day like yesterday. I downloaded a new book that my sister recommended onto my ipod, and look forward to listening to that in the car. Also got a call from my neighbor Sharyl Boes who will drive me to chemo on Tuesday morning. So, I'm all set for that. Judy will come and maybe play cribbage with me....maybe by then her luck will have changed. Gary found it hilarious that we were practicing criss-cross in an attempt to win against he and Kathleen when they come in a couple of weeks. I think it will at least give us help in playing defensively against them. No other news, but do ask that you pray for my cousin Terri's husband Dwayne who is in late stages of Emphysema and was in Hospice...but just was moved to Palliative Care, which is similiar to Hospice but can get more aid with it. Also prayers for Terri and their whole family. Love and Prayers, m

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