Thursday, June 14, 2012

Storms Abound

According to radar, it's over Lake Sylvia right now, and it's coming our way. Questioning my timing for going to the lake today. I have to be unplugged from my chemo pump at 11:30 and had planned on being packed and going directly from there to the cabin, and that may still happen, but before I go I have to do some grocery shopping at Cub and either Home Depot or Menards, and decide what to pack. I have to come home tomorrow afternoon for a going away party for Bill and Kim's exchange student Ani, who will be returning to her home in Germany next week. Then will return to the cabin either after the party or early Saturday morning, and then will stay till maybe Monday night and back after my Exturba infusion on Tuesday morning. So it sounds like a lot of back and fourth. I talked to the painter who is going to powerwash and seal our deck and stairs which should hold them for a few years before we replace them with a composite decking. He thought when I talked to him last week that it would be Wed., Thursday or Friday this week, but he's not finished with his other job, and thinks he will work on ours Monday or Tuesday next week. Tuesday is the only day I can't be there before we'll see how my week at the cabin will go. I have cousins, Teri and Mary (Kay) the other Mary Schoenecker coming to the cabin on Thursday. So I'm really looking forward to that, as I haven't seen them since the Herb Schoenecker family reunion they have every August. Speaking of family reunions, next year 2013 is five years since the last and The Kiecker's have decided to host this one. I believe it will be held at Bunker Hills County Park in Coon Rapids. The golf tournament and Softball tourament will be on the schedule, and it will be a Pot luck picnic. With burgers, hot dogs and brats supplied by the Kieckers. The date is yet to be decided, so if anyone wants to throw out some dates I'm open for suggestion. I'm thinking the Saturday before the 4th or the Saturday after. William is looking forward to being the MVP, he's been practicing. Our whole team (Team Theresa) will be back to defend our title as three-time champs. This round of chemo, has gone really well, I felt so strong yesterday, finishing lots of laundry as I had brought home sheets and towels from the cabin along with my clothes, so that meant running lots of stairs, and it seemed those muscles are becoming stronger. And far less pain in my back and butt! Hope that drug they are giving me to help the bone heal is seems to be....that along with the Qigong and Quick Pulse I'be been doing. Speaking of the Quick Pulse, I was supposed to have that yesterday afternoon, but Sheila had to postpone that till today at 1 p.m....another reason I'm thinking of not going to the cabin till later this afternoon. Thunder is starting to boom here now too! and it's really getting dark. I guess I better start moving. Lots to do. Love and Prayers, m

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