Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Time For Me to Fly!

I'm leaving in rain, but I hear it's going to be hot! Boston looks like 60's and low 70's all weekend. So I won't complain at all. Yesterday was a beautiful day too! I went and got unplugged at noon, and then off to Pathways for a Overview of Spring Forest Qigong. It was fun, as the instructor told her story, and how she came to ARCC to help her with Leukemia, and Chunyi was teaching....back in 1995...about the time I was beginning my struggle with cancer, and also was the secretary for Continuing Education and Customized Training. Chunyi came to MN as an exchange instructor for our Chinese exchange program. We sent 7 students there, and they sent Chunyi Lin to us. He ended up getting his Green Card, and now his wife, son and daughter and I believe his parents all live here in MN. Anyway it was interesting because the instructor knew Chunyi, Jim Nance, and Sheila Judd, all people I know well. After that I came home to get ready for today. I did pack and add a few items, including my Tennis shoes and socks, which I originally wasn't going to take. But figured they would be the best to tour Boston in, as it can be a lot of walking. I will be picking Sandi up first this morning, and we will meet Rosie and Bruce at the airport and all fly out on the same flight. This evening we are having dinner with friends of Rosie and Bruce. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my neice Jessie (Kathleen's daughter) at Nathaniel Hall and Quincy Market. Don't know what I'll do for the afternoon, but we plan on doing a bunch of tourist stuff. Then tomorrow night there is a dinner planned for all of us out of towners and the wedding party. Then Saturday more touring during the day, and the wedding is at 6 p.m. in Cambridge. Looking forward to it all, so I better get in the shower and get this show on the road. Love and Prayers, m

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