Monday, June 25, 2012

Another Beautiful Day

I go up at 7:20 this morning, so I'm getting closer to the 7 a.m. time I am shooting for, but I took my med late yesterday....not till 8:30 I guess it all works out in the end. Didn't wake up in pain at least. Feeling quite good...if I do say so for myself. I got a call from Jason, the Painter, this morning, and he should be here by 10 a.m. or so. I have already feed the birds, and took in all the pillows, need to water the plants, as it's going to be hot this week, and I won't be back till Friday morning. I hate thinking about not being here when the weather man says it's going to be in the 90's and sunny all week. Oh well, when I come back I get to stay for 2 weeks. Jason said he was bringing helpers along, so it won't take all day. But I need to be packed so that I can get out of here before he does the back steps (or front....which ever you call them). I don't want to get trapped in the cabin and unable to leave. Yesterday was so gorgeous, and I spent a lot of time outside painting that little picnic table red. Kathleen suggested that mom is telling me to paint things red to bring her into it. I'm pretty sure she is here anyway, but the red is a good reminder. Last night Judy emailed that she wouldn't beable to spend the day with me at chemo tomorrow, she had double booked with me and Annie her sister-in-law, and she really needs to be with Annie. So I emailed a few friends, including Sharyl who had already volunteered to drive me in the morning. Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Sharyl that she could do I had to quick email everyone I asked that I already had Sharyl spending the day with me. I also got a call from Kathleen....but Gary grabbed the phone and whined that Kathleen had been beating him in cribbage for two days straight, and for the last two games he never even got one natural 5 dealt to him. What are the odds? He was so upset the day before that he had told Kathleen that he wasn't going to play cribbage with her anymore...but of course he did, but continued to loose. Laughing Kathleen got back on the phone and said he was also mad because she kept saying that Theresa and the Ambroses were helping her. (Gary's dad was a Ambrose too.) I told her that I hoped his loosing streak continued or came back when he got here, cause Judy and I would just like to beat him once!!! That's all we ask!! It's less than two weeks and they will be here....I'm so excited. Other than that it was a pretty quiet neighbors here either. I guess I better get packing....oh I just saw two red-bellied woodpeckers here at once....I've never seen that must be the is that exciting. Please pray for me that this will be my last chemo for a long time. I'm feeling really good, and would love a vacation from this cancer stuff. Love and Prayers, m

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