Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 2, Round 5 or 6?

I'm not sure, I have to go back and count....but I'm thinking 5. Not that it matters to anyone. I like to keep track of things like I've now had 40 CT scans in the last 17 years. I checked on Facebook this morning and it says I got 55 birthday wishes posted on my birthday, and along with the phone calls, emails and cards and those who posted on fb wished before my birthday, I think I got 80+ wishes, and I thank you all!! Now on to my day. It started with Lavonne calling and telling me she was running a fever from what she thinks was a sinus infection, and sending her husband in place of her to spend the day with me at HHH for my chemo infusion. I said that would be fine, but didn't really know what to expect, as even though we have been neighbors for over 40 years, I rarely ever was in conversation with him, as the women always sat together at the neighborhood get-togethers and the men on the other side of the room. The day turned out to be very interesting and fun with Mike, he did beat me the first three games of cribbage, but I did skunk him in the fourth game and was on my way to beating him to tie the record, but got interrupted when they came in to hook me up to the pump to send me home at about 1:30 p.m. which seemed like a little early as I had expected the new drug they were adding would take another hour....but going home sounded good to me. The pump they hooked up set off an alarm almost immediately that there was "High Pressure" in the line. The nurse and then another nurse and then the pharmacy and then the main office of Walgreen's pharmacy in St.Paul got included in the problem fix. Now atleast 45 minutes later they had come to the conclusion that a new pump needed to be sent out to HHH for me, and that it would be atleast two hours before that could happen. In the mean time I asked the question I should have asked a lot earlier about the new drug "Zomeda" and whether I had gotten it? So they started going through my orders for the day and found that it had been sort of ordered, but in the wrong they had to track down Dr. Londer and have it put in the correct spot and then sent to the pharmacy. Yes, and then to wait for the order to be filled and then pumped into me, which they sped up and the infusion itself only took another 15 minutes. In the meantime, they had decided that the new pump would have to be delivered to my home and a home health nurse would come to my house to hook me up....but first they had, had to get medicare to override this addition to my charges, and then Walgreen's actually decided that they would cover the charges themselves as it was their pump. When they came in to ask if it would be okay for them to come out to the house and asked if I would be home all evening, and I replied that it had to be before 6 p.m. because I had birthday plans for the evening...they all jumped into action...apologizing for ruining my day etc. and from that point on every person I came into contact with at HHH was wishing me a happy birthday. They also promised the nurse would be here by 5 p.m. I arrived home at 4 p.m. and thought I was going to get a nap in before dinner and should have been able to get in a few winks, but that never happened. I got a phone call from Emily my granddaughter in Chicago, and then the nurse called and said she would be here at about 4:45 and she was...then Nicole number 2 granddaughter came to mow my lawn while the nurse was there getting ready to hook me up and with all the paper work that needed to be filled out and signed (no less than 8 signatures) didn't leave till 5:45 and I laid down on the couch and didn't even close my eyes and Bill called and visited with me till Jan came at 6:10 to pick me up for the evening festivities. I made her wait for me to put on some lipstick and comb my hair. Getting into her convertible with the top down, woke me up and perked me up immediately....just as good as the nap would have done, if not better. Jan, Barb and I have celebrated our birthdays together every year for about 35 years...not necessarily on my birthday but the week of mine, as Barbs is the first of May and Jan's the 5th, and Cheri's is August 2, so a couple of times we actually celebrated in August. Anyway, it was just what the doctor ordered this year. I always love being with the three of them, and conversation and laughter filled the evening. We met at Bunker's Grill at Bunker Hills Golf Course, and got to sit outside at a table over looking one of the greens and the view was great and the weather was perfect not even bugs to ruin the outside dining. During dinner I got a call from Annie who had conferences all day, to wish me happy birthday, and update me on Allie, as Doug had taken her to the Sports Ortho doctor who gave her permission to jog this week, and next week to put 75% weight on the leg and the following 100%, so they were really excited about that great news. As we were in the process of waiting for our chariots to be brought to the door (sending Cheri and Jan to get the cars) my son Tom and his family called from Chicago and sang happy birthday to me, and my day was complete all 4 of the kids had called and I had actually talked to each of them personally....the best present I could get! I rode home with the top down and a big smile on my face! I thought I would drop into bed as soon as I got home, but ended up reading those 55 Facebook messages, responding to a couple personally but had to do a general post to all the well wishers....and didn't go to bed till 10:30. I fell right to sleep, and managed to get 2 1/2 hours of sleep before waking and then after taking a Vicodin slept another 3 1/2 hours without waking...the next couple of hours sleep didn't come so quick and did a lot of tossing and turning and finally rolled out of bed at 7:30 this morning. For the first night after chemo that was amazing. I'm usually awake every hour if even that....tossing and turning and trying to rest. This morning I woke up feeling so much better than normal in the morning, and realized that all the love you bestowed on me yesterday had removed about 90% of my pain and I thank you all so much for that. Today I hope to go to Shakopee and spend the day with Judy and June, but right now lightening and thunder is dumping a bunch of rain on my yard, and I'm not sure how long this will last but hopefully it will blow over fast and I can drive to Shakopee on dry roads. But the sky isn't looking very promising that that will happen....oh well, a little rain won't hurt me. So that's my epistle for the day. Love and Prayers, m

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