Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cloudy, Gloomy and Sad

Yesterday afternoon during dinner I got a call that Sharon Stoller had died. Such a shock to everyone... especially those of us who just saw her in Myrtle Beach in February. It just doesn't seem possible. Her family is also in shock as she had tolerated the chemo well and the cancer was shrinking everywhere cept her brain, which was multiplying....so they did radiation...which was, I guess, more than she could handle. This all happened in Connecticut where they had planned on moving back from this week. Her body is being flown home and she will be buried later this week from Zion Luteran in Anoka where she grew up. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. I slept pretty well last night, only got up once at 4 a.m. and then after taking a pill and going to the bathroom went right back to sleep till 7 a.m. I'm still stiff this morning, but not quite as bad as yesterday....so that's good. I went to lunch yesterday with the retiree's and wannabee's, but most of the conversation dealt around the news that Sharon had taken a turn for the worse, so not very up lifting. From there I went shopping for a few groceries, and ran into Mary Ward and another lady talking in the aisle, and had to join them for a few minutes. From there I picked up a couple of prescriptions at HealthPartners. By then it was almost time for Val Knight to pick me up for dinner. We went to a restaurant in South Minneapolis that we had gone to before and really liked, but were not as happy with the meal last night. It wasn't the same at all, although, I didn't have what I had before, Val did, an was so disappointing. I guess we won't go back there again. Today I again will be with the ARCC retiree's, but this time it is the college's luncheon for all of us that have retired from there. So it should be a large group, and lot's that I have not seen in a long time. Then this evening, the Women's club will have their year end meeting which is a pot luck. So more food!! Tomorrow will be quiet in comparison to today, I only have to go have my Erbitux infused. So no other plans for the day. Well that's it for today, Love and Prayers, m

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