Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 1 1/2 of round 3

Strange round of chemo....went home with a clamp on and the pump off, but didn't figure it out till 2:30 a.m. when I got up to go the bathroom, and the realized the pump wasn't making it's familiar sounds, and realized the clamp closest to the port was clamped such, so I opened it and went to work to find the phone number for the on call for infusion assistance. I called at 2:45 a.m. and at 3:15 I called back and they finally called me at 3:20 and she said as long as I had undone the clamp it would be fine, and I asked if I should check the pump and she said no....but I went back to bed and kept thinking about how quiet the pump still I took matters into my own hands and pushed the start button on the pump....and low and behold it seems to be working....just 14 hours behind time. I am now waiting to call HHH and see what they are going to do, as it won't be done pumping in my 46 hours of drugs till 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning....instead of noon tomorrow. I now am waiting for Dr. Londer's nurse to return my call. While making these calls, I accidentally dialed Bonnie Sass's number with a fat finger on the touch screen of my phone. I turned it off quickly, but not quick enough, and Bonnie called me back within minutes (now I know who to call in the middle of the night) and I apologized and told her I would call her back this morning and/or if I really needed help other ...than the on-call nurse. Yesterday's day at HHH otherwise went really well, Annie picked me up and I got to HHH on-time Judy arrived about 10 a.m. and we tied 2/2 with the cribbage matches and they were mostly close games except for one where I almost skunked her. I got to show off my pictures from both my weekend trips to Judy, and my grad pic and the reproduction 50 years later with Tom, Em and me in the background with all the staff. Judy drove me home and I went directly to the couch and slept till at 5:20 when I thought I heard the door bell, and went and checked, but now one was there, so I went back to the couch and slept some more...getting up to make myself some peanut butter and jelly toast (something I never eat) and then some pistachio's and then some granola dry. Strange mix of food. I had chicken and brown rice I could have warmed up, but for some reason I didn't want it. I went back to the couch and actually got off and started working on the computer at about 10 p.m. when I realized I had a missed call and a voice message from my brother at 5:20 p.m. telling me I hadn't blogged or hadn't pushed the publish button. (which must have been what actually woke me earlier) so I went online and realized that I hadn't published it.) So I then did....funny that is how the day started at 7 a.m. and continued till this morning at 3:30. Tragedies come in 3's so what's next. I had planned on leaving for the cabin as soon as I got unplugged maybe that will be the 3rd. I had asked Judy if she wanted to join me, and she has plans all weekend, so she wasn't I may not be either. Everything on my list for the Quick Pulse session with Sheila is better, so I may try that again. No response yet from HHH so can't update you on that yet. Last and not least it's May 31st and 49 years ago today I gave birth to my first child. Happy Birthday Tom, love ya lots!
Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 1, Round 3, Series 6

I didn't sleep well last night, and last evening wasn't good either. I can't figure out why, but ended up taking one of those breakout pain pills around 6:30 p.m.. I started the day by running some errands and picking up a prescription of an antibiotic to take 1 hour before I had my teeth cleaned at noon. I went to Lowes and picked up 2 big shiney dark red pots to set on top of my septic tank covers at the lake. (Using my gift card I got from Tom and Karen for Mother's Day) I'm going to fill them with red and white flowers, or at least that is my plan. Then headed to the dentist office. Cindy has cleaned my teeth for more than 17 years, and Annie and Bills families all go to her to get their teeth cleaned as well. So I showed her some of the pictures from the weekend graduation. It's fun to be able to talk as though we see each other all the time, even thought it's only about 3 times a year. Then at 3:30 I got my phone call from Sheila to do the Quick Pulse session I told you about last week. I know it worked immediately for one of the 4 things on my list, and I will watch and see how the other three do....and report to her next week when I go to her house for qigong again. I didn't do much after that, cept water my house plants and go through some mail and enter some medical expenses on the medical spreadsheet I keep through out the year so I have it for taxes next spring. I get picked up this morning at around 8:15 by Annie, and taken to HHH in Robinsdale, then Judy will meet me there. Haven't played cribbage with her for about a month....when we were 2 cards short. I can't wait. So I need to shower and get dressed soon. Keep those prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m My brother called at 5:20 P.M. but I was sleeping and got his voice mail a few minutes ago, and realized I hadn't pushed publish at 7 a.m. when I wrote this. sorry about that, I must have been still sleeping when I wrote this. lol Doing well after the chemo. m

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm Home and the Sun is Shining

Actually in Naperville the sun shined all was 101 on Sunday, the day of Emily's graduation. But back to why I haven't written for 3 days. Saturday morning we left at 5 a.m. and I only got up at 4:30 so by the time I got dressed and ready to go, there was no time for writing the blog. I then rode till almost 12 noon to get to Naperville, and the Nook doesn't work for writing the blog unless I have obviously I couldn't write in the car. When we got near Naperville Tom called and said that Will had a baseball game at 12 noon, and gave us instructions on how to find it, so we drove directly there. After the about 2 p.m. we went to Kick's Shoe store, and all left with at least one pair of shoes, except Matthew....I personally came out with two pair. Emily and her friends met there, to take pictures in their cap and gowns in a riverfront park right behind their store. So for a while the store was filled with graduates and their mothers. I think a few took home shoes too! After all that excitement, we went back to Tom and Karen's house and rested and then had a great dinner that Tom grilled for us. He was kind of a short order cook, making brats, steak, chicken and even a piece of fish for Kennedy. By the time we were done eating dinner, it was late....well in a day that started at 4:30 a.m. it was late, and I went to bed at 9:30 or so. Sunday morning I got up at 7 a.m. to take my pills, and then went to the couch where Matthew and Presley were watching cartoons, and I kinda napped till others started moving around 8 a.m. We all needed to take showers and wanted to make sure we all had hot water, and there were so many that needed to get in there, all while trying to make enough pancakes for all to eat, getting their hair done and dressed appropriately to have pictures taken at 12 noon in the front yard. Thus, no time to write my blog. From then on it was a series of trips in the car between the graduation ceremony, back home, and then out to dinner celebration. They held the graduation at the Northern Illinois University, Convocation Center in DeKalb, which was about 1 hour west of them. The graduating class was about 1000, and it was the first graduating class from Matea Valley High School. Aurua has 3 high schools, and all three were held at the same location, but at 12 noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., it was a great auditorium, and each student was given 10 tickets, so for Emily's commencement ceremony there were about 10,000 guests as well as the 1,000 graduates. They had people directing traffic and we drove in and parked and left just as easily....not waiting in lines for ever to get out. The commencement ceremony ran just as slick. They read everyone's name and they all walked across the stage at a fast pace, and we couldn't believe how quick it was. We were in and out of there in just a little over an hour. We were in the second row of the section that started rising in the back of the auditorium, so as they marched in and out, they were right in front of us. They also had a big screen hanging from the ceiling that showed it all upclose for those that weren't as close as we were, and then when they got their diploma's we could watch on the screen.
After driving back to Tom and Karen's and putting up our feet for about an hour, we all got back in the cars to drive to Bucca's in Oak Park about an hour to the east of Naperville. Naperville restuarants to hold a group of about 40 wasn't available because of all the parties being held. We met 2 of Emily's friends and their families and friends along with Em's mom Amy, and a couple of Tom and Karen's friends. It was a wondeful evening of more great food, conversation and picture taking. We returned to Tom and Karen's late....maybe 10 p.m. and then Em opened her gifts....something I had waited for all weekend, as I had given her a special gift. It was my class ring from 1962 which was 50 years ago, June 3rd. I had put it on a chain and also gave her matching earrings, and a picture of me with my dad and my grandma in the background, so I had that picture recreated for 2012.
Obviously, I wasn't able to write yesterday morning, as we were in the car at 5 a.m. again. But it was a great weekend, and I want to thank Annie and Doug for taking me there, and Tom and Karen for taking such good care of me while there. I did really well all weekend, never taking any breakout pain meds and only napping for a short time on Saturday after getting to there house late afternoon. So I am so pleased at how much stronger I am getting. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers that give me that strength. Love and Prayers, m

Friday, May 25, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine

After record rainfall, the sun is shining bright and warm. The northern suburbs got over 6 inches of rain I think it was 6.6 inches, and the city for May has had well over 8 inches. We are no longer in drought mode!! We were thinking about building an ark for a while there yesterday! I hear that tomorrow and Sunday night might not be much better. Hopefully in Chicago, we will have nice sunny days. Although no outside events have been planned. Speaking of this weekend, Annie's track meet was partly rescheduled for this afternoon at 3 p.m. as the rain prevented some of it to be held yesterday. Thus we won't leave till early tomorrow 5 a.m. As I'm already packed, gifts wrapped and cards signed, I have all day to do something...but so far haven't figured out what. I may go out and do a little something in the yard....or I could do laundry. Yesterday the rain didn't stop me from doing anything. I wrapped presents for Tom, Emily and Kim. Then I delivered Kim's to her, so I got to watch her open it. I did a run to Costco which I would have done the day before but my Costco card was in the jacket of what I was wearing on Tuesday night when I locked my keys in the car, I couldn't put my Costco card in my purse as it was locked in the car, so I put it in the pocket of my jacket, and hung it back in the closet with it still there. So anyway, yesterday I retrieved my card and was able to go to Costco. I also took a load of stuff to ARCC for a donation to Kid U. They needed craft stuff and sent out a list of items. I was able to give them newspapers, wire hangers, envelopes, paper, plastic coffee cans and a pile of KidU T-shirts. I think I had about 8 years of shirts. I thought they could use them as paint shirts in some art classes or LeeAnn could take them home for her kids to sleep in. They were just hanging in my closet doing nothing but taking up a hanger. I could probably go through my office and donate a whole bag of stuff every week, and not make a dent. I also spent a large amount of time going through some old pictures, scanning some, and uploading my pictures from the weekend to Costco, which I then picked up. It was a very productive day. Walking and standing seemed to go a little better, and I seem to be regaining some strength I had lost over the weekend in Boston. Feeling good again this morning, of course the sun is shining and that always helps! I probably won't write my blog in the morning....or I don't think I'll be up early enough to do that, but who knows. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Rain Must Fall!

I guess it's been a lot....not a little! Don't know how much we got here in Coon Rapids, as it hasn't stopped yet, I'm sure we will have more than an inch. Flood warnings were out for a large portion of the State. But I am high and dry, as my friend Mary told me to stay! Today I'm writing a little late again, but it's not because of the rain or lack of sun, I've actually been busy this morning, and have accomplished quite a bit. When I went to bed last night, I put that intention into my thoughts and prayers, and I think it's working. The mind is very powerful! Yesterday, I went shopping and got my sister's birthday present and as I had a $15 birthday coupon from JC Penney, I had to buy something for myself as well. Or at least that was the excuse I used. I think I ended up with more for myself than Kathleen....well close anyway....sorry Kathleen. From there I picked up a prescription at HealthPartners, and deposited a check at the bank. By then it was 2:45, so I headed straight to Sheila Judd's home in Maple Grove, for my Qigong session. We ended up talking for about an hour before she started and more after the session and I didn't leave for home till 5 p.m. I really enjoy being with Sheila, and feel great healing energy the whole time I am there. Yesterday's Qigong session was even more powerful than usual. My whole body seemed to be reacting to the meditation I was doing while Sheila was doing the Qigong. I left feeling so good, and continued to feel that way for the rest of the evening and this morning. She gave me homework to do this week, and next week we are going to do something new over the phone. It is called Quick Pulse. The Quick Pulse Technique is a powerful new energy technique to help change the things you would like different in your life. To prepare for the session I need to make a list of things that get in my way, limit me or I just don't like experiencing. Up to six, but doesn't have to be that many. We will do this over the phone, so that will be interesting too. I have experienced Qigong over the phone a few years ago, and that was a very powerful session with Chunyi Lin. I got to talk to Janet from another planet twice yesterday, and also my sister twice....Kathleen and Gary were going out when I called her, so we only talked for about 5 minutes, and then she called me back later when they got home. Janet was looking for some information, so after I found that I had to call her back and report....but we ended up talking for at least 30 minutes or more....probably more, and doing a lot of laughing. I can always use the laughter. Today as it is raining, I won't be going to the cabin as I thought I might earlier in the week, and tomorrow I need to get packed and ready for the weekend in Chicago for Emily's graduation. I have plenty to do here at home, and will be busy all day. Looks like the rain has stopped for a minute...but I'm guessing not for long. Stay "High and Dry", Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can You Tell the Sun's Not Shining?

I am moving slow this morning, not that I feel bad, but I feel groggy! Got up at 7 a.m. as usual, and had my breakfast and checked my email and stuff like that, and then laid back on the couch to watch TV, got up and downloaded a new audible book onto my ipod, went back to the couch....and just now realized I hadn't blogged yet. Sorry if you've been waiting to read this! Yesterday was a strange day too. I somehow forgot that my infusion of Erbitux was yesterday and not today, and got a phone call at 1:45 p.m. asking me if I was delayed, and realized I was supposed to be there at instead of shopping I ran off to HHH in Robinsdale and got there by 2:15 for my infusion. They were all nice about the error, and got me in and out by 4:30. But 4:30 was when the party was supposed to start way back in Coon Rapids at Riverdale's Green Mill. So I started driving and knew the turtleneck at Foley and 610 was going to be slow, I turned off on East River Road and then Egret to Robinson drive, and then onto Northdale and pulled into Target to pick up two of the three cards I needed and made it to the Green Mill by 5:15 p.m. Pretty good huh?!! The next three plus hours people came and went, and some I hadn't seen in years, and others, Rosie, Sandi and Ann I had just spent the weekend with. We had a great time talking about the weekend and looking at pictures Sandi and Ann had brought along. Sandi had already made note cards using her pictures of the centerpieces from the wedding, and gave some to each Rosie, Ann and me. Ann had written beautiful thank you notes to all of us, and included a picture from the weekend that I was in, and Sandi gave me a picture of Jessie and I in front of Fennial Hall. At 8:30 p.m. I decided I better head for home, but my gas tank was edging toward empty, so I drove across the street to Costco. As I was getting out of the car, it was beeping as I hadn't taken the keys out of the ignition, so I pulled them out and threw them on the seat next to my purse, and shut the door and proceeded to fill the tank. However in my attempt to get back into the car, I realized that I had hit the lock button on my key, and locked myself out of the car along with my keys, my cell phone and my purse. Now what? I went over and told the man that walks around and watched the pumps, and he asked if I wanted to call someone, I said I would....but my phone was in the car....he offered me the one in that little building he sits in, and then....who do I call? I have all the numbers in my cell phone, and don't know any by heart....of wait a minute....I think I remember Bill and Kim' who do I call? Bill!! Hoping he's home. Luckily he was there watching the Twins (and they were winning) so he was able to drive to my house, get my spare set, and come to Costco for me. Unlucky for him that his was the only number I remembered. I did get home by not bad. I forgot to tell you that on Monday I got a letter from SS telling me I would now receive more money if I used my own rather than my survivor benefits of Gene's. So I went online and submitted my application. I still don't know how much more I will get, but it was a nice surprise. I always knew that this day would come at some point, but I never knew when. I will have to do the shopping today that I didn't do yesterday, but other than that, my appointment with Sheila Judd for Qigong is all I have to do. Hope to avoid the rain when I'm out. Must start moving....Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Love the Sunshine

We had sun all weekend in Boston, and yesterday and today are filled with sun too! How lucky am I!! I'm feeling so much better this morning than even yesterday when I thought I was back to normal....I guess I wasn't....cause today I feel really good. I got up at 7 a.m., which is back to my normal wake up time, and I wasn't aching all over! Yesterday I did a little shopping (grocery) so I had some food in the house, and then I went out for dinner with my First Friday group of women. I always enjoy dinner with them, especially the conversations, we are such a varied group now and all worked at St. Tim's together in the 1970's. We've been friends for such a long time, and have continued our dinner dates since then. Our lives have gone off in different directions, but not our friendship. Today I will go to a Happy Hour for Birth mates, Rosie Mortenson, Tom Lux and Jim Neiswag at Green Mill in Riverdale at 4:30ish. Any one interested in joining us, is always welcome. This is another event that has gone on for years. The three of them all worked at the college together, and started going out for happy hour on their birthday May 25, but this year they couldn't all get together on the 25th, so today is the day. Tomorrow I get to have Qigong session with Sheila Judd, and then I'm thinking about spending a day or so at the cabin. That's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunny in Coon Rapids!

Sorry about the poor blogs the last weekend, but....working on the Nook is difficult to make corrections, so thus, you had to put up with it. I'm back to my laptop, and hope it will be published with a few less errors!! My weekend was one of the most fun trips and celebrations I can remember. Traveling with a group of six is sometimes hard, but we all seemed to melt together into an agreeable group for any decision of where to go and what to do. Of course Patty and Denise told us several times that they were followers, and as they stayed an extra day, they didn't know what they would do without us to make their decisions for them. (lol) I wish I could express how wonderful the wedding was it self! Not only the location, the food, the decor, the people....but the rabbi and his fantastic explanation of the meaningful symbols and blessings, the seven blessings of friends they had asked to give, and wonderful joy and love that filled it all, was rather overwhelming. I'm sure I will be talking about it for years to come. Our group, all decided we wanted to have a Jewish wedding ourselves. At the airport we had planned to have breakfast, and found a Legal Seafood test kitchen. I had yet another serving of crab and lobster (about my 4th in Boston). Actually, Sandi, Rosie and I all had a crab and lobster omelet and it was so good. Actually I think I had lobster and crab everyday I was in Boston. But you can never have enough of that! I had a rough time on the plane coming home. First of all the plane was late in landing that we were taking back to MN, so we had to wait for it to unload and get cleaned before we got on, then, even though we had priority boarding, it was a full flight, and it took forever to board everyone. I haven't any idea why, but we didn't take off till about 12:15 p.m., for a flight that was originally scheduled to take off at 11:25. So I ended sitting in the most uncomfortable seat for an extra hour. I then waited way too long to take a pain pill, and when asking for a pillow (about half way through the flight) they didn't have any, and finally the stewardess brought me her sweater to roll up and put behind my back. We had arranged for a wheel chair to be at the gate for me, but then he took me out the ramp and dropped me and Sandi at the electric cart pick-up. When the cart picked us up, it only took us to an elevator on the other side of the security check point and way across the hall from where he dropped us. So we were back walking. Took the elevator down, and of course the baggage carousel was on the other end of the building from the we had to walk again. Then although I called my cousin to tell her I would be at baggage in about half an hour....I assumed she would be there in a half an hour, so after we stood outside at the curb for about another 1/2 hour, I called her, and she was waiting for me to call and tell her we were ready to be picked up. So, we went back and found a bench for another 10 minutes and then went out to the curb, and she arrived in a few minutes. Buy the time I got home, I was really beat, and I took a two hour nap. After watching the finale of the celebrity apprentice, I fell asleep again, and woke up at 11:30 and went to bed. I've been pretty slow getting going this morning, but do feel pretty good this morning, and will get my suitcase unpacked and get things ready to be gone next weekend to Chicago for my granddaughters graduation. I can't wait. This afternoon, I have a date with my First Friday group, and we will be eating Mexican. So something different for a change. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Good Mprmimg Sunshine

Another bdeautiful day in Boston. I am getting ready to go to fhe airport. Hate to leave! Yesterday was a great day we went to the JFK Library in the morning. Had lunch at the Legal seafood restuarant down on the waterfront. Then ccame back to thehotel to get ready for the weddding. What a wonderful celebration. The ceremony was one of the nicest i haveever been to. The reception after was great as well as the food. They then had a dance. The decorations were exquisite. What a great time with wonderful friends. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunny in Boston

Had a great dayin the city yesterday. We took a trolly tour and then went around and got off at a couple of places to walk around. Jessie took us back to the restuarant that we ate at in2006. It was great food. Last night we went back down to the waterfront, for a gathering of about 100 here for the wedding. Again the food was super. Probably the biggest and best shrimp cocktail I've ever had. Today we are going to theJFK library and the Mapparium. Then the wedding this evening. Love and prayers, m

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bright Sunny Day in Boston

Good morning. I had a great fligt yesterday, and it ended up that Pat and Denise Tkach were on the same plane as the four of us. The six of us got shuttle to the Holiday in wherewe areall stsying. Then rested in our rooms for an hourand then met somefriends of Rosie a d Bruce at a funky Tapas restuarant not far from the hotel. It was great food and the compa ny was even better. Got back to the room around 9 pm andI crashed. It's an our later here and I never go to bed till near 11pmso I must have been really tired. Todday we are taking the shuttle docwn town and I am meetingmy neice at 10 am. Touring the town and the dinnerwith the wedding party onthe waterfront this evening. Love and prayers,m Sorry for the typos I have a hard time making correctionx on my nook.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Time For Me to Fly!

I'm leaving in rain, but I hear it's going to be hot! Boston looks like 60's and low 70's all weekend. So I won't complain at all. Yesterday was a beautiful day too! I went and got unplugged at noon, and then off to Pathways for a Overview of Spring Forest Qigong. It was fun, as the instructor told her story, and how she came to ARCC to help her with Leukemia, and Chunyi was teaching....back in 1995...about the time I was beginning my struggle with cancer, and also was the secretary for Continuing Education and Customized Training. Chunyi came to MN as an exchange instructor for our Chinese exchange program. We sent 7 students there, and they sent Chunyi Lin to us. He ended up getting his Green Card, and now his wife, son and daughter and I believe his parents all live here in MN. Anyway it was interesting because the instructor knew Chunyi, Jim Nance, and Sheila Judd, all people I know well. After that I came home to get ready for today. I did pack and add a few items, including my Tennis shoes and socks, which I originally wasn't going to take. But figured they would be the best to tour Boston in, as it can be a lot of walking. I will be picking Sandi up first this morning, and we will meet Rosie and Bruce at the airport and all fly out on the same flight. This evening we are having dinner with friends of Rosie and Bruce. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my neice Jessie (Kathleen's daughter) at Nathaniel Hall and Quincy Market. Don't know what I'll do for the afternoon, but we plan on doing a bunch of tourist stuff. Then tomorrow night there is a dinner planned for all of us out of towners and the wedding party. Then Saturday more touring during the day, and the wedding is at 6 p.m. in Cambridge. Looking forward to it all, so I better get in the shower and get this show on the road. Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3, Unplug

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The sun is shining and I slept well last night. I worked hard yesterday, and got a lot done. The funeral was at 11 a.m., and I was working hard before I left....emptied the dishwasher and refilled it, gathered all the laundry and finally had it all washed and put away by about 10 p.m. last night. Gathered all I am taking to Boston, and you know that may change by the time it gets into the suitcase this afternoon. I did go to the funeral, and the nice lunch after, it was well attended by lots of college folks and then as long as I was passing Riverdale on my way home I stopped at Kohls to take advantage of my 30% off coupon, and was able to get a Graduation gift for Emily (oldest granddaughter), Kim, my daughter-in-law's birthday next week, and then over at Old Navy I picked up a few things for myself, as I had a $15 gift coupon from them, and also a 15% coupon, so I also got somethings for Tom's birthday the end of the month. Bill and Kim had given me a gift card for Kohl's also, so I picked up a beautiful cotton knit Vera Wang sweater...that I wouldn't have bought for myself with out the gift card. I plan on wearing that Friday night in Boston, I had already picked something out for Saturday at the wedding, so I think I'm all set for all the events of the weekend. After getting home I worked on that laundry and packing or gathering to pack, and managed to pack away all that Easter stuff I had gathered on the kitchen counter and had Nicole bring me up the bin to put it in last week. So finally Easter is all packed away and in the basement again. I did hear from Christine Spence yesterday, and she reported that Mary Scheiber's surgery went well on Monday, and would be in the St. Cloud Hospital for a few days....also I believe Cheri Salisbury's surgery on her ankle went well yesterday...not sure if they were able to put her out, or if they did a spinal block from the waist down. With her heart and diabetes problems they weren't sure which way they would go. So keep up the prayers for both of them and their families....they seem to be working. Today, I go and get unplugged at noon, and then after that I am going into Pathways for an "Overview of Spring Forest Qigong" which is the form that Chunyi Lin designed, and I follow. I haven't had a chance to have Sheila work on me this month but hopefully this will be a good session, and I will get some benefits from just practicing some of the exercises. After that I guess I will finish packing and getting ready to leave bright and early tomorrow morning. I will pickup Sandi Hitch and then drive to cousin Janets and she will then drive us to the airport and drop us off. She will store my van at her house for the weekend, and then on Sunday she will come back and get us, and after dropping her off in Richfield, I will take Sandi home in Maple Grove and then complete the drive to Coon Rapids. Well that's it for today, Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 2 of series 6

Funny I just saw a commercial for one of those Hormone Replacement centers and the women ended by saying you could take your age and turn the numbers around, She said I'm 42 and feel like, I'm 68 and feel like 86 and didn't have to do any Hormone Replacement!! I had my usual first night after chemo and got little or no sleep, woke up almost every hour in a cold sweat, throwing off the covers, and then grabbing for them in another 10 minutes. Lot's of jerking, and feeling like I was falling in my shallow dreams. But woke up at 7 with some found energy, and threw all the laundry down the shoot, unloaded the dishwasher and started to refill it. I need to do laundry today, start packing for trip to Boston on Thursday, and do a little shopping as well. Also will be going to Sharon Stoller's funeral at Zion Lutheran in Anoka at 11 a.m. this morning, so will need to fit a shower in before hand too! Yesterday, Rita Culshaw picked me up and took me for my chemo, and we had a very delightful day. I did have to reteach her how to play cribbage as she played as a child, but not since, and we're the same age (well I'm a couple of months older she reminded me) but it had been a long time, so I gave her a refresher. I won the first game, but it was so close and she got to count first but still ended up a few pegs short and it took both my hand and my crib to win. Then she won the second at a pretty close one too! We started a tie breaker, but didn't get a chance to finish it. So I guess we just called it a tie for the day. We hadn't visited for a long time, as she and Tom spent the winter in it was nice catching up. I was able to get a nap in before getting picked up to go to the wake by Pat and Bruce Ripley. Bonnie came as far as my house and rode with us too! We got a lot of visiting time in with Lois and family, and stayed about an hour, and then headed back home. The neighbors were sitting outside, so after picking up my mail I walked across to get an update on Cheri Salisbury who fell the night before at the Habatchi Grill and broke her leg in 4 places. Cheri also has a lot of problems with her heart and diabetes, and when getting her to the hospital her blood sugar was at 40 and they gave her juice and brought it back to 90 and within minutes it dropped back to 40, this happened about 3 times, before they just started giving her sugar water IV. They were not able to get her into surgery yesterday as the operating rooms were fully booked, so they hope to do that today. She has osteoarthritis on top of everything else, so that is part of the reason she broke it so badly. She had a knee replacement a few years ago, and the leg broke just above the knee, and the femur below the knee and then the ankle is broken in two places...and they will have to put in a pin to put it back together. They figure she will be in the hospital a few days after the surgery and then moved to rehab for 6-8 weeks. They are hoping to find her room at Parkview Nursing Home close to home. Please keep her and Don as well of Wendy and Jim in your prayers. I also got a call yesterday while at chemo, from my country cousin Christine Spence to tell me that Mary Scheiber (Maple Lake) had a heart attack on Friday, and is in St. Cloud Hospital, and they were having trouble keeping her heart rate were going to put a pacemaker in yesterday. Christine and Jim were going to see her last night, but haven't gotten an update yet. So more prayers requested for her. Mary had part of a lung removed in January for a tumor in her lung. But had completed chemo this Spring and was doing great! Thanks to all the prayers we sent then. That's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 1, Round 6

The Sun is shining and I feel great....I must have really been tired....I didn't wake up once during the night. I can't remember the last time I slept through the whole night with out getting up to go the bathroom at least. I must have really been tired....watching the kids do all that work really wore me out. I did do some planting. I planted all the inpatients....48 individual plants. I have 4 window like boxes full and a crock with plants falling out and then a big planter next to steps, so even the lake side of the cabin looks great. Annie and Doug gave me a big pot overflowing with flowers, and Bill and Kim gave me a hanging plant among other things. I brought the hanging plant home, and it's so big it almost bent the shepherds pole. Then I'm not sure who bought all the Hostas they planted, and all the day lilies, but I think Ann and Jim and Annie and Doug did. Karen and Tom had given me a gift card, so I bought a bunch of stuff with that and then when I got back home last night, I found another gift card in the mail from them. So I get to go shopping I have a $25 gift card from a garden center that Katie was selling. I got lots of other presents besides plants, but I can't list them all here. But I want to thank everyone for all the work they did, and all the gifts....I love them so much. It was also wonderful to have them all there. Well, it's time to get dressed, or Rita Culshaw will be taking me to chemo in my jamies!! Cheri Salisbury fell last night and broke her leg in four places, so say some prayers for her. Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Short and sweet...the sun is shining and Jimbos cooking breakfast. Loveand prayers, m

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sun Alert!!!

Don't see any rain in site.....only sun and more Son. The grass is so green, The flowers are tall and I'm feeling well!! Yesterday was one of those crazy days, and I really planned on being at the cabin last night, but by 7 p.m. it was raining, and I really didn't want to drive to the cabin in rain. So here I am this morning packed and ready to go. I headed out to Judy's yesterday morning, and got her to the doctor, and then we went out to lunch and I dropped her off and rushed to Pathways for the class called "Messages from the Heart" which was on positive thinking basically, and I think I do a pretty good job of that, but it was interesting, and we got to practice meditation at the beginning and the end of the session. So it really relaxed me. As I am on my new medication regimen, I only took some break-through pills twice during the whole day. Usually sitting in the car kills me, but even though I was in the car a lot of the day, I really wasn't in pain. After I finished at Pathways, I drove back to Blaine and picked up Bonnie and we went to Costco to shop for Lois. We managed to spend most of the money we had collected from the women in the card club plus a few other women. We actually had money left over, and we will buy a gift card with that. By 5 p.m. we were at Lois's home in Anoka and got a chance to visit for about an hour before they had to leave for her grandson's graduation from NHCC. In returning home, I dug into a chicken I bought for myself at Costco, and settled into the couch and thought....I'll go to the cabin in the morning. I am packed and pretty much ready to go, but I think I will stop at Lowe's and pick up some stuff with a gift card Tom and Karen gave me for Christmas....specifically for this purpose. The family will all gather at the cabin to celebrate with birthday and Mother's Day!! Last night Tom called to tell me he loved me, and to say he was sorry they couldn't be here with the rest of the family. I'll get to see Tom and his family in two weeks, when I go to Naperville for Emily's graduation. I can't wait. I have a big surprise for her!! Hope she likes it. Well, must get and Prayers, m

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dodging the Rain

The sun is shining right now, and I hope it stays that way, but they say it might rain on and off today. I won't let that stop me, I have lots to do. I am going out to Shakopee this morning to take Judy to a doctor's appointment, and then I will go back to Pathways in Uptown, for a class on writing, called "Messages from the Heart". Then I will pick Bonnie up in Blaine and we are going shopping for food for Lois and her family. I took up a collection last night, and am sure it will go a long way at Costco. Bonnie and I will then take it over to Lois's so they will have dinner and then food to snack on all weekend. After that I will come home and pack to go to the cabin for the weekend. Yesterday was really busy too. I went into Pathways for "Healing Touch" and that was really worthwhile. I was really feeling great by the time I left. I also made some connections with the women doing the Healing Touch. I mentioned I worked at ARCC and that we did a lot of Intragrated Health and Healing there, and she said she was on the Board at Pathways, and they had a grant through ARCC to develop one of their classes and they continue to use ARCC to help train their facilitators of that program. She also asked me if I knew Jan Swedberg an RN, and when I started at the college I worked as the secretary to the Director of Nursing, and Jan was one of them. Actually the last I worked for in the Nursing dept. before I went on to Continuing Ed and Customized Training. So you know me, always making connections....well Mary Johnson (the RN who did the Healing Touch) is just like me!! On my way home, I stopped at Kohls to get a pair of sandals that I didn't have to shuffle to keep on my feet, and then got some dinner take-out at Noodles and Company. When I got home, Nicole was here mowing the lawn, and when she was done we got a chance to visit a bit. Always enjoy visiting with my grandkids. She did a few extra things for me while here too. After she left it was time to go to the play. Bonnie drove as far as my house, and then we went together to ARCC parking lot to pick up three more for my car load. Twylla Prather had the other six in her car. We were missing one, but after waiting 15 minutes we left not knowing what happened to her. We made it to Harriet Island without a problem, and then followed the signs till we came upon the showboat. It was a beautiful evening, and so we loved being on the river's edge and seeing all the sights. After the play we made our way back to Blaine and stopped for pie at Bakers Square and then back to ARCC to drop off my passengers. It was a very nice evening, but I realized when I got there that my little bottle of pills I had filled was not in my I had to survey the group of 11 to find two tie me over till I got home. I couldn't believe that I ended up getting 1 each from two different people....but it did the trick. When I got home the pill bottle was setting on the counter next to the pill bottles I used to fill it. Darn!!! Well must get moving, Judy will be waiting for me. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Day to Be Alive!

Wow 70's!! It doesn't have to get any warmer than that to make me happy! It seems like everything is better when the sunshine's! I can really feel the warmth of God's blessings on me. Yesterday I actually got some cleaning etc. done around the house in the morning, and then went into Robbinsdale HHH for my infusion after lunch. In talking with the nurses about my pain levels (and after seeing that picture of myself on Facebook) I told them I didn't think that even though I was taking Oxycontin every 12 hours and Vicodin every 5 hours all the time, it didn't seem to really deaden the pain. So the nurse talked to the pharmacist and then to Dr. Londer's nurse and then Dr. Londer, they all came to the conclusion that they should up the level of the Oxycontin that I am taking, and change from Vicodin to Oxycodon when needed. They hoped that that wouldn't be continually. If that doesn't seem to be doing the trick I can call them back and they will readjust until we get it right. I also see Dr. Londer again on Monday before I get my chemo, so that will be good too! I really want this all working right before I go to Boston next week. I came home and did some more cleaning etc. (really taking down Easter decor) and trying to figure out what my schedule would be for the next couple of days, when the funeral was going to be etc. So I sent an email to Lois and finally got a response late last night, that they still hadn't gotten things set yet. Sharon's body was arriving last night, and her husband Bill and brother Brian were flying in this morning. So hopefully by this evening they will have everything set. Lois is guessing it will be on Monday in Anoka with burial on Tuesday up north. I asked about bringing food, and she thought that Friday or Saturday would be good for that as Kenny and his girlfriend who were driving back from Connecticut would be arriving on Friday night or Saturday. This morning I called Bonnie and we discussed shopping tomorrow afternoon and then taking it over to Lois's so they would have it for dinner and snacking the rest of the weekend. A group of us, retiree's and card club members are going to do this rather than flowers....I know how much it meant to me when Gene died and we have done this for others that really appreciated it. This afternoon I will go into Pathways for a session on Healing Touch, and then this evening the card club is going to "Life on the Mississippi" on a riverboat docked at Harriet Island. It should be fun. The card club plans an outing every May as our last meeting for the year. Strangely over the years lots of things stand out as coinsiding with these outings. Like 16 years ago how sick I was at the Chanhassen and 5 years ago, I missed cause Gene was rushed to the hospital and his body was shutting down. A lot more too, but those two really stand out in my mind, and now this! Well, I better get this posted!! Love and Prayer, m

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sunny and Warm! Yippee!!

It's so nice to see the sun shine, and it's supposed to be gorgeous both today and tomorrow....and Sunday Mother's day is supposed to be prefect as well! We have big plans at the cabin for the weekend, and I'm so looking forward to nice weather and being with the family. Don't have any update on the funeral for Lois Bjerke's daughter, kinda hoping it will be on Friday or Sat. morning, and not waiting till Monday, as I have chemo that they care what my schedule is. But I really want to go. Yesterday was a busy day, but really fun. Lunch with the retiree's from the college was nice....seeing some of the Dean's that I hadn't seen for years, and also Neil Christianson was was the president of the college when I started there....and you know me with connecting everyone to my family etc....well Neil's aunt was married to a Schoencker and he was the principle at Maple Lake HS, so I consider Neil a shirt-tail relative of sorts, and he goes along with it too! Also ran into John Hennan a counselor at the college who has relatives in Austria within a few miles from where my grandpa was born, and I consider him a cousin too! I did have a real first cousin work at the college, but at the Cambridge campus (Roger Schoenecker) so ARCC is really FAMILY to me!! Anyway after lunch and some entertainment and overview of the college alignment with Anoka Tech, they took us on a Hard-Hat tour of the construction that is going on, with a new Music building and expansion of the Gym and fitness center. That was fun, but Marilyn Quarberg was secretly taking pictures of the tour, and posted them on FaceBook to my horror. I look like a crabby old lady....and I'm totally not....well maybe old and a lady, but I hope I'm not crabby. My back was killing me every time we stood still, and of course that is what we were doing when she took the pictures, so I guess the pictures are a reflection of weather, the backache and concentrating on the information being told to us. After the tour we got to go back and have dessert and coffee and more visiting, and then didn't get home till about 3 a fairly long lunch! When I got home I had to make a salad for the pot luck the Women's Club was having at 6:30, and I had a bag of chicken I had pulled off a rotisserie chicken from Costco, but when opening it....I knew I couldn't use it...I had to cook up a couple of breasts from the I did that while cutting up all the grapes, apples, onion, and celery. Then I had to cool the chicken so I could cut it up and add it to the salad, but it all finally went well, and actually tasted really good. I only stayed at the Pot Luck till about 7:45 and then ducked out before the meeting part, as I had forgotten to bring my pain pills with me, and they were really due at 7:30, so I was late already. Dinner was enjoyable and sat with some women that I don't normally sit with, so had some great conversation about books we had read and movies we had seen, and recipes for the food we were eating. Such a variety of salads and hot dishes!! Today I have my infusion of Exturba and nothing else! Can you believe that? But enjoying the sunshine is a high priority!! Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cloudy, Gloomy and Sad

Yesterday afternoon during dinner I got a call that Sharon Stoller had died. Such a shock to everyone... especially those of us who just saw her in Myrtle Beach in February. It just doesn't seem possible. Her family is also in shock as she had tolerated the chemo well and the cancer was shrinking everywhere cept her brain, which was they did radiation...which was, I guess, more than she could handle. This all happened in Connecticut where they had planned on moving back from this week. Her body is being flown home and she will be buried later this week from Zion Luteran in Anoka where she grew up. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. I slept pretty well last night, only got up once at 4 a.m. and then after taking a pill and going to the bathroom went right back to sleep till 7 a.m. I'm still stiff this morning, but not quite as bad as that's good. I went to lunch yesterday with the retiree's and wannabee's, but most of the conversation dealt around the news that Sharon had taken a turn for the worse, so not very up lifting. From there I went shopping for a few groceries, and ran into Mary Ward and another lady talking in the aisle, and had to join them for a few minutes. From there I picked up a couple of prescriptions at HealthPartners. By then it was almost time for Val Knight to pick me up for dinner. We went to a restaurant in South Minneapolis that we had gone to before and really liked, but were not as happy with the meal last night. It wasn't the same at all, although, I didn't have what I had before, Val did, an was so disappointing. I guess we won't go back there again. Today I again will be with the ARCC retiree's, but this time it is the college's luncheon for all of us that have retired from there. So it should be a large group, and lot's that I have not seen in a long time. Then this evening, the Women's club will have their year end meeting which is a pot luck. So more food!! Tomorrow will be quiet in comparison to today, I only have to go have my Erbitux infused. So no other plans for the day. Well that's it for today, Love and Prayers, m

Monday, May 7, 2012

I See the Sun

Wow, how nice it is to see some sun in the morning for a change. Reading my email, I got an urgent plea for prayers for Sharon Stoller (Lois Bjerke's daughter) She has taken a turn for the worse, and really needs a lot of prayers. I'm hoping this Son Shining is a sign of good things for her. I had a good day yesterday, did make it to church, although did some sitting, but also did some standing...seems morning is the worse time of the day for that. I guess I really stiffen up in the night, and it takes a lot of time to loosen those muscles up. I then went to Becker to Bobbi Jo's son's birthday party. Only part of Gene's family was there....Hon his sister and her husband Dick, and Rhonda his youngest sister. His niece Lynn and her dad, my brother in law Wayne, were in Slayton for the weekend. However, I just found out that Wayne was in the hospital for a few weeks after Easter, due to kidney failure from Diabetes and has been treated with Dialysis. I'm guessing there will be a lot more of that in his please say a few prayers for him too! It was an enjoyable afternoon, and the food was great....and I'm sure a good time was had by all, especially Zachariah, as he got some of his favorite toys as presents, and the best was a huge shinny World Champion Wrestlers belt. He put it on and smiled so big, and then took it off and slung it over his shoulder as the wrestlers do and then held it over his head, as his grandpa took pictures. A Four-year-old is so easy to please. I got home and changed into some comfortable clothes and laid down on the couch to watch the Twins game, and all of a sudden I heard someone at the door and got up and unlocked it only to see Allie, Tommy and Nicole. Tommy was selling candy bars for scouts, so they came to sell me a couple and spent a little time visiting. It was so fun visiting with them, and such a nice surprise. Today, I have a few dates, lunch with the retiree's and wannabees and then dinner with Val Knight. Have a few errands inbetween, groceries and prescriptions to pick up....but that's all. I got an update on Uncle John and Flo last Saturday that I forgot to mention here. John is doing well, and has started canning chairs and is looking for more to do to keep him busy. Flo has had some more skin cancer removed and is now doing well. So prayers for both of them are always welcome. I'm off to enjoy some sun!! Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

Come again another day? Maybe not! What a rainy wet stormy week this has been. With any luck we in the Northern suburbs should be done with it for the day, but those of you in the southern suburbs may get another round in about 4 hours....well that's what the weather mind says. I hope to make it to church this morning at 8:30 and then off to Becker to Gene's great nephew's birthday party. Zachariah is the son of Gene's niece Bobbi Jo who is the daughter of Hon and Dick. I don't get to see much of Gene's family during the year, so this is my chance to visit and get caught up with the whole Kiecker Family, what is left of them. Hon (Agnus) is the only living member of Gene's immediate family and his double cousins are also gone. Yesterday I barely accomplished anything. This weather really does a number on me...and I think my aches and pains are also so much worse with this stormy weather. I did manage to get two loads of wash done and put away. Then Mary Brue read my blog and noticed I was planning nothing for the day, so she emailed and invited me to come to their church spaghetti dinner to raise money for the youth mission trip. So I did!! Other than that, I spent most of the time on the couch. Even sitting and taking my drugs regularly all day didn't seem to help my back much at all. So if I plan on getting anything done today at all, I better get into the shower and get dressed. I did get a good update from Karen...her dad was released from the hospital yesterday, and they think? really aren't sure!! that it was a virus of some sort. Karen thinks it was the prayer's that helped her dad, and thanks you for them. Also got the news that Reudi's godmother Alice, died on Thursday in Switzerland. She lived in the other side of their house, and we enjoyed spending time with her along with his mom when we visited Karen and Reudi a few years back. The funeral will be on Thursday, so please pray for their family. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Are We Done with the Storms Yet?

It's supposed to be dry most of the day, but more rain tonight....but along with the dry day are clouds, and no sun. I thought that I was going to go to the cabin for the day and tonight, but have decided against it. I'd rather be there when the sun is shining. Don't know when I'll be able to be up there, but hope soon. For sure I'll be there next weekend for the big Mother's Day, Birthday, and Arbor day celebration. Will have lots of cleaning and planting and stuff like that. Today, I have a little shopping to do. Not much else planned. Yesterday I went to lunch with Rosie, Bonnie, Sandi and a surprise guest Norma Paulson. We went to a Brazilian Restaurant in Maple Grove, and it was a fun experience, however with all the fluids I've had pumped into me in the last 3 three days and the salty food, made my feet swell up like balloons. Bonnie had picked me up for lunch and we spent so much time visiting that she then drove me to HHH to get unplugged at 3 p.m. (so I guess we did a lot of visiting). Any way my feet really were puffy then, and I came home and took off my shoes and propped them up, but that didn't seem to help much, however last night as I slept, it all seemed to leak out. (Luckily I wear super long and absorbent Depends) and filled three of them during the night. My feet are skinny again this morning and I feel so much better. Sorry to be so graphic about my details, but I don't know how else to explain it. So that's it for today. More tomorrow. Oh, say a few prayers, for Judy as this is the anniversary of Frank's death and this has been a rough week for her. She also had some other health news that has to be checked into. Still haven't had an update on Karen's dad, so keep those prayers coming for him too. Love and Prayers, m

Friday, May 4, 2012

You Are My Sunshine

The sun is shining and it's a great day to be alive! Yesterday was a great day as well, I had gotten a note in my mailbox on my birthday that I needed to pick up a package at the post office yesterday. So I stopped on my way out to Judy's to pick it up. I asked the postman where it was from, and he said Switzerland!! I was so excited I wanted to open it immediately, but decided it would be fun to open with Judy and June in Shakopee. I drove as fast as I could and the first thing I did when I got there was to open the package. It is a large tin sign about 1 foot by 3 feet long, with the first verse of "You Are My Sunshine" on it. The perfect gift!! I can't wait to hang it at the cabin. And now that the cabin is freshly painted, all the pictures and signs need to be rehung so we will be able to find the perfect spot to hang it. The afternoon with Judy and June was also enjoyable. June was busy cooking up a storm, and packaging things for a couple of months of meals for Judy....kinda like we did last Fall. We visited and ate a couple of meals that June had prepared for us as well. I had forgotten my afternoon pills at home, so shortly after dinner I left for home, and arrived home at about 7 p.m. I spent the rest of the evening thinking I needed a nap, but didn't actually fall asleep even though I did lay on the couch and watch TV. By 10:30 I was really ready for bed, and slept sound only till midnight, went to the bathroom and back to bed and slept again till 3:15, got up and took a Vicodin, and slept till 7 a.m. when the alarm went those last hours of sleep were great. Someday I hope to sleep 6 hours with out waking up. Today I'm going to celebrate my birthday again with Rosie, Sandi and Bonnie. Was supposed to have Carole Fuller join up, but she isn't up to it today, after just getting out of the hospital yesterday. We will miss her, but still intend to have a great time. After that Bonnie and I will do maybe some shopping and then she will take me to get unplugged at HHH in Robinsdale. No other plans for the day, but I think that is enough. Haven't any updates from Karen on her dad, but keep those prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 2, Round 5 or 6?

I'm not sure, I have to go back and count....but I'm thinking 5. Not that it matters to anyone. I like to keep track of things like I've now had 40 CT scans in the last 17 years. I checked on Facebook this morning and it says I got 55 birthday wishes posted on my birthday, and along with the phone calls, emails and cards and those who posted on fb wished before my birthday, I think I got 80+ wishes, and I thank you all!! Now on to my day. It started with Lavonne calling and telling me she was running a fever from what she thinks was a sinus infection, and sending her husband in place of her to spend the day with me at HHH for my chemo infusion. I said that would be fine, but didn't really know what to expect, as even though we have been neighbors for over 40 years, I rarely ever was in conversation with him, as the women always sat together at the neighborhood get-togethers and the men on the other side of the room. The day turned out to be very interesting and fun with Mike, he did beat me the first three games of cribbage, but I did skunk him in the fourth game and was on my way to beating him to tie the record, but got interrupted when they came in to hook me up to the pump to send me home at about 1:30 p.m. which seemed like a little early as I had expected the new drug they were adding would take another hour....but going home sounded good to me. The pump they hooked up set off an alarm almost immediately that there was "High Pressure" in the line. The nurse and then another nurse and then the pharmacy and then the main office of Walgreen's pharmacy in St.Paul got included in the problem fix. Now atleast 45 minutes later they had come to the conclusion that a new pump needed to be sent out to HHH for me, and that it would be atleast two hours before that could happen. In the mean time I asked the question I should have asked a lot earlier about the new drug "Zomeda" and whether I had gotten it? So they started going through my orders for the day and found that it had been sort of ordered, but in the wrong they had to track down Dr. Londer and have it put in the correct spot and then sent to the pharmacy. Yes, and then to wait for the order to be filled and then pumped into me, which they sped up and the infusion itself only took another 15 minutes. In the meantime, they had decided that the new pump would have to be delivered to my home and a home health nurse would come to my house to hook me up....but first they had, had to get medicare to override this addition to my charges, and then Walgreen's actually decided that they would cover the charges themselves as it was their pump. When they came in to ask if it would be okay for them to come out to the house and asked if I would be home all evening, and I replied that it had to be before 6 p.m. because I had birthday plans for the evening...they all jumped into action...apologizing for ruining my day etc. and from that point on every person I came into contact with at HHH was wishing me a happy birthday. They also promised the nurse would be here by 5 p.m. I arrived home at 4 p.m. and thought I was going to get a nap in before dinner and should have been able to get in a few winks, but that never happened. I got a phone call from Emily my granddaughter in Chicago, and then the nurse called and said she would be here at about 4:45 and she was...then Nicole number 2 granddaughter came to mow my lawn while the nurse was there getting ready to hook me up and with all the paper work that needed to be filled out and signed (no less than 8 signatures) didn't leave till 5:45 and I laid down on the couch and didn't even close my eyes and Bill called and visited with me till Jan came at 6:10 to pick me up for the evening festivities. I made her wait for me to put on some lipstick and comb my hair. Getting into her convertible with the top down, woke me up and perked me up immediately....just as good as the nap would have done, if not better. Jan, Barb and I have celebrated our birthdays together every year for about 35 years...not necessarily on my birthday but the week of mine, as Barbs is the first of May and Jan's the 5th, and Cheri's is August 2, so a couple of times we actually celebrated in August. Anyway, it was just what the doctor ordered this year. I always love being with the three of them, and conversation and laughter filled the evening. We met at Bunker's Grill at Bunker Hills Golf Course, and got to sit outside at a table over looking one of the greens and the view was great and the weather was perfect not even bugs to ruin the outside dining. During dinner I got a call from Annie who had conferences all day, to wish me happy birthday, and update me on Allie, as Doug had taken her to the Sports Ortho doctor who gave her permission to jog this week, and next week to put 75% weight on the leg and the following 100%, so they were really excited about that great news. As we were in the process of waiting for our chariots to be brought to the door (sending Cheri and Jan to get the cars) my son Tom and his family called from Chicago and sang happy birthday to me, and my day was complete all 4 of the kids had called and I had actually talked to each of them personally....the best present I could get! I rode home with the top down and a big smile on my face! I thought I would drop into bed as soon as I got home, but ended up reading those 55 Facebook messages, responding to a couple personally but had to do a general post to all the well wishers....and didn't go to bed till 10:30. I fell right to sleep, and managed to get 2 1/2 hours of sleep before waking and then after taking a Vicodin slept another 3 1/2 hours without waking...the next couple of hours sleep didn't come so quick and did a lot of tossing and turning and finally rolled out of bed at 7:30 this morning. For the first night after chemo that was amazing. I'm usually awake every hour if even that....tossing and turning and trying to rest. This morning I woke up feeling so much better than normal in the morning, and realized that all the love you bestowed on me yesterday had removed about 90% of my pain and I thank you all so much for that. Today I hope to go to Shakopee and spend the day with Judy and June, but right now lightening and thunder is dumping a bunch of rain on my yard, and I'm not sure how long this will last but hopefully it will blow over fast and I can drive to Shakopee on dry roads. But the sky isn't looking very promising that that will happen....oh well, a little rain won't hurt me. So that's my epistle for the day. Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's My Birthday

Day 1 or the 5th series I think!! I have to leave and go get hooked up to the chemo poles. Change of plans as to who is driving....Mike Burrington is driving as LaVonne has a fever. So it should be an interesting day....he does play cribbage so maybe I can beat him. Already had a dozen or so birthday wishes on facebook and email and got several cards in the mail. Made it home yesterday before the storms broke out at the cabin....and hoping we don't have any damage there. It looked so nice when I left. Okay my ride is here have to go. Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sun??? What's that?

I thought I saw a glimpse of something yellow this morning....oh wait....that's my newly painted cabin walls. They completed 3/4th's of the job yesterday and still left by 3 p.m. They will be back this morning around 9 a.m. and finish the kitchen and dining area. When they left they had totally cleaned up the place, and reassembled the switch plates and hand rails and furniture was back in place. I am so pleased with the great job they did, I've decided I will never paint another room by myself....well not that I could, but they did a better job and cleaned up after's worth it to hire someone to do it. Except for the pictures on the walls (which they suggest I wait a week or so to hang) you couldn't tell that they were even here. I slept a little better last night...nothing to brag about, but better than the last two nights anyway. Got up at 7:30 and figured I better write the blog right away, as when the painters come, they will unplug the WiFi, and I won't be able to use the computer....well not online...I'll still be able to play spider, which I did a lot of yesterday. I think I'll go to the basement, take a shower and then play spider and watch HGTV...that's about all I watch up here....don't get local channels....but I can watch the Twins!....but they have been a little disappointing so far....cept for Morneau. And now what's up with him? Talked to Judy last night, and they are going to let her go home tomorrow. She said she is doing really well, and can't wait to be home. Her sister June and husband Len, will come and get her and then Len will drop the women off at Judy's and then go on to the VA. He will leave the women for the rest of the week to fend for themselves. If I am feeling well enough I will go out on Thursday and join them. Judy and I will have to teach June how to play some of the games we play with only three "cut throat". I know you can play three handed cribbage, but not exactly sure I like it. We'll see. Tomorrow I start the chemo again. LaVonne Burrington will go with me. It's so nice to have great neighbors, they all seem to help me out in one way or another. Wally called yesterday afternoon and said he had my mail and a package for me. The mailman couldn't find me, so he took it for me. If the painters work as fast as they did yesterday, they should be out of here by noon and I hope to follow them out of here shortly thereafter. Okay, that's all I know. Love and prayers