Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 1, Round 3, Series 6

I didn't sleep well last night, and last evening wasn't good either. I can't figure out why, but ended up taking one of those breakout pain pills around 6:30 p.m.. I started the day by running some errands and picking up a prescription of an antibiotic to take 1 hour before I had my teeth cleaned at noon. I went to Lowes and picked up 2 big shiney dark red pots to set on top of my septic tank covers at the lake. (Using my gift card I got from Tom and Karen for Mother's Day) I'm going to fill them with red and white flowers, or at least that is my plan. Then headed to the dentist office. Cindy has cleaned my teeth for more than 17 years, and Annie and Bills families all go to her to get their teeth cleaned as well. So I showed her some of the pictures from the weekend graduation. It's fun to be able to talk as though we see each other all the time, even thought it's only about 3 times a year. Then at 3:30 I got my phone call from Sheila to do the Quick Pulse session I told you about last week. I know it worked immediately for one of the 4 things on my list, and I will watch and see how the other three do....and report to her next week when I go to her house for qigong again. I didn't do much after that, cept water my house plants and go through some mail and enter some medical expenses on the medical spreadsheet I keep through out the year so I have it for taxes next spring. I get picked up this morning at around 8:15 by Annie, and taken to HHH in Robinsdale, then Judy will meet me there. Haven't played cribbage with her for about a month....when we were 2 cards short. I can't wait. So I need to shower and get dressed soon. Keep those prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m My brother called at 5:20 P.M. but I was sleeping and got his voice mail a few minutes ago, and realized I hadn't pushed publish at 7 a.m. when I wrote this. sorry about that, I must have been still sleeping when I wrote this. lol Doing well after the chemo. m

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