Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 2 of series 6

Funny I just saw a commercial for one of those Hormone Replacement centers and the women ended by saying you could take your age and turn the numbers around, She said I'm 42 and feel like 24....lol, I'm 68 and feel like 86 and didn't have to do any Hormone Replacement!! I had my usual first night after chemo and got little or no sleep, woke up almost every hour in a cold sweat, throwing off the covers, and then grabbing for them in another 10 minutes. Lot's of jerking, and feeling like I was falling in my shallow dreams. But woke up at 7 with some found energy, and threw all the laundry down the shoot, unloaded the dishwasher and started to refill it. I need to do laundry today, start packing for trip to Boston on Thursday, and do a little shopping as well. Also will be going to Sharon Stoller's funeral at Zion Lutheran in Anoka at 11 a.m. this morning, so will need to fit a shower in before hand too! Yesterday, Rita Culshaw picked me up and took me for my chemo, and we had a very delightful day. I did have to reteach her how to play cribbage as she played as a child, but not since, and we're the same age (well I'm a couple of months older she reminded me) but it had been a long time, so I gave her a refresher. I won the first game, but it was so close and she got to count first but still ended up a few pegs short and it took both my hand and my crib to win. Then she won the second at a pretty close one too! We started a tie breaker, but didn't get a chance to finish it. So I guess we just called it a tie for the day. We hadn't visited for a long time, as she and Tom spent the winter in Florida....so it was nice catching up. I was able to get a nap in before getting picked up to go to the wake by Pat and Bruce Ripley. Bonnie came as far as my house and rode with us too! We got a lot of visiting time in with Lois and family, and stayed about an hour, and then headed back home. The neighbors were sitting outside, so after picking up my mail I walked across to get an update on Cheri Salisbury who fell the night before at the Habatchi Grill and broke her leg in 4 places. Cheri also has a lot of problems with her heart and diabetes, and when getting her to the hospital her blood sugar was at 40 and they gave her juice and brought it back to 90 and within minutes it dropped back to 40, this happened about 3 times, before they just started giving her sugar water IV. They were not able to get her into surgery yesterday as the operating rooms were fully booked, so they hope to do that today. She has osteoarthritis on top of everything else, so that is part of the reason she broke it so badly. She had a knee replacement a few years ago, and the leg broke just above the knee, and the femur below the knee and then the ankle is broken in two places...and they will have to put in a pin to put it back together. They figure she will be in the hospital a few days after the surgery and then moved to rehab for 6-8 weeks. They are hoping to find her room at Parkview Nursing Home close to home. Please keep her and Don as well of Wendy and Jim in your prayers. I also got a call yesterday while at chemo, from my country cousin Christine Spence to tell me that Mary Scheiber (Maple Lake) had a heart attack on Friday, and is in St. Cloud Hospital, and they were having trouble keeping her heart rate steady....so were going to put a pacemaker in yesterday. Christine and Jim were going to see her last night, but haven't gotten an update yet. So more prayers requested for her. Mary had part of a lung removed in January for a tumor in her lung. But had completed chemo this Spring and was doing great! Thanks to all the prayers we sent then. That's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

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