Friday, May 4, 2012

You Are My Sunshine

The sun is shining and it's a great day to be alive! Yesterday was a great day as well, I had gotten a note in my mailbox on my birthday that I needed to pick up a package at the post office yesterday. So I stopped on my way out to Judy's to pick it up. I asked the postman where it was from, and he said Switzerland!! I was so excited I wanted to open it immediately, but decided it would be fun to open with Judy and June in Shakopee. I drove as fast as I could and the first thing I did when I got there was to open the package. It is a large tin sign about 1 foot by 3 feet long, with the first verse of "You Are My Sunshine" on it. The perfect gift!! I can't wait to hang it at the cabin. And now that the cabin is freshly painted, all the pictures and signs need to be rehung so we will be able to find the perfect spot to hang it. The afternoon with Judy and June was also enjoyable. June was busy cooking up a storm, and packaging things for a couple of months of meals for Judy....kinda like we did last Fall. We visited and ate a couple of meals that June had prepared for us as well. I had forgotten my afternoon pills at home, so shortly after dinner I left for home, and arrived home at about 7 p.m. I spent the rest of the evening thinking I needed a nap, but didn't actually fall asleep even though I did lay on the couch and watch TV. By 10:30 I was really ready for bed, and slept sound only till midnight, went to the bathroom and back to bed and slept again till 3:15, got up and took a Vicodin, and slept till 7 a.m. when the alarm went those last hours of sleep were great. Someday I hope to sleep 6 hours with out waking up. Today I'm going to celebrate my birthday again with Rosie, Sandi and Bonnie. Was supposed to have Carole Fuller join up, but she isn't up to it today, after just getting out of the hospital yesterday. We will miss her, but still intend to have a great time. After that Bonnie and I will do maybe some shopping and then she will take me to get unplugged at HHH in Robinsdale. No other plans for the day, but I think that is enough. Haven't any updates from Karen on her dad, but keep those prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m

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