Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can You Tell the Sun's Not Shining?

I am moving slow this morning, not that I feel bad, but I feel groggy! Got up at 7 a.m. as usual, and had my breakfast and checked my email and stuff like that, and then laid back on the couch to watch TV, got up and downloaded a new audible book onto my ipod, went back to the couch....and just now realized I hadn't blogged yet. Sorry if you've been waiting to read this! Yesterday was a strange day too. I somehow forgot that my infusion of Erbitux was yesterday and not today, and got a phone call at 1:45 p.m. asking me if I was delayed, and realized I was supposed to be there at instead of shopping I ran off to HHH in Robinsdale and got there by 2:15 for my infusion. They were all nice about the error, and got me in and out by 4:30. But 4:30 was when the party was supposed to start way back in Coon Rapids at Riverdale's Green Mill. So I started driving and knew the turtleneck at Foley and 610 was going to be slow, I turned off on East River Road and then Egret to Robinson drive, and then onto Northdale and pulled into Target to pick up two of the three cards I needed and made it to the Green Mill by 5:15 p.m. Pretty good huh?!! The next three plus hours people came and went, and some I hadn't seen in years, and others, Rosie, Sandi and Ann I had just spent the weekend with. We had a great time talking about the weekend and looking at pictures Sandi and Ann had brought along. Sandi had already made note cards using her pictures of the centerpieces from the wedding, and gave some to each Rosie, Ann and me. Ann had written beautiful thank you notes to all of us, and included a picture from the weekend that I was in, and Sandi gave me a picture of Jessie and I in front of Fennial Hall. At 8:30 p.m. I decided I better head for home, but my gas tank was edging toward empty, so I drove across the street to Costco. As I was getting out of the car, it was beeping as I hadn't taken the keys out of the ignition, so I pulled them out and threw them on the seat next to my purse, and shut the door and proceeded to fill the tank. However in my attempt to get back into the car, I realized that I had hit the lock button on my key, and locked myself out of the car along with my keys, my cell phone and my purse. Now what? I went over and told the man that walks around and watched the pumps, and he asked if I wanted to call someone, I said I would....but my phone was in the car....he offered me the one in that little building he sits in, and then....who do I call? I have all the numbers in my cell phone, and don't know any by heart....of wait a minute....I think I remember Bill and Kim' who do I call? Bill!! Hoping he's home. Luckily he was there watching the Twins (and they were winning) so he was able to drive to my house, get my spare set, and come to Costco for me. Unlucky for him that his was the only number I remembered. I did get home by not bad. I forgot to tell you that on Monday I got a letter from SS telling me I would now receive more money if I used my own rather than my survivor benefits of Gene's. So I went online and submitted my application. I still don't know how much more I will get, but it was a nice surprise. I always knew that this day would come at some point, but I never knew when. I will have to do the shopping today that I didn't do yesterday, but other than that, my appointment with Sheila Judd for Qigong is all I have to do. Hope to avoid the rain when I'm out. Must start moving....Love and Prayers, m

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