Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 2 3/4th of 3, series 6---Get Unplugged

The Son is Shining and I'm feeling so good! He doesn't let me down! I just finished reading my cousin Louie's CaringBridge blog, and am copying a couple of paragraphs of his that ring pretty true to me as well....and he writes so well...and has such a strong faith. He inspires me each morning. "Tonight at dinner, Julie asked me if I ever get discouraged with my physical condition. I did stop to think about it. I didn't want to flip off a glib answer that wasn't really true. The fact is, though, while I have been very discouraged in past years, it has been a very long time since I've gone down that road. My greatest times of discouragement came when I was running between 22 different doctors in Colorado and hardly any of them were paying any attention to what the others were saying of seeing. But that's over three years ago now and especially for the last year and a half, despite many moments when it would have been easy to slide into a sense of discouragement, there has been little or none of that. Life is too good, too rich, too full of great people and too full of God to let some limitations or obstacles get in the way of it all. I don't know how I will respond to new challenges, but where I used to have fear about facing new challenges, that kind of fear is gone, and I'll deal with what tomorrow brings when it arrives. The best preparation I can make for that is to deal with what I have to deal with today, and I am not doing that by myself. Louie" My morning has started out well, and last night was a really good night of sleep. It seems all the things on my list for Quick Pulse the other day with Sheila have all improved or are completely gone. It just shows how powerful the mind is, and strong all of your blessings are in my life too. My usual morning pain seems to have lessened each morning, and walking has improved as well as just standing. This noon Bonnie and I are having lunch at Baker's Square. She had more basil cell cancer removed from her forehead on Wednesday while I was having chemo. Yesterday she was still so swollen she was having problem getting her eye open, so she didn't want to to anything yesterday, and Lois wasn't able to take any lunch or a movie till next week, we ended up with lunch today for the two of us. She has had lots of problems at the cabin up in Emily this spring, she lost several tree's one of them landing on her garage, but last week lightening struck the cabin and knocked out her furnace, so she's happy to be in Blaine for a couple of weeks. They finally called late yesterday afternoon, and Dr. Londer decided that I would just miss 9 hours of chemo this time, and get unplugged at 5 p.m. right when they close for the weekend. So I will have 37 hours of the 46 normal. So glad, cause I will be packed and on my way to the cabin at that time. I also found the invitation to the Alex Aase graduation party, and it isn't until next Saturday the 9th, so I have one party on Saturday the 9th and another for Tyler Zwack's on the 10th. I also looked at my calendar for the week, and don't have anything on Monday, so I think I won't be back in town till then. Anyone who wants to come and visit is welcome! I'm going to be planting my two new big pots, and I have a little painting project to do. When the painting was there painting last month, I noticed a few trim ends that were never painted. Spots I missed last year!! So between that and some reading I'll be looking for company. I guess you know what I'll be doing the rest of the day....packing! I will need to shower and get a little shopping done as well. Plus Dr. Londer has re-added potassium to my list of pills, so I'll have to stop at HP and pick that up as well. Ann Haugen Kiecker's stepfather Alan Vokaty had a spot on his tongue removed yesterday and they are waiting for the biopsy to some back on please say some prayers for him as well as their family. Also always keep my cousin Louis and myself in those prayers. Thank you for all the prayers. Love and Prayers, m

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