Friday, June 15, 2012

Sorta Foggy

My head as well as the day!! The lake is calm and the sky is enveloped in clouds, so I can't see the sun! I had a strange night last night, went down to watch TV around 8 p.m. and at some point fell asleep on the couch, woke up and watched some more DIY, and fell asleep before the reveal of the backyard they were landscaping and woke up after midnight....checked my email etc. and went to bed. I was awake almost every hour, and ached through out my hips. Must have done too much yesterday, or they didn't like sleeping on the cold leather couch. So this morning, I'm not feeling bad, but I don't feel like I got much rest. Sorta foggy!! Yesterday it rained on and off all morning, and I don't move very fast when the sun isn't shining (like this morning) so I didn't get anything done till I went to HHH and got unplugged at 11:30. From there I went to Cub and got a few groceries, and then I got home just in time for Sheila to call and do Quick Pulse with me. That only took about 20 minutes or so, and I was off packing and loading the car (which was packed full). I had new pillows and cushions for the deck furniture, flowers from Jan that need planting, groceries, computer equipment etc. Then I made a stop at Menards and bought some more potting soil for those flowers, and some new gloves and a flag pole for a flag to hang in the Garden, welcoming you!! It's a upside down L shape and the flag hangs down from the top of the L. I'm sure you've seen them before. I got the flag last year from Bill and Kim, but looked all over this spring for a holder for it, and finally found it yesterday at Menards (which was the second or third time I had looked there). From there I filled up with gas at Costco, some 27 cents less than the cheapest Holiday I found. Whoo Hoo! with all the trips back and forth to the cabin I need cheap gas. I arrived at the cabin around 3:30, and started then I was exhausted and layed down to listen to a book on my ipod that I had been listening to on the way up in the car. I think I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, but didn't miss much in the book I don't think. For some reason the ipod isn't playing it in complete has jumped around, and I'm having a hard time following it at times. I'm going to try and listen to it again today and see how it goes. I fed all the birds and squirrels and chipmunks and then myself. I noticed that no chipmunks or squirrels were eating and then I noticed an orange cat sitting up the hill in the bushes waiting to pounce on anything that went near the food. So I chased him or her away, but am sure it will be back. This morning, the animals and birds have been having a great time at the feeders. Hummingbirds are liking nectar, and I even had to chase a squirrel away from it as well. The squirrels have also been leaping over to the orioles jelly feeder and swinging back and forth till it slows down and then eating some of the jelly...but the orioles have also been there eating. I've seen a woodpecker, hummingbird, nuthatch and chickadee's this morning along with the chipmunks, 3 squirrels and a red squirrel all chasing each other back and forth around the food. It's been a lively morning of feeding for them. Well that's all for today, I'm going to do my planting and then head home this evening for Ani's party, and then come back in the morning. I don't think I'll take my computer with me, so I won't write till later tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m

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