Monday, May 7, 2012

I See the Sun

Wow, how nice it is to see some sun in the morning for a change. Reading my email, I got an urgent plea for prayers for Sharon Stoller (Lois Bjerke's daughter) She has taken a turn for the worse, and really needs a lot of prayers. I'm hoping this Son Shining is a sign of good things for her. I had a good day yesterday, did make it to church, although did some sitting, but also did some standing...seems morning is the worse time of the day for that. I guess I really stiffen up in the night, and it takes a lot of time to loosen those muscles up. I then went to Becker to Bobbi Jo's son's birthday party. Only part of Gene's family was there....Hon his sister and her husband Dick, and Rhonda his youngest sister. His niece Lynn and her dad, my brother in law Wayne, were in Slayton for the weekend. However, I just found out that Wayne was in the hospital for a few weeks after Easter, due to kidney failure from Diabetes and has been treated with Dialysis. I'm guessing there will be a lot more of that in his please say a few prayers for him too! It was an enjoyable afternoon, and the food was great....and I'm sure a good time was had by all, especially Zachariah, as he got some of his favorite toys as presents, and the best was a huge shinny World Champion Wrestlers belt. He put it on and smiled so big, and then took it off and slung it over his shoulder as the wrestlers do and then held it over his head, as his grandpa took pictures. A Four-year-old is so easy to please. I got home and changed into some comfortable clothes and laid down on the couch to watch the Twins game, and all of a sudden I heard someone at the door and got up and unlocked it only to see Allie, Tommy and Nicole. Tommy was selling candy bars for scouts, so they came to sell me a couple and spent a little time visiting. It was so fun visiting with them, and such a nice surprise. Today, I have a few dates, lunch with the retiree's and wannabees and then dinner with Val Knight. Have a few errands inbetween, groceries and prescriptions to pick up....but that's all. I got an update on Uncle John and Flo last Saturday that I forgot to mention here. John is doing well, and has started canning chairs and is looking for more to do to keep him busy. Flo has had some more skin cancer removed and is now doing well. So prayers for both of them are always welcome. I'm off to enjoy some sun!! Love and Prayers, m

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