Friday, June 29, 2012

Sunshine Taking Me to the Cabin

Kiecker Kabin here I come! Yesterday was a busy crazy day...nothing well almost nothing...happened like it was planned. It started out great...I had breakfast with Bonnie at Baker's Square at 9 a.m. just like planned and left there just in time to get to HHH in Robinsdale by 11 a.m. That's where the problems started....they had changed my appointment to get unplugged to 1 p.m. cause they were too busy at 11 a.m.....but needless to say they didn't tell me that. So they had to squeeze me in. Well at about 11:15 is when they explained to me about being scheduled and that Wayne (the nurse) was with another patient, and I would be next. Then at 11:35 I asked if he had forgotten me, and Debbie (the scheduler) walked back to see what was up, and shortly she poked her head out and and said to come in and Wayne would be right with this time I was really upset, as I had before I left in the morning told Chris that he could pick me up at 11:30, then called and told him 11:45. There was no way I could be home and decided to wait till I was actually unplugged before I called him. Finally about 11:45 Wayne unplugged me. So I called Chris and moved the meeting time to 12:15 and that finally worked. Chris picked me up at 12;20 and we got the form notarized for him, and I was back home by 1 p.m. But not for long....I then went shopping to get those birthday presents I still needed to get. I called HP to see if the 3 prescription I ordered refills were ready to be picked up, and of course only 2 of the 3 were ready as one needed a doctors approval to be refilled. One less stop for the day, but now will have to pick up before I leave in the morning, so I hope it is ready then. The trip was successful, but took in a couple of different stores. Got home about 4 p.m. and ate dinner and watched the news before leaving again for the "Family Promise" program to host from 6:30 to 8 p.m. They didn't get the 4th family like they thought so it was again a pretty easy job. Just 2 teenage boys who entertained themselves, and 2 babies 9 months and 16 months who sat and played on the floor or their mom's fed them. I decided to shop at Cub on my way home, so that meant I wasn't home till a little after 9 p.m. I was really beat by this time, and as soon as the news was over I went to bed. I slept well, got up twice to go to the bathroom and got out of bed by even though it wasn't 7 a.m. I was awake then, just refused to get up. Today I have several errands to run before I get out of town, I'm guessing it will be noon before I get to the cabin, but as long as I'm headed in that direction I'll be fine. Right now I need to shower and pack clothes for 2 weeks, and 2 parties, and a trip to Mayo. So that should be a task that might take a little thought. Must get busy, keeping positive thoughts for a good report on the 11th, Love and Prayers, m P.S. special prayers for a friend of Janet's (Bonnie) who is having brain surgery at Mayo today.

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