Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Bill!

My much older brother Bill is turning 73 today. Hope both of us make it to 93....with your help we can do it. This morning I got up at 7:15 a.m. and the sun was shining, but soon thereafter, it clouded up, and the wind is blowing the flag almost straight out! Don't know where the birds are hiding, but have only seen one sparrow and a squirrel or two. The lake is rough and looks so cold out there, although the thermometer says 70 degrees. Yesterday I came up bright and early, and got here by 10:10 a.m. Then proceeded to unpack the car and plant all the flowers and herbs I had bought the day before at Green Valley Garden Center. The herbs just fit in the area I've designated for them, and the new trailing impatients and verbena plants filled 3 more pots on the deck. I think I am finally done planting for the season. When I got here yesterday, I noticed that two yellow buttercups that were planted near the house are blooming. So I have red poppies and yellow buttercups already blooming! I love it. The Hydrangea looks like it is almost ready as well. Soon after noon, Nicole and five of her friends arrived. She introduced me to the girls, and they went down to the lake, and I rarely saw them for the next five hours. They made a couple appearances for the bathroom, but that's about it. They laid in the sun, swam, and sunned some more. They brought their own food and drink, and listened to their own music, so I barely knew they were here. I had to go out and look every now and then to make sure they were still here. They left about 5:30, and only Nicole was a little sun burnt, so I gave her some after sun lotion from Mary Kay, and she said it felt better right away. I made dinner for myself, and went downstairs and watched several hours of HGTV...only falling asleep a couple of times and not finding out which house the house hunters had picked. Oh well, I'm sure I'll catch a repeat of them soon. I also finished listening to "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" in the car on my way to the cabin, and then started listening and think I finished "Bossy Pants" by Tina Fay, and she is the one reading it, so it was fun to listen to. Now I have only one audible book left, and I'm not sure I want to listen to it. Today I have some shopping to do. Have to go and pick up the ladder for the swim raft, and a few groceries and then I may stop in and see Country Cousin Mary Scheiber (Jerry's wife). Need to see how she is doing since her pacemaker was put in. Also I need to wash windows....did the patio door inside and out yesterday. My goal today is the four big ones in the front of the dining room...they need it bad! Owwww! I see a glimps of the sun! Will it shine today? Hope so! Love and Prayers, m

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