Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sunny and Warm! Yippee!!

It's so nice to see the sun shine, and it's supposed to be gorgeous both today and tomorrow....and Sunday Mother's day is supposed to be prefect as well! We have big plans at the cabin for the weekend, and I'm so looking forward to nice weather and being with the family. Don't have any update on the funeral for Lois Bjerke's daughter, kinda hoping it will be on Friday or Sat. morning, and not waiting till Monday, as I have chemo that they care what my schedule is. But I really want to go. Yesterday was a busy day, but really fun. Lunch with the retiree's from the college was nice....seeing some of the Dean's that I hadn't seen for years, and also Neil Christianson was was the president of the college when I started there....and you know me with connecting everyone to my family etc....well Neil's aunt was married to a Schoencker and he was the principle at Maple Lake HS, so I consider Neil a shirt-tail relative of sorts, and he goes along with it too! Also ran into John Hennan a counselor at the college who has relatives in Austria within a few miles from where my grandpa was born, and I consider him a cousin too! I did have a real first cousin work at the college, but at the Cambridge campus (Roger Schoenecker) so ARCC is really FAMILY to me!! Anyway after lunch and some entertainment and overview of the college alignment with Anoka Tech, they took us on a Hard-Hat tour of the construction that is going on, with a new Music building and expansion of the Gym and fitness center. That was fun, but Marilyn Quarberg was secretly taking pictures of the tour, and posted them on FaceBook to my horror. I look like a crabby old lady....and I'm totally not....well maybe old and a lady, but I hope I'm not crabby. My back was killing me every time we stood still, and of course that is what we were doing when she took the pictures, so I guess the pictures are a reflection of weather, the backache and concentrating on the information being told to us. After the tour we got to go back and have dessert and coffee and more visiting, and then didn't get home till about 3 a fairly long lunch! When I got home I had to make a salad for the pot luck the Women's Club was having at 6:30, and I had a bag of chicken I had pulled off a rotisserie chicken from Costco, but when opening it....I knew I couldn't use it...I had to cook up a couple of breasts from the I did that while cutting up all the grapes, apples, onion, and celery. Then I had to cool the chicken so I could cut it up and add it to the salad, but it all finally went well, and actually tasted really good. I only stayed at the Pot Luck till about 7:45 and then ducked out before the meeting part, as I had forgotten to bring my pain pills with me, and they were really due at 7:30, so I was late already. Dinner was enjoyable and sat with some women that I don't normally sit with, so had some great conversation about books we had read and movies we had seen, and recipes for the food we were eating. Such a variety of salads and hot dishes!! Today I have my infusion of Exturba and nothing else! Can you believe that? But enjoying the sunshine is a high priority!! Love and prayers, m

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