Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

I woke up this morning at the cabin....can't get much better than that....cept the sun is shining and only a slight breeze making ripples on the water!! The temp is about 58 but heading for the mid 70's. Got company coming....I'm in my glory!! Yesterday was a good day too! I asked Doug to come over and dig out an old bench out of the rafters and put it in my van so I can paint it red and set it on the deck for extra seating. This bench was built by Gene's grandpa, and we got it back in the 70's when he was in his 90's. So it's really an antique!!! and now goes back 5 generations from my grandkids! I then got dressed and headed for lunch with Bonnie and had a great lunch sharing my last two weekends in pictures and stories. From there I headed for Cub and got some groceries for the weekend, and headed home to pack the coolers and then pack my van, which Doug had helped me with earlier. I am bringing a lot of stuff up for the summer, and so by the time I left the van was getting pretty stuffed. But I then headed for HP to pick up prescriptions, then Menards to pick what I thought was just a couple of things, but by the time I got out of there (an hour later) I had spent $100. Paint, paint supplies, flowers and dirt and mulch, hoses a new rain gauge and a few packs of bird suet for good measure. By then I had used up all my shopping time and had to skip Costco and JCPenney, but I can also do that next time. I then headed for HHH in Robinsdale and got there right before 5 p.m., and my nurse apologized profusely for sending me home on Wednesday without turning on the pump, and I reminded her that I had interrupted the process, by asking her to put the lines under my shirt....I know we are all human, and told her not to worry about long as I got unhooked on Friday, and was going to the cabin, I was happy! I headed out at 5:15 p.m. after stopping at Walgreen's for some cash for the week. But traffic was heavy and even though I was leaving from Robinsdale, it took me longer to get here than if I had left from home. By 6:30 I was unloading the van, and got all the small stuff out that I could handle but left the big stuff for Doug and other stronger help. I feed the birds and watched the Twins game...then switched to HGTV for the next two hours...then came up and played on the computer till almost midnight. Woke at my normal time of 3:30 to go to the bathroom and then again at 7 a.m. to rise and shine for this beautiful day. Judy will be here on Sunday evening or Monday morning, the Stalboergers and Kish's are coming I won't be alone much. But I have to leave and go home on Tuesday afternoon by 2 p.m. as I have gigong at 3:30....might go straight there before going home. But I'm looking forward to my time here. Got to feed to hummingbirds and orioles today, and put out some of that suet I bought yesterday. Well, that's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

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