Thursday, June 7, 2012

Heading back to the Cabin!!! Hurrah!

I'm going back to the cabin this morning, and won't come back till Saturday afternoon. I think the sun will be shining most of the time, with a chance of showers in the evening or night time. I need to wash the hope it's something I can get done to let that sun shine in. I got a call from granddaughter Nicole last night to ask if I was going to be at the cabin, an I said yes, so she asked if she and some friends could come for the day? Hurrah! That has been my goal for years, to make the cabin someplace the grand-kids would want to come to....I think it's working. Yesterday, I went for my infusion in the morning, and then headed to Bill's to pick up a Green Valley Garden Center Gift card I had bought from Tommy's scout troop. Then to Green Valley to use it. Of course I spent more than the $25 gift card, but the flowers and herbs were so beautiful, I couldn't resist. I have two pots yet to fill at the cabin and I needed to replace the Rosemary plant which hadn't made I ended up buying 5 herbs as they were 5 fot $15....of course I couldn't pass up that deal. So now I have parsley, thyme, rosemary, lemon basil and arugula. Don't know what I'll do with all that, but I'm sure when my brother-in-law Gary comes in July, he'll figure something out. Later in the afternoon, I went to Sammy's restaurant to meet Bonnie Sass an Lois Bjerke for dinner and then onto ShowPlace 16 across the parking lot to see "Hunger Games". Bonnie liked it better than Lois an me, but we all agreed it was not our kind of movie and we wouldn't be seeing the sequels. Bonnie on the other hand thought she might read the next two books in the series. My granddaughter Allie, later told me the book was much better than the movie...but I still don't think I'll read any of the books. Two weird for me. I like to read things that either really happened, or could happen. I got a call yesterday from "Little Jim's" and they can get me the ladder for the raft that got torn off during the storm last year. So I can pick it up on Friday....and Jason, the painter will come later next week to power-wash the deck and steps. So excited about that too....they really needs it. Again, anyone who wants to come and visit me at the cabin is welcome. Love and Prayers, m

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