Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Rain Must Fall!

I guess it's been a lot....not a little! Don't know how much we got here in Coon Rapids, as it hasn't stopped yet, I'm sure we will have more than an inch. Flood warnings were out for a large portion of the State. But I am high and dry, as my friend Mary told me to stay! Today I'm writing a little late again, but it's not because of the rain or lack of sun, I've actually been busy this morning, and have accomplished quite a bit. When I went to bed last night, I put that intention into my thoughts and prayers, and I think it's working. The mind is very powerful! Yesterday, I went shopping and got my sister's birthday present and as I had a $15 birthday coupon from JC Penney, I had to buy something for myself as well. Or at least that was the excuse I used. I think I ended up with more for myself than Kathleen....well close anyway....sorry Kathleen. From there I picked up a prescription at HealthPartners, and deposited a check at the bank. By then it was 2:45, so I headed straight to Sheila Judd's home in Maple Grove, for my Qigong session. We ended up talking for about an hour before she started and more after the session and I didn't leave for home till 5 p.m. I really enjoy being with Sheila, and feel great healing energy the whole time I am there. Yesterday's Qigong session was even more powerful than usual. My whole body seemed to be reacting to the meditation I was doing while Sheila was doing the Qigong. I left feeling so good, and continued to feel that way for the rest of the evening and this morning. She gave me homework to do this week, and next week we are going to do something new over the phone. It is called Quick Pulse. The Quick Pulse Technique is a powerful new energy technique to help change the things you would like different in your life. To prepare for the session I need to make a list of things that get in my way, limit me or I just don't like experiencing. Up to six, but doesn't have to be that many. We will do this over the phone, so that will be interesting too. I have experienced Qigong over the phone a few years ago, and that was a very powerful session with Chunyi Lin. I got to talk to Janet from another planet twice yesterday, and also my sister twice....Kathleen and Gary were going out when I called her, so we only talked for about 5 minutes, and then she called me back later when they got home. Janet was looking for some information, so after I found that I had to call her back and report....but we ended up talking for at least 30 minutes or more....probably more, and doing a lot of laughing. I can always use the laughter. Today as it is raining, I won't be going to the cabin as I thought I might earlier in the week, and tomorrow I need to get packed and ready for the weekend in Chicago for Emily's graduation. I have plenty to do here at home, and will be busy all day. Looks like the rain has stopped for a minute...but I'm guessing not for long. Stay "High and Dry", Love and Prayers, m

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