Thursday, June 21, 2012

Return of the Sun...but Cooler

Yesterday the weather couldn't make up it's mind....we had a torrential 1/2 in. of rain in about a 15 minute span, and the wind blew but nothing more than a few twigs and leaves flew off the trees. Then it was nice (relatively) for an hour or so, and then it would look like it was going to storm again, and then it would just blow over, etc. etc. The crew took cover a few times, but mostly just kept working. They went from rain gear to shirtsleeves by the end of the day. This morning, it's still cloudy and windy, but it doesn't look like rain....dry and cool. I was hoping to have lunch on the deck this afternoon, but it looks like we'll be eating in the cabin instead. You wouldn't believe all the work the crew (Bill, Doug, Rick and Jimbo) got done. I can't thank them enough. We now have the deck and cabana replaced with table and chairs inside. Where we can sit, away from sun, rain, and mosquito's. They also did some pulling of weeds, on the bank and in the garden, and placed mulch throughout the plantings around the deck. In the back yard (where the entry and road is) Jimbo mowed, pulled weeds, and then Jimbo and Doug proceeded to bring large rocks to line the new pavers they put into place a few weeks ago for the entry. Then they poured in a lot of black dirt and we went looking for sod. (Or I did) I called garden centers and sod farms (my cousins in Albany and all points between here and Buffalo and St. Cloud and Cokato. Because of the wet weather no one was cutting sod, and the garden centers don't seem to have any already cut....not a big call for 5 or 6 rolls of sod. So now, my cousin Dale (Albsny Sod) told me he will cut on Friday morning, and I could come and pick it up sometime after 10 that's the plan, I will have him put it in the back of my van, and Saturday, Doug will come back and lay it for me. All and all it was a very productive day. I had them do some other little tasks that I couldn't, and I planted a few more Hosta's. I also did three loads of wash, and did some cleaning or tidying of the place so it would be presentable for company today. My back and hips were in super shape, I felt strong and can't tell you how many times I went from the main level to the basement and back again....I'm guessing 10 times. I went shopping for the guys and got the mulch and a few items at the grocery store and I planted and did laundry....all without taking any extra breakout pain meds. So your prayers are working and I hope you keep them up, cause it feels good to be able to do normal things that a few weeks ago I couldn't, without a lot of pain. Love and Prayers, m

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