Saturday, May 5, 2012

Are We Done with the Storms Yet?

It's supposed to be dry most of the day, but more rain tonight....but along with the dry day are clouds, and no sun. I thought that I was going to go to the cabin for the day and tonight, but have decided against it. I'd rather be there when the sun is shining. Don't know when I'll be able to be up there, but hope soon. For sure I'll be there next weekend for the big Mother's Day, Birthday, and Arbor day celebration. Will have lots of cleaning and planting and stuff like that. Today, I have a little shopping to do. Not much else planned. Yesterday I went to lunch with Rosie, Bonnie, Sandi and a surprise guest Norma Paulson. We went to a Brazilian Restaurant in Maple Grove, and it was a fun experience, however with all the fluids I've had pumped into me in the last 3 three days and the salty food, made my feet swell up like balloons. Bonnie had picked me up for lunch and we spent so much time visiting that she then drove me to HHH to get unplugged at 3 p.m. (so I guess we did a lot of visiting). Any way my feet really were puffy then, and I came home and took off my shoes and propped them up, but that didn't seem to help much, however last night as I slept, it all seemed to leak out. (Luckily I wear super long and absorbent Depends) and filled three of them during the night. My feet are skinny again this morning and I feel so much better. Sorry to be so graphic about my details, but I don't know how else to explain it. So that's it for today. More tomorrow. Oh, say a few prayers, for Judy as this is the anniversary of Frank's death and this has been a rough week for her. She also had some other health news that has to be checked into. Still haven't had an update on Karen's dad, so keep those prayers coming for him too. Love and Prayers, m

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