Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

Come again another day? Maybe not! What a rainy wet stormy week this has been. With any luck we in the Northern suburbs should be done with it for the day, but those of you in the southern suburbs may get another round in about 4 hours....well that's what the weather mind says. I hope to make it to church this morning at 8:30 and then off to Becker to Gene's great nephew's birthday party. Zachariah is the son of Gene's niece Bobbi Jo who is the daughter of Hon and Dick. I don't get to see much of Gene's family during the year, so this is my chance to visit and get caught up with the whole Kiecker Family, what is left of them. Hon (Agnus) is the only living member of Gene's immediate family and his double cousins are also gone. Yesterday I barely accomplished anything. This weather really does a number on me...and I think my aches and pains are also so much worse with this stormy weather. I did manage to get two loads of wash done and put away. Then Mary Brue read my blog and noticed I was planning nothing for the day, so she emailed and invited me to come to their church spaghetti dinner to raise money for the youth mission trip. So I did!! Other than that, I spent most of the time on the couch. Even sitting and taking my drugs regularly all day didn't seem to help my back much at all. So if I plan on getting anything done today at all, I better get into the shower and get dressed. I did get a good update from Karen...her dad was released from the hospital yesterday, and they think? really aren't sure!! that it was a virus of some sort. Karen thinks it was the prayer's that helped her dad, and thanks you for them. Also got the news that Reudi's godmother Alice, died on Thursday in Switzerland. She lived in the other side of their house, and we enjoyed spending time with her along with his mom when we visited Karen and Reudi a few years back. The funeral will be on Thursday, so please pray for their family. Love and prayers, m

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