Sunday, June 3, 2012

Partly Cloudy, but I can See the Sun

Good night of sleep, but got up at 7 and took my pills and thought I put the coffee on, and went back to bed for an hour, then when I got up I realized I had never put the water in the tank, it was still in the pot in the sink. So dumb!!! So now I'm waiting for it to get done. Yesterday the men arrived just as I was getting out of the shower, and they started work immediately! They got the dock and lifts both in, as well as the floating raft. From there they went to work building the landing off the front steps with patio blocks. That was a much bigger job than they thought it was going to be....but with much supervision, and the women and children arriving, they got it done. It looks so nice. I also got to work and planted my two pots setting on top of the sectic system. They look really nice....I'll add a couple of pictures for you. This morning most everyone is having egg bake that Annie started last night and they just put in the oven. Then they will all start packing up and leaving, but cousin Judy is coming this evening...and staying till Tuesday with I may be alone for a few hours, but not much. Thank you all who helped get this place set up for the summer....we've almost there.
My daughter in law Karen is on day two of a 40-mile walk for cance...say a few prayers for all her blisters! All is well here....Love and Prayers, m

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