Monday, June 11, 2012

Quiet After the Storm

What a beautiful morning! The sun is shining and the grass is so green (just watered by last nights rain. Some places had really strong winds and hail and heavy rain, but not here. It rained, but it was mild compared to west of me. I wonder how bad the cabin was hit? By looks of the radar, Annandale got it a lot worse than Coon Rapids. God was watching over us and Mary Brue...who is deathly afraid of storms. I promised her that God would carry her through it....and I'm guessing he did. Yesterday, I did get to Tyler Zwacks graduation party. It was so fun to visit with more of Jimbo's gang. I call it that, as they were a large group of kids that started as friends in grade school, added more in Junior High, and then it got even larger in High School. They continued their friendships through weddings and babies and then Jack started the graduation parties last year, Alex and Tyler this year, and the others will follow year after year for a long time. I came home....with my eyes itching and red and watering....I put some drops in (not the brand I used in the morning) and that seemed to make it worse. Now they were burning too! I didn't accomplish much all day, read the paper, went through some of the mail I got while I was at the cabin, and napped here and there all afternoon. I called Kathleen but had to leave a message and wait for her to call me back. We had a great conversation, her telling me the taies of their weekend camping trip....including Gary setting the faucet on fire in their camper sink. It's a long story, but he really did!! I still can't believe that Kathleen is 65. She's my little sister, but then again I am 68. I guess it's all relevant. Today I have a class at 11 a.m. called "Writing for the Body" at Pathways, and then I hope to catch a few of the retiree's still talking at the Tavern Grill in Blaine. I also hope to get my hair cut and colored later today, so I'll have to call Jan and see if she has any openings. I still have some paper work to do from the mail I was going through yesterday. Some is very a medicare bill that wasn't paid and I need to defend. Not hard, as they said I didn't have Plan B when the test took place, and I've not been without Part B since I turned 65. Just a matter of filling out the paper work. I guess I better get moving here....Love and Prayers, m

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